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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Welcome to our Nursery Class Page 2017 - 2018


Nursery Teacher: Mrs. Sherwood

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Tyler

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Taylor

Teaching Assistant (1-1 support staff) : Miss. O' Brien


Our Educational Visit to Roath Park - exploring what is in the garden?

We are learning about - What is in the garden?


During this topic we will be learning about;

What is in the garden?

What can we see in the garden? What can we hear in the garden?

What can we grow in the garden? - Plants, vegetables, fruit

What Minibeasts can we find in the garden?

What can we do in the garden? - Teddy Bears Picnic


This half term our new topic is - Love where you live!

 The children will be learning about:

  • Where do I live? - Local area
  • What makes Wales Wonderful? - Proud to be Welsh
  • How can we look after our environment? - Recycling 
  • Who can help us in our local area? - People who help us

We have started a new topic - Fairy tales.

In this topic we will be reading....


Goldilocks and the three bears


Jack and the Beanstalk


The gingerbread man


Three Billy goats gruff

Goldilocks and the three bears

The Gingerbread man



We have been learning all about Winter. Take a look at the photos below to see some of the exciting learning and activities we have been taking part in.


We are the champions! It was sports day for the Nursery this week and we were fantastic!

We can count in Welsh! Can you?

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Faint O? How many? Can you count in Welsh all the way up to 10 like us?

Beebots! We have been learning how to programme a Beebot to move in different directions.

Signs of spring! Using magnifying glasses and our i pads, we looked in our Nursery garden for signs of spring.

A special Easter egg hunt! We needed to find the eggs with messages of God's love inside.

We have been working together to create an Easter Garden.

Parent Engagement Science Sessions - Let's build rockets! (morning session)

We were so proud of our designs that we wanted to photograph them using the iPads.

To make sure their journey into space was a comfortable one we also decided that they needed a chair to sit on. Have a look at our designs that we built and tested.

We are Super Scientists! Goldilocks needed our help. She sent a special message asking if we can help her to go into space with the three bears. We decided that she would need a rocket for her and the three bears. So we started by building 4 different sized rockets.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been exploring tracing letters in oats, ordering different sized bears, chairs and beds for the bears, building a home for the three bears and sharing out porridge fairly for the bears. We have been busy!

St David's Day Celebrations

We went on a special visit to St Philip Evans Church. Father Gareth taught us alot about all the different artefacts inside the church.

Working together is better! All of us needed to shake the parachute to get the frog down the hole. It was hard work but we did it!

We have been learning our colours in Welsh and in English.

Sut wyt Ti?

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We have learned a new song in Nursery. See if you can join in.

Sut wyt ti?

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Working as a team! We had to pop the bubbles before they hit the ground.

Police Week

Dentist Week


Last week we received a very important message from Dewi the Dragon from at the Welsh Assembly.



Hello St Philip Evans Nursery – I need your help. The children in Wales are not looking after their teeth very well.

Can we help all the children in Wales have healthier teeth?


The Nursery children decided they can be excellent role models. Firstly the children went on a QR code hunt outside and discovered all the ways in which they could help keep teeth healthy. 



The children experienced a whole week of learning all about how to keep our teeth healthy and the role of a dentist.

Learning activities included:

Mathematical Development – Counting teeth,  measuring amounts of toothpaste, ordering photographs of the tooth brushing process

Language, Literacy and Communication – Dentist role play, making an information video about teeth, tracing toothbrushes, writing with toothpaste, following picture instructions – how to brush your teeth correctly.


Personal, Social, Cultural and Well Being Development - Importance of tooth brushing, sorting healthy and unhealthy foods and drinks, playing Healthy and Unhealthy bingo game, health and hygiene, sharing healthy snacks and drinks together


Knowledge and Understanding of the World:

ICT – Using I Pads to scan QR codes, using I Pads to take a photograph of your friend’s teeth, using the I Pad to video the role play and information video, using the computers to sort healthy and unhealthy foods

Science – sorting healthy and unhealthy foods, investigating what happens when you mix fruit and milk together to make a healthy smoothie drink


Creative Development – painting with toothbrushes, making a mouth and teeth, singing the toothbrush song


Physical Development – using tweezers to pick up teeth and placing it on the mouth template, making teeth from white playdough, chopping fruit for the smoothie, brushing the baby’s teeth.



Winter and exploring ice

See how we celebrate!

How do you celebrate?


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We sang our chosen party songs together outside!

Nursery Rhyme Nativity

We are waiting. We are getting ready. What do you do to get ready for the birth of Jesus?


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Farm Week


This week we have been learning about animals that live on the farm. 


The children have made their own butter and spread it on a cracker to taste it! They also tasted other dairy products such as cream, cheese and milk. The children then made their own milkshakes. Take a look at the photographs below. They show the children shaking the cream to make the butter as well as the children tasting the dairy products.


We are now looking forward to meeting all the animals at Cefn Mably Farm next week as well as meeting Santa!


Awesome Autumn Walk

Feelings Week

Sensational Senses!


'Wheelie' good Fun!

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We have been using the bikes in the garden. Look how skilful we are!

What a load of rubbish!

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We are singing a song all about recycling. Do you know what you should recycle?

Recycling super heroes!

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We know what should go in to the green recycling bag. Do you?

We are recycling heroes just like Michael Recycle!


Welcome back to all our Nursery children and a special welcome to our new starters.


Your child’s teachers are:

Monday and Tuesday – Mrs Henton

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – Mrs Scott

Mrs Tyler is the Teaching Assistant for Nursery.



 Fruit Clip Art

We would like every child to bring a piece of fruit every day. However, we will not be sharing the fruit with the rest of the class – the piece of fruit your child brings to school is the piece they will eat. If your child requires their fruit chopped/peeled etc, please do this at home and pop it in a container with your child’s name on.


Toy Fund

Please, if you can, bring  in a pound a week. This pound helps us to pay for extra special items, resources and equipment to enhance the children s learning.

Many Thanks.



Lending Library

We have changed the way we running the ‘Lending Library’. We would like the parents more involved in choosing a book with their child. Therefore, we will be opening the Nursery gate from 8.45am (morning session) and from 12.45 (afternoon session) on a Tuesday and Thursday for parents/carers to choose a book with their child. 



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