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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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When is Homework set?


Homework is set every Friday.

Homework will be updated on our Year 4 class page each week.


When is homework due?


Homework is due back into school the following Wednesday.

Remember homework does not live in your book bag. Remember to take it out in the morning and put it in the correct basket.


Post-16 Homework Guidance


things to remember


  • Complete each piece of homework set.
  • Complete each piece of homework on time.
  • Complete each piece of homework to the best of your ability.
  • Remember to be creative with your presentation!
  • Most importantly - Enjoy it!

Here are some helpful links you can use for your homework. 














Reading Homework

  • Your homework this weekend is to log onto the Bug Club website (you will find a link above that you can click on which will take you directly to the site. Remember you will need your username, password and school code to log in)
  • In your area you will find you have been allocated Chapter 2 of 'The Spiderwick Chronicles'. Please read the chapter as homework.
  • You do not need to record anything or complete any written work for this homework as we will be carrying on with this chapter in school. Make sure you read all of the chapter as there will be questions for you to answer in class.



Year 4 Maths Homework


Miss Wride's Maths Group

Your homework this weekend is to practise the following times tables:

           x 3        x4       x5        x6       x9


Complete the following challenges using these tables:

  • chant out loud AS QUICKLY as you can
  • say them aloud BACKWARDS
  • recall them out of order (e.g. 4x6=24 , 7x3=21,  9x9=81)


You will be tested on your knowledge and speed of these tables in your lessons next week!




Miss Summerfield's Maths Group 

Your homework this weekend is to practise the following times tables:

           x 3        x4       x5        x6       x9


Complete the following challenges using these tables:

  • chant out loud AS QUICKLY as you can
  • say them aloud BACKWARDS
  • recall them out of order (e.g. 4x6=24 , 7x3=21,  9x9=81)


You will be tested on your knowledge and speed of these tables in your lessons next week!


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