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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Blended Learning At Home

Home Learning

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, many of you will be at home with your children.  We have been asked by the Welsh Government to provide remote learning activities for children to complete during the period away from the classroom.
Recommended Activities:
Each week teachers will upload weekly task overviews onto the Year Group Page.  These task overviews will provide daily literacy and numeracy activities, and weekly learning across the curriculum.


If you have any issues/queries regarding logins or access to home learning resources, please let us know at:


or if there are any urgent issues please contact the headteacher:


Please use the 'Need Help?' icon to access video tutorials and support on how to support your child during home learning tasks.

Home Learning Letter to Parents 20.4.2020

Optional Activities:

Our school has access to a number of online learning platforms that your child has access to Espresso, Mathletics, Abacus Maths, Giglets, Bug Club and Spellodrome.

Every learner in years 2 to 6 has been given access to the Welsh Governments Hwb website.  Using their username and password they can login and access various resources including Google for Education (classroom), J2easy, Encyclopedia Britannica, Online Safety and Office 365. Your child can send work to their class teacher via Google classroom, who will give your child feedback on their learning.  

Every pupil in nursery to Year  2 has been given a SeeSaw log-in code. Teachers in these year groups may post up additional challenges via SeeSaw. Parents can send teachers children's work who will give your child feedback on their learning. 


Additional Resources:

During the closure we will continue to contact you via Schoop, Twitter and the School Website. Any key messages will be on as many platforms as possible during this time.


The Department for Education site have a range of links which you may want to use to support your sessions at home - simply click here to access some of the primary resources


Home Learning Support


Parents' Guide to Hwb and distance learning:


Parents' guide to Seesaw:


Parents' guide to Mathletics and Spellodrome:


Parents' guide to Gigglets:


Active Learn Parents' Guide (Abacus Maths, Bug Club, Wordsmith and more):



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