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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Year 4




Homework 7th September 2018

Learning Log


Your homework this week is linked to our new Come and See topic 'People' where we will be learning all about Jesus' family tree. We would like you to create your own family tree for us to have a look at in class. You can make a classic family tree or if you're feeling creative and would like to add photos or pictures of your relatives that would be great. Homework is due as usual on Wednesday 12th September. We look forward to seeing your lovely family trees. 


Tuesday 11th September - Spectacular Stuarts Day

 - On this day we will be celebrating our new context "Fame Fire and Fortune" based on the historical Stuart period in Wales.  Children are invited to dress in historical costume or complete a character profile on Colonel Edward Pritchard, the Master at Llancaiach Fawr Manor House, Nelson, South Wales during the Stuart period.


Thursday 13th September - Dahlicious Day 2018

Come to school dressed as your favourite Roald Dahl character.


PARENTS - Please bear in mind that all Year 4 children will also be walking to Pentwyn Leisure Centre, and changing swiftly for their swimming lessons every afternoon for the next 2 weeks (Mon 10th- Fri 24th Sept).  I am sure many children will have fantastic costumes, but when swimming on those days clothing will still need to fit inside a locker (£1) and be comfortable to walk in.


Y4D - 1.30pm-2.15pm

Y4A - 2.15pm - 3.00pm


If parents wish to attend, the Leisure centre has a cafeteria/viewing area where parents may meet the class for their lesson.  Children must return to school with their class to be collected at 3.30pm.


Welcome to Year 4GH & 4D Class Page 

click to access:     **mathletics homework**    **ActiveLearn** (maths & reading)

Homework 6/7/18 

Come & See RE (for Monday)- find a photograph or magazine cutting of someone you look up to or admire for Tuesdays lesson.


What a Load of Rubbish - shopping (due Wednesday as normal)

Ask your family if you can accompany them on your weekly food shop. Have a look at the different things that they buy and see what kind of packaging is used to protect them.


When you get back home, try to have a quick look through the shopping before things are put away and see if you can identify which items use the most packaging and which use the least.


Decide on a way to present your findings, either a display board, powerpoint (via Hwb/Office365) or in your learning logs. 


THINK - What have you learnt about the packaging around your products? Can you think of any ways that people could help to reduce the amount of packaging that they end up with after shopping? Can any of the bits of packaging that you have looked at be recycled?





Homework 29/6/18


Create a poster outlining the rules for recycling in Cardiff. 


Homework 22/6/18



Mathletics -  multiplication and division tasks (facts and written)



Learning Logs  - What a load of rubbish (new topic)

Map the items in your house that use electricity.  Sort the items into order, starting with the ones that might use the most electricity.


Challenge - think about the amount of time some items might be turned on for?  Does this affect their position in your list?



Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule: letter strings 

ear and ough:













Rule: short words inside

long words:













Individual lists from high frequency words.

Homework 15/6/18


Enterprise Project 2018 - In learning log books


Research the following enterprise key words, writing a simple meaning behind each term.  Use the table to note the source for you information (e.g title of book, web address).


Challenge - use more than one source for your information (books, internet, people, articles/magazines)


Enterprise vocabulary Definition Source
break even    


Successful People in Business

Write a profile/description of a well known businessman/businesswoman/entrepreneur. 


Success criteria:

 - What makes them successful?

 - Who does their business appeal to?

 - Have they always been successful?



Homework 8/6/18


1 - Beauty & the Beast-  keep learning and rehearsing songs for our Summer play by clicking the link above.


2 - Online Hwb project - Llanedeyrn vs Wick tourist leaflet

 - login to Hwb using  (and password)


- open Office 365 > Microsoft teams

 - Homework tasks > files > Wick vs Llanedeyrn 8.6.18


Please open and add to the following document according to your group in class:

- remember to save your work with a clear file name!


Group A - Wonderwoman

Group B - Superman

Group C - Hulk & Ironman

Group D - Batman & Flash

Group E - Catwoman

Group F - Spiderman

Group G - Deadpool & Captain America


Or try copying the URL below and logging in to find document



Homework 16/5/18

ActiveLearn/BugClub - log in and read your books online, and complete some of your assigned maths activities.


