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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Year 1E 2022/23

Homework 21st October 

Homework has been uploaded to SeeSaw it is all about show Racism the red card, which we will be celebrating on Monday. Please log into SeeSaw and complete the activity. 

All children have read and changed their books this week, please continue to read as often as possible and complete the reading record. 

BugClub and Mathletics have been updated please complete the activities. 

Spellings for our test next Friday can be found below. 

Homework 14th October 

Homework this week is set on SeeSaw, please see the Hail Mary Homework activity there. 

Mathletics and BugClub have also been assigned please complete these activities. 

Spellings can be found for all groups below, please learn them ready for our test next Friday. 


Homework Thursday 6th October 2022

1. Log into Seesaw- complete the activity ‘When I grow up’

2. Bug Club Active Learn- Read/use the pictures to tell the story and click on all the ‘bugs’ to complete the book.

3. Reading book- Some children will have a reading book sent home. Listen to your child read every night and leave a comment in the yellow reading record. Return the yellow reading record and reading book to school in your child’s book bag.

4. Mathletics- complete the assigned activity.

5. Spellings- lease see spellings below and help your child learn to spell the words from their group list ready for their spelling test on a Friday.

Miss Biundo/Mrs LewisMrs WathanMrs SanejoMiss HealanMiss EvansMiss Bishop
Set 1Revise Set 1Recap Set 1Set 2Recap previousOff RWI
    spelling list 
  shipfright widest

Homework 30th September 


Books have been changed and all children have read to an adult, please complete the yellow reading record when you read at home. 

Bug Club has been updated with new books, please log in and complete the bugs as part of homework this week. 

Mathletics has finally been rolled over so all children have 2 tasks assigned to them to complete this week, all log in information is the same as it was in Reception. 

Please learn spellings ready for our spelling test on Friday.

Next week we will be learning all about Firefighters as part of our topic, for homework please draw a picture of yourself and write on it and learn your name, address and telephone number as we will be learning what we can do in the event of an emergency, please upload this to the homework activity on SeeSaw. 


Year 1E 2022/23


Homework 23rd September 

This week your homework is on SeeSaw, please log into SeeSaw to find the activity. 

Your child has been given a set of red words, they need to be able to read and spell them please continue to practice. 

Please read with your child every night and fill in their reading record. 

The spelling lists have been updated and can be found below. 

Our PE day will now be on a Tuesday, can all children please bring their PE kit in a bag with all items clearly labelled ready to get changed in school. 




Homework 16th September 

This week your homework is linked to our Pupil Profile Values. This half term, pupils in our school are growing to be compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by their just actions and forgiving words. 

Can you read the story of the Good Samaritan which can be found on SeeSaw and then draw a picture and write a sentence about how you have been compassionate and loving. You can upload your response to SeeSaw. 

Your child has been given a set of red words, they need to be able to read and spell them please continue to practice. 

Please read with your child every night and fill in their reading record. 

We are still waiting for Mathletics to roll over so there is no Mathletics this week. 

Your child  has a new teacher for Read Write Inc, this is also their spelling group. Please check SeeSaw for the groupings and learn the spellings ready for our test next Friday. 



Year 1 homework 9th September 2022

Welcome back to Year 1. Homework this week is linked to our new Come and See topic where we will be learning all about families. Please make a family tree based on your family. Children have been assessed on their red words and have been given their next set to learn, please learn how to read and spell them. All children have also been given a new SeeSaw code for you to log in for this academic Year. 


Spellings 17.6.22

Homework Friday 1st April

Bug Club Active Learn- Complete the assigned book and ‘bug’ questions.

Reading book- Listen to your child read every night.

Red Words- practise reading these words by sight (document at the top of the reception/year 1 homework page)

Mathletics- beat your score on a previously assigned activity!

Spellings- As we come to the end of term, spellings for next week will be a revision of the previous few weeks spelling lists. 

Spelling wb 28.3.22

Homework information 4.3.22

REAL PE at home Guidance for Families

Please watch the video on how to log in and use the resources. Home Learning tasks will be set fortnightly however, you can access all the resources through the online platform. We hope you have fun playing the games and activities with your children.

Due to the recent announcement that schools will be closed on Friday 18th February due to the red weather warning, you will be assigned some learning tasks to complete on SeeSaw. 
1 literacy task 
1 numeracy task 
1 RE task 

Plus the usual Mathletics, Bug Club and half term Eisteddfod homework tasks below. 

Homework Friday 11th February 2022

1. Seesaw - 'Read, write inc assessment practise’

2. Bug Club Active Learn- Complete the assigned book and ‘bug’ questions.

3. Reading book- Listen to your child read every night and leave a comment in the yellow reading record. 

4. Red Words- practise reading these words by sight.

5. Mathletics- beat that score! Look back at previously assigned activities and try and beat your previous score.

6. Spellings- next week is assessment week so we will be assessing children on a combinations of this half terms spellings. Please look back and revise your child’s previous spelling lists.

Spellings 4th Feb

Spellings 10th December


Homework 5.11.21

Weekly Spellings

Weekly Spellings

3 7 9 2 2 8 Visitors