Our Catholic Life
Year 3 Topic Overview
Our topics throughout Year 3 follow the liturgical year and give children an insight into important celebrations that we celebrate in our Catholic life.
A Prayer service- Month of the Holy Souls
In our reflection service we celebrated those that have passed and said special prayers from our prayer box on our altar about people we love who are no longer with us.
Prophecy and Promise
We have started our brand new topic 'Prophecy and Promise' this term and have started it by thinking about the creation story and how it links to Sunday as our Holy day. We discussed the importance of Sunday, why we celebrate Mass and how Catholics celebrate. The children wrote insightful questions for the priest to send him a letter to better understand Mass. The children described each part of Mass and gave reasons why each part is celebrated.
The Creation Story

In this topic we talked about the promises we make to each other and to God. As our topic continued we looked at the sacraments, focusing on Baptism. The children thought about the promises made at Baptism and why they are made. The children described the signs and symbols of Baptism and asked themselves what each of these represent and why they are important. The children retold Jesus' Baptism and we looked at why Jesus is our light.
This Little Light of Mine

Celebrating Mary Our Mother
Throughout the month of October the children have been celebrating Our Mother Mary. The children have been learning about why Mary is so special to us and have been saying the decade of the Rosary to remember her.
Our Ten Ten Learning- Created and Loved by God
In our Ten Ten learning children heard and experienced the Gospel story of Jesus healing Jairus' daughter. The story was repeated over five lessons and through a creative response the children retold the story in groups. The children learnt that they are created by God out of love for love.
In this topic we talked about our experience of family and the joys and sorrows we experience in the home. In our lessons we discussed what family means to us all and why our home is such a special place. We discussed what God's vision is for a home and how God is the loving parent of the human family and how Jesus was born and lived in a human family.
Our classroom display showcases some of the fantastic work from the children in Year 3 from our
first topic of this year 'Homes'.
At the end of our topic we celebrated our learning by gathering together and reflecting on our topic with a lovely 'Gweddiwn' reflection service outside as shown in the image below.