Summer play auditions - Beauty & the Beast

Please act out and learn a part (either Belle OR Beast) from the following extract, in preparation for auditions on Tuesday next week.


BELLE: Who's there? Who are you?

BEAST: The master of this castle.

BELLE: I've come for my father. Please let him out! Can't you see he's sick?

BEAST: Then he shouldn't have trespassed here.

BELLE: But he could die. Please, I'll do anything!

BEAST: There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner.

BELLE: Oh, there must be some way I can...wait! Take me, instead!


Please also rehearse the following song to support the singing audition process on Tuesday.

Homework 11/5/18


Topic - Wicked Windy Wick (comparing Wick with Llanedeyrn)

Learning Logs - Local Area research project (part A)


Success criteria:

 - Where is Llanedeyrn?

  - What are the natural/physical features of Llanedeyrn? (e.g. woodlands, fields)

 - What are the human features of Llanedeyrn? (e.g types of housing, shops, church etc)

 - Where can people go for leisure time?

 - How has Llanedeyrn changed in the last 5 years?

 - What are the names of the suburbs neighbouring Llanedeyrn?

 - Do you think people like living in Llanedeyrn? Why?


Mathletics - multiply and divide

If complete 'Times tables toons' & Multiverse

Homework 4/5/18


Giglets online reading and comprehension (see updated login info below)


Mathletics - multiply and divide tasks


Learning Logs - Come & See RE

Write a letter to Pope Francis to explain 'The Power of the Holy Spirit' and how it helps you each day.


Success Criteria

 - explain what the Holy Spirit gives us as Catholics (e.g power, strength, courage etc)

 - give examples from your own experiences.

 - explain how people around the world might be helped by the power of the Spirit.

 - identify how you can use the Holy Spirit to help others.

Homework 27/4/18


Giglets website - online reading test questions How the Tortoise got his Crooked Shell.

 - Logins issued are out of date, please use the following to log in:

school code - stphilipcps

username - (first 4 letters of first and surname, both starting with capitals and no space)

e.g Daniel Smith = DaniSmit

password - spe123


Apologies for any inconvenience. 


Maths Procedural - Test paper practice (please try to use the 30 minute time limit)

Homework 20/4/18 


Mathletics - complete 45 minute timed procedural assessment (available online from 3.30pm Fri 20/4/18 until Weds 25/4/18)


English - Reading comprehension test practice - time allowed 1 hour.



Homework - Easter Half term 2018


Children must complete practice papers provided in preparation for their National tests.  Papers must be returned to school completed on Monday 16th April as the tests will be marked with the children in school.


If children wish to develop any of these skills further, please access their online resources (bug club, activelearn, Mathletics, Hwb) at their convenience. 


Y4 Homework

Friday 23rd March 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday

Learning logs:  Come & See (RE) Self-discipline

Research a famous sportsperson and write about the self discipline that they have shown to become a professional athlete in their sport.


Present this work in your learning log, or you may wish to submit any electronic work via your Hwb account (Office 365 > Microsoft teams)


Maths: mathletics

- Mr Dyer maths set - multiplication and division

- Mr Griffiths/Mrs Henton maths set - measurement


note: if you have issues with some tasks (red triangle icon) linked to flash player software, please click here.

 - if there are further operating issues, please contact mathletics via email as this is either a software or hardware problem at home. 

Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule: letter strings wa and wo













Rule: contractions













Individual lists from high frequency words.

Please find guidance on using Hwb and Microsoft teams here

Y4 Homework

Friday 14th March 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday

Learning logs:  Task 1

Your homework task this week is to log in to your Hwb account, and access Microsoft teams.  You will find a variety of questions which you need to 'reply' to.

Please use this time to practice uploading an electronic document to the homework channel and develop your digital skills.  This could be as simple as a piece of word processing (E.g microsoft word doc) about your favourite holiday or celebration.


Task 2

Click here and complete the following online survey. 


