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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies


The Mini Vinnies here at St Philip Evans play a very important role in our school. Throughout the year, they organise events to support local charities and others in need.

They come together to form a part of the St Vincent de Paul Society - a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms.


The MIni Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can help to make a difference in their communities. Mini Vinnies truly turn concern into action as they use the simple formula of "see. think, do," to find people in need and help them.

Mini Vinnies FP Gospel Assembly

The Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul

Uploaded by SPE YouTube on 2023-09-26.

Yesterday the #MiniVinnies celebrated The Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul. St Vincent de Paul dedicated his life to serving the poor. The #MiniVinnies created a short video for the Year 4 mass with Fr Laurence, sharing their most recent charity work


Cardiff Foodbank - Carrier Bag Collection Autumn
St Philip Evans RC Primary School will continue to support our local parish foodbank this year. Llanedeyrn foodbank is located at St Philip Evans RC Church. Tracey from the food bank has recently contacted our school in a desperate plea for plastic carrier bags and the Mini Vinnies have decided to put their faith in action by beginning a plastic bag appeal. We are asking for carrier bag donations throughout the months of September and October so that people using the foodbank have the necessary equipment to carry their food home. Thank you in advance for your donations.


Mission Day May 2023

This year the Mini Vinnies are planning and leading our School Mission Day for Monday 22nd May 2023.

The Big Lent Walk

Lent 2023

Lent Assembly 2023

School Environment: Month of the Holy Souls 
At St Philip Evans RC Primary School, we ensure that our physical environment is an integral element that embodies the genuine community values of the Catholic tradition.

It is the responsibility of Mini Vinnies Committee to maintain the altar areas and religious displays in and around our school environment, ensuring that these physical and visible signs embody the community ethos of Catholicism.

CAFOD’s Live Simply Award

The Mini Vinnies are busy creating an action plan for CAFOD’s #LiveSimpleAward. Based on the teachings of Jesus & Catholic social teaching. LiveSimply has 3 parts; to live simply, sustainably & in solidarity. All actions will evidence a faith,learn & act element @CAFODSouthWales

Meet the new 2021 Committee

Our Work to Date April 2022

CAFOD's Step up to the Plate campaign May 2022

Our Global Food System is Broken
Last year, during the COP26 conference the government made a promise to support agricultural systems that tackle climate crisis as well as putting local communities first.

A few giant corporations put profits before people, and millions of small farmers who grow our food are kept in poverty. This system is bad for the climate too: the way we produce food is responsible for a third of all harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
Fix the Food System
We have watched and discussed CAFOD’s Step up to the Plate animation – to understand some of the ways our food system is broken. Once educating ourselves, we began to act by writing messages on plates to tell the government to fix the food system as part of CAFOD’s campaign. schools across England and Wales want a fairer food system.   

Step Up To The Plate! Assembly for Primary Schools | CAFOD

Ukraine Crisis Appeal 
On Thursday 17th March, Noah from Year 5 wrote a letter to Morrisons, requesting a cake donation for our cake sale. We wanted to raise money for the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. The following day, we received a reply from Morrisons and on Monday morning Sam, our community champion from Morrisons, delivered the cakes to our school and as a result of this we raised a vast amount of money for charity. 

Walk Against Hunger assembly for Lent | CAFOD

CAFOD requested the help of our school to promote their Walk Against Hunger campaign. Our videos and photographs are featured in their video as examples for other schools to follow.

CAFOD's Lenten Charity Appeal - Walk Against Hunger Challenge

Still image for this video
This year, the pupils at St Philip Evans RC Primary School are working alongside CAFOD to promote the charities 2022 Lenten charity appeal 'Walk Against Hunger'. We started our Lent work a little earlier then usual this year as CAFOD had requested photographs and videos from our school to show other schools how to get involved.

The Mini Vinnies are playing an active role in this campaign

Wider School Community Involvement - Walk Against Hunger

Lenten Charity Appeal 2022 - Walk Against Hunger

CAFOD - Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
Mini Vinnies Committee Meeting 8th December 2021
This week we were fortunate enough to have our very own meeting with a CAFOD representative. Mrs Ahmed, a CAFOD school volunteer met with us to discuss the work of CAFOD in the South Wales and surrounding area. We learnt about the mission of the charity: to work alongside the world’s poorest communities. We discussed possible future projects and we talked about how we, the pupils of St Philip Evans RC Primary School, can help to combat world issues to help our global neighbours living in less economically developed countries.

Where does CAFOD work?
CAFOD works with some of the most hard-to-reach communities across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, helping the poorest and most marginalised people.

