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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Fossil Fun in Bl3!

Bl3 have been finding out what happened to their fossils today. They have found out that the fossils (sweets) made a print in the bread (sedimentary rock) due to the pressure of the heavy object on top. 

Give nature a home! 🌳🐛🦋🐞🌳

Bl3 had a workshop from the RSPB all about giving nature a home. The children looked around the school grounds to see how many different habitats there are in our school for animals and insects to live in. 

Do plants have legs?

Bl3 investigated how plants germinate in a new area through seed dispersion. 

Our visit to Caerleon

This week we have visited Caerleon Roman town. We visited the ruins of an Amphitheatre, Roman Barracks, Roman Baths and learnt about what the Romans used to eat. We also had the opportunity to try on Roman armour.

Operation Earth!

Bl3 attended a workshop called Operation Earth at Techniquest where they learnt about the way in which our world is changing and how we can help the environment by changing some of the things we do.

The children had been previously learning about how climate change is having an impact on the Polar Regions and why the ice caps are melting. During the workshop, the children learnt more about different ways in which the world is changing due to global warming and climate change.

Bl3 have created their own Odd Character using new Welsh vocabulary about the body and have used this new vocabulary during their Helpwr Heddiw sessions this week. 
Bl3 took part in a sharing afternoon with Bl5 to share their learning about their topic Gods and Gladiators. Bl5 shared their learning about The Victorians and Bl3 learnt loads of new facts about the Victorians and love being part of a Victorian school for the afternoon. 
Bl3 have taken part in Anti-bullying week. They have been thinking about change starts with them and what they can do to help someone in need. 
Year 3S maths class have been learning about the 4 compass point in maths 🧭 
Sut wyt ti’n teimlo?
Bl3 have been learning their new Welsh vocabulary all about their feelings. 😀😢😡☺️😰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Bl3 have been peer-assessing each other’s Welsh oracy skills for their current topic homes. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 
Some children in Bl3 took part in a Multi-Sports competition. They took part in a number of different sporting activities and came 1st place overall! Well done Year 3 🥇
Bl3 have been learning new vocabulary all about homes. They have used their new vocabulary to play Battleships. 
Bl3 have been working collaboratively to evaluate their science investigation ‘How did the Romans go to the toilet?’ 
Bl3 have been working collaboratively to act out the story of Boudicca. They used their red and green thinking hats to think creatively and think about how each of the characters would have been feeling. 
Year 3 have been learning about the different types of joints in their bodies. The 3 joints they have learnt about are: ball and socket, hinge and gliding. 
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