Maths: mathletics

- Mr Dyer maths set - measurement

- Mr Griffiths/Mrs Henton maths set - patterns and relationships


note: if you have issues with some tasks (red triangle icon) linked to flash player software, please click here.

 - if there are further operating issues, please contact mathletics via email as this is either a software or hardware problem at home. 

Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule:The letter k














Rule: common suffixes -ly

-less -ful.













Individual lists from high frequency words.

Science electricity homework template 9/3/18

Y4 Homework

Friday 9th March 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday

Learning logs: 

Science - electricity

Complete the template table to identify electrical items around your home.




note: if you have issues with some tasks (red triangle icon) linked to flash player software, please click here.

 - if there are further operating issues, please contact mathletics via email as this is either a software or hardware problem at home. 

Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule:The letter V

1. glove

2. shoved

3. given

4. driven

5. shovel

6. grave 

7. dove

8. oven

9. discover

10. hovercraft


Rule: compound words

1. firefighter

2. toenail

3. waterfall

4. teapot

5. headlight

6. cloakroom

7. football

8. backpack

9. rainbow

10. grandfather


Individual lists from high frequency words.

Year 4 Homework

Friday 2nd Feb 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday 7th March

We hope that you have enjoyed the two snow days and that you have had lots of fun! Did you manage to build a snow man? Have a snow ball fight? Go sledging? Make a snow angel? If so you could ask an adult to tweet a picture @Stphilipevanspr

When you are ready to ‘thaw’ out and warm up why don’t you…

1) Go on to Bug Club and read a book!

2) Complete some of your Mathletics tasks!

3) Find out more about how Fairtrade helps banana growers!

4) Practise our year group Eisteddfod song ready for Monday! (Use the link below!)

Learning logs: How does Fairtrade help banana growers?


As we left our learning logs in school because of the snow day- can you produce a poster, presentation or information sheet answering the main question? You can use a computer if you have one.


Find out more by watching these videos and exploring these websites :

Maths: Mathletics


Mr Dyer’s Class: Shape- symmetry, angles and property of triangles.

Mrs Henton;s class: measuring: measuring length, time and time tables.


note: if you have issues with some tasks (red triangle icon) linked to flash player software, please click here.

- if there are further operating issues, please contact mathletics via email as this is either a software or hardware problem at home.

Y4 Homework

Friday 16th Feb 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday

Learning logs: 

Welsh - Eisteddfod Competitions

Children are asked to enter as many competitions as they would like, but ALL children must enter at least 1 competition category.


Welsh Learner of the Year-

The children are encouraged to use what they have been learning in school to showcase their knowledge and understanding of the Welsh language. They may choose to write some phrases or sentences, a letter, conversation or celebrity profile in Welsh. The children must also write a paragraph in English explaining why they think they should be ‘Welsh Learner of the Year’. There is a very useful online dictionary on the website bbclearnwelsh which will be helpful when the children are writing in Welsh.


3D Modelling Competition –

Children are encouraged to make a 3D model of something which represents Wales for them. Children may use whichever means of media they wish and the topic is broad to encourage creativity.

Cookery Competition - Children are encouraged to cook something which is a traditional Welsh recipe or depicts Wales to them.


Young Performer Competition-

As part of our Eisteddfod this year we are also encouraging the children to showcase their talents. Auditions will take place in class on Tuesday 27th February. Two children will then be chosen to represent their class during our Eisteddfod celebration. The children may like to prepare a song or dance, recite a poem or play a musical instrument.


Motivational Speech for Welsh Rugby Team

Children are asked to write or record a motivational speech for our Welsh rugby team using persuasive langauge. They may wish to write their speech, or use an IT programme of their choice – this may be Movie Maker or iMovie.


Wonderful Wales Photography Competition-

Children will be asked to take a photograph of something which depicts Wales for them. Children are encouraged to think creatively and justify why the photograph symbolises Wales for them. The photograph may be of a place in Wales which is special to them or a photograph of a Welsh symbol.


The children are also encouraged to wear traditional welsh costume or a full welsh sporting kit such as rugby or football. The Eisteddfod is being celebrated on Thursday 1st March 2018(KS2)



Maths: General Mathletics revision tasks assigned


note: if you have issues with some tasks (red triangle icon) linked to flash player software, please click here.