Loneliness in the elderly: how to help during the Advent Season

During our committee meeting this week (1st December 2021) we focused our attention on another group of vulnerable people living within our local community. We thought about the elderly generation. We discussed ways in which we can help lonely or socially isolated elderly people. We explored the NHS website which suggests ways that you can help the elderly; offering practical help, sharing your time, helping with household tasks, sharing a meal and watching out for signs of winter illness.

We have decided to create Advent cards to our local care homes. The cards display an Advent wreath on the front cover as a sign of preparation. We wrote friendly messages inside the cards to the elderly people living in the care homes. Our mission is to help them recognise that they are not alone. We want the elderly to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers during this season of Advent and beyond. 

Advent Cards to Local Care Homes

Reclaim Our Common Home
Our school community are encouraging our world leaders to act now to protect our common home. On Saturday 6th November millions of people across the world will be out marching for climate justice. As world leaders gather for the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, we want to make sure we raise our voices and let them know that urgent action is needed to keep global temperatures within 1.5 degrees of warming, and to ensure that sufficient support is provided for developing countries across the world. This week during our Mini Vinnies committee meeting we held our own march for climate around our school environment.

UN Climate Summit: What is COP26 and why is it important?
This year, world leaders from across the globe are coming together  to accelerate action towards climate change at COP26.
What does COP26 mean?
COP26 is the annual UN climate conference. Government from across the world will meet to discuss how to keep temperatures rises below dangerous levels and prevent the climate crisis from causing even more disruption for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities.

Feast of St Vincent de Paul - 27th September 2021
During our Mini Vinnies committee meeting this week, we celebrated the Feast of St Vincent de Paul. St Vincent de Paul was born in France in 1581 and was ordained a priest in 1600. Vincent devoted himself entirely to the mitigation of suffering of the poor.
Compassion for the Poor
St Vincent de Paul is recognised for his charity and compassion for the poor. As young Vincentians, the Mini Vinnies aspire to follow in the footsteps of St Vincent de Paul. During this year’s harvest season, we will be collecting food for Cardiff Food Bank. We want to help those in need by showing them we truly care.
Harvest Food Appeal: Cardiff Food Bank
Throughout the month of October, we will be collecting donations for the Cardiff Food Bank. Food banks are in desperate need of the following items: Milk, fruit juice, sponge pudding, jars of coffee, savoury snacks, rice pudding, shampoo, deodorant & toothpaste. We would like to thank you in advance for any donations we receive.

Harvest Food Appeal

Faith into Action
During the month of October our school community collected food for the Cardiff Food Bank. We received a tremendous amount of donations which will make a positive change to those in need. The whole community pulled together to help combat poverty and hunger across Cardiff.

On Wednesday 3rd November the Mini Vinnies met with volunteers from the Cardiff Food Bank to handover our school donations. The volunteers were very grateful and praised our hard work. They explained that the food will help so many people across Cardiff. The Mini Vinnies would like to thank the school community for the generous food donations.

Global Goal for Sustainable Development 1: No Poverty
End the Stigma
Challenge Poverty Week is an opportunity for us all to say what needs to change to enable our own communities to thrive. 

Compassionate towards others
The Bible talks about God's love for people living in poverty - and about our responsibility to help. 

Proverbs 31:8-9
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

During our Mini Vinnies committee meeting this week, we reflected on these Bible verse and prayed for children, families and communities in need.  

Raise a Voice Against Poverty
This week we raised our voices in unison against poverty and shone a light on vision for a more just, compassionate and opportunity-filled community. 

Writing to Our Local Councillor
We wrote to our local councillor, Jo Stevens, to discuss issues we want to address; meeting basic needs, removing barriers, building life skills and physical security. *To read some of our letters please see our school newsletter from 15.10.21


Mini Vinnies Virtual Assembly 2021

Still image for this video

Mini Vinnies Committee Meeting Wednesday 7th July 2021
St Philip Evans and his link to Cardiff

St Philip Evans School Virtues

Developing our Character Formation through our School Virtues
Our school virtues contribute to the development of our character formation, making us into better people. We must continue to incorporate them into our daily lives. During our committee meeting, we created a prayer wall reflecting each of the virtues. 



Current School Virtues: Faith-filled and Hopeful
16th June - During our Mini Vinnies Committee Meeting, we read the Wednesday Word, which shares Sunday’s Gospel. This reading (The Parable of the Mustard Seed) complements and supports our current school virtues: faith-filled and hopeful. This half term, pupils at St Philip Evans RC Primary School are growing to become Faith-filled in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed is an example of how our Faith can grow.