 - if there are further operating issues, please contact mathletics via email as this is either a software or hardware problem at home. 

Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule:words ending in

-ight, -tion, -ious

1. might

2. sight


4. mysterious

5. obvious

6. curious

7.  station

8. operation

9. bright

10. tight


12.  night


Rule:silent letters

1.  knife

2.  gnome

3.  knot

4.  thumb

5. lamb

6.  comb

7.  write

8. wrap

9.  wreck

10.  knock


Individual lists from high frequency words.

Y4 Homework

Friday 9th Feb 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday

Learning logs: 

Come & See - Giving and Recieving

Interview a parent or guardian from your family, asking them about what they give/receive and why.


record your questions and the responses as a script in your learning log.


Maths: Mathletics tasks linked to subtraction.


note: if you have issues with some tasks (red triangle icon) linked to flash player software, please click here.

 - if there are further operating issues, please contact mathletics via email as this is either a software or hardware problem at home. 

Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule:changing -f to -v



Rule:adding -s and -es.


1. Plates
2. Matches
3. Boxes
4. Bushes
6. Dresses
7. Bunches
9. Bottles
10. Watches


Individual lists from high frequency words.

Add block

Y4 Homework

Friday 2nd Feb 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday

Learning logs:  e-safety presentation - Safer Internet day 2018 Tuesday 6th Feb

Task 1

Creatively present your ideas about e-safety.  This could be a video/imovie, powerpoint, or poster in your learning log.


 Success Criteria:

  1. What is Safer internet day?
  2. What is e-safety?
  3. How we should behave online.


Task 2

Click the link below and complete the online survey:

Online survey


also feel free to use the following links for more information on e-safety

 - safer internet day 2018

 - esafety


Maths: mathletics tasks linked to Fractions


note: if you have issues with some tasks (red triangle icon) linked to flash player software, please click here.

 - if there are further operating issues, please contact mathletics via email as this is either a software or hardware problem at home. 

Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule: suffixes -ship -hood   -ment and -ness

  1. ownership
  2. fitness
  3. government
  4. neighbourhood
  5. championship
  6. agreement
  7. movement
  8. kindness
  9. bossiness
  10. laziness
  11. pavement
  12. foolishness


Rule: changing -y to -er or   -est

  1. happier
  2. sillier
  3. bossier
  4. tastier
  5. noisier
  6. happiest
  7. silliest
  8. bossiest
  9. tastiest
  10. noisiest


Individual lists from high frequency words.

Y4 Homework

Friday 26th Jan 2018

Homework is due on Wednesday

Learning logs:  Come & See - community

Carry out some research to find out about a local charity in your community. (Llanedeyrn, Cardiff or South Wales)

 Success Criteria:

  1. What is the name of the charity?
  2. Where does the charity work/cover?
  3. What do they do?
  4. How can we help?
  5. Who benefits from the charity?


Maths: mathletics tasks linked to Data Handling

Reading books & Bug club books online


Coch a Melyn

Rule: add suffix -al

  1. seasonal
  2. additional
  3. magical
  4. accidental
  5. personal
  6. topical
  7. postal
  8. national
  9. original
  10. musical
  11. comical
  12. tropical


Rule: adding -y

  1. chilly
  2. icy
  3. grumpy
  4. nutty
  5. messy
  6. noisy
  7. runny
  8. bendy
  9. funny
  10. shiny
  11. snappy
  12. jolly


Individual lists from high frequency words.

Y4 Homework

Friday 19h January 2018-Home work due Wednesday 24th January 2018


Learning logs:Spiderwick Chronicles!

Can you write an interview with either Jared or Malory from the Spiderwick Chronicles?

Success Criteria:

  1. Ask open ended questions.

2) Show your understanding of the character from what you have read by putting your red thinking hat on and answering the questions like they would.

3) How can you present your work in a creative way?

Maths: 4 mathletics tasks linked to data handling

Reading books have been changed.


Coch a Melyn

Rule: irregular verbs

  1. threw
  2. drank
  3. sang
  4. dug
  5. wrote
  6. swam
  7. fall
  8. bought
  9. met
  10. gave
  11. went
  12. swept


Rule: adding -er -est 

1. hottest

2. quicker

3. ripest

4. quickest

5. cleanest

6. wider

7.  wettest

8.  biggest

9. warmest

10. slower





Individual lists form high frequency words.

Homework 12/1/18 - Blood Bones and Gory bits!


In your learning logs, respond to the BIG question "How does your body work?"  Write the question in your book, and respond in a creative way.  This may include diagrams, sketches, subheadings, key facts etc...


- Please also use the links above to practise your weekly spellings, mathletics homework and abacus homework (maths and reading).

- mathletics homework has bee assigned (number and place value) and must be completed by Wednesday. 


Homework 15/12/17 - Space research


In your learning log, carry out some research to identify facts about space.  You may present this as creatively as you like (mind map, poster etc) or simply record the information in your learning log under different subheadings (Earth, The Sun, Planets...etc).  Please also include the source(s) of your information (e.g website, book) and respond to the Statement "What I have found out" at the end of your research.


Homework 1/12/17


Build a 3D space model, as we start our new topic as members of the St Philip Evans Space Academy (SPESA).  You may want to construct a space vehicle (e.g. shuttle or moon buggy), a space station or even a 3D model of a planet in our solar system!



Y4 Homework Friday 10th November 2017


This week in maths we have been learning about fractions and your homework this week is linked to fractions on Mathletics. Login online and you will see your assigned tasks. Your login details are stuck in your homework books.


English Task: Can you write an interview with St. Philip Evans?


St. Philip Evans is our school's saint. He lived in 17th Century Wales. He was arrested and executed for being a Catholic Priest. Understanding more about St. Philip Evans's life will help you understand our current history topic looking at life in 17th Century Wales. 


You have been given a copy of St. Philip Evans' biography. Read the text and write an interview showing your understanding of his life.

Homework - 27/10/17


Write a letter to the Prime Minister, explaining why we should all be doing our best to walk to school and work.


You may want to write your letter in your learning log, or type and print a copy using a computer.  You can also use your letter as a script and record a video message to be emailed to .

Homework - 13.10.17 Come & See (topic- called)


In your learning log:

Write about a time when you have been chosen/called to join a group/community.  

(for example, we are called by God to join the church's family when we are Baptised.)


- why was this important to you?

- How did it make you feel?

Learning Log Homework 6.10.17

Homework - Friday 29.9.17

- Following our Stuarts history timeline work this week, create your own timeline of important/major events from your life, starting with your birth up to the present day.


 - Log in to activelearn for maths and reading homework


Homework - Friday 22.9.17

 - What was life like at Llancaiach Fawr Manor House?   Present your ideas creatively, like the learning logs examples you were shown in class.


- login to active learn for maths and bug club reading.

school id - xw9m


-weekly spellings in spelling books




Homework task - Friday 8th September 2017 


Task 1 - Come & See (RE) complete your family tree table.


Task 2 - Choose 1 of the following:


 - Describe your favourite Roald Dahl character.


 - Design a poster based on your favourite Roald dahl character/book.


- Write a letter to Roald Dahl.


Practice your spellings ready for next weeks test.




































Year 4 are currently taking part in a very exciting project called the Tidy! project. We have been extremely lucky to work with some very talented poets, artists and composers in school as part of this project. So far, we have composed our very own poem and are in the middle of creating artwork to represent the environmental issues that run throughout our poem. 


                 Image result for creative clipart                                          Image result for creative clipart                                          Image result for creative clipart    

Multi Sports Tournament

Burps, Bottoms and Bile


We were very lucky to have three students from Cardiff University come in to school to carry out a number of different workshops with us, all about our new context called Burps, Bottoms and Bile! Chloe, Holly and Rachael carried out activities telling us all the gory details of what happens in our digestive systems; showing us the germs that are on our hands and fun facts about our bones and how important these are to us! We had a fantastic afternoon and learnt heaps of new facts about our bodies.

3 7 9 2 2 5 Visitors