Mission and Vision Week Monday 28th June - Friday 2nd July
"We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play."
"Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae."

This week we have celebrated our school mission “We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play.” The Gospel Values are rooted in everything we do at school. The messages that Jesus presented in the Bible underpin our values, beliefs and actions on a daily basis. During our Mini Vinnies Committee meeting this week, we explored the gospel values in order to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of our mission statement.

What does our mission mean to you? 
We want to hear the Gospel message in in everything we say. We want to live out the Gospel messages in the playground and in the classroom. In school we live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play. We want everyone at our school to be treated equally. In the Bible, Jesus taught us to “love one another.” In the playground we forgive those who sin. We are kind and caring to all and we show love and compassion to everyone.

By Fraser and Ruby-Rose

Mini Vinnies and Rights Respecting School Week
The Rights of Every Child

by Chelana
Rights are like a guide that children have and should have. Adults, teachers and parents are encouraged and are responsible for fulfilling children’s rights. In Wales, children have their rights, for example, ‘the right to an education; and ‘the right to be heard’. Children in Wales have an opinion in school and home although there can be children in other countries that have their rights taken away from them. Fortunately, many people are trying to help children get their rights by building water taps for communities so that children can have access to clean water, like in the case study video we watched about a child in Uganda. As Mini Vinnies we try and encourage pupils to donate   money or items to people who need it most including children who have had their rights taken away from them. How will you help children with no rights?

Article 27 Adequate Standard of Living (Our Committee Focus)
The Mini Vinnies studied Article 27, which states that children should be able to live their life in a way that helps them achieve their full physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social potential. All children should have access to adequate food and shelter. They should be able to eat healthy and stay safe.

Our Global Family: Protecting everyone's rights

CAFOD Case Study: Fabiano’s Rights
During our pupil voice committee meeting, we watched a story about a young child from Uganda who had his rights taken away from him. Some people like Fabiano don’t have many of their rights, including the right to an adequate standard of living. Fabiano has to walk miles just to get access to clean, safe drinking water. However, every child has a right to water so this is not fair. The video told us that 9.2 million people don’t have access to clean water. CAFOD has build a water pump in Fabiano’s community so it’s easier to get water and grow crops. 
By Zac

Faith into Action
Article 27 Adequate Standard of Living

By Aaron Year 6
We all have rights! We care about rights because Jesus told us to love one another and to treat each other the same and how we want to be treated. However not everyone has these rights, many people have their rights taken away because of their actions or they simply don’t have an adequate living.
Our slogan in Mini Vinnies is “See, think, do”. So please help people who don’t have an adequate or fair life. These people have had their rights taken away from them in an unfair way e.g. some children miss out on education to work and make money for their family. Jesus told us to love our neighbours so you must hep and join them in their hardships. Jesus was compassionate and loving during the Feeding of the Five Thousand. If Jesus fed five thousand people then why can’t we feed at least 1 other?

‘See, Think, Do’
by Aaira
As the Mini Vinnies, we have already donated Easter Eggs to those without much food and we donated clothing for the homeless. We also held a Christmas Jumper Day where you could donate money. We used this money to buy one of CAFOD’s world gifts which help children and families live a better life. We bought a community in Africa a goat and chickens which will provide them with adequate food.

Trinity Sunday
Sunday 30th May

The Feast of Trinity comes immediately after the first Sunday following Pentecost. Trinity Sunday celebrates the three Persons of God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. During our committee meeting this week, we thought about God in all three concepts: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We prayed for a deeper awareness of the love of God demonstrated in the Trinity.

Expressive Arts Week - 3D Trinity Pyramids.

Expressive Arts Week
This week we explored religion through the disciplines of Art. We created 3D Trinity Pyramids to show our understanding of the 3 parts of God.


Gospel Reading
Christians all over the world will be celebrating the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity at mass on Sunday 30th May 2021. A reading from the Gospel of Matthew will be shared with the congregation which talks about Baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28: 16-20

The eleven disciples set out for Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had arranged to meet them. When they saw Him, they fell down before him, though some hesitated. Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.'

Gospel Reflection
The Gospel of Matthew ends with this passage. This is the duty that Jesus put upon his disciples. A reference to baptism is made 'in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.' The belief of the Holy Trinity is the result of a long process of learning and understanding as the revealing of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is received by us. The books of the Old Testament also witness to a growing awareness of the Spirit of God. This Spirit gave strength to people and inspired the prophets to speak the word. By His death and resurrection, he shows that God is with us to free us from sin. 

One week after the end of the Easter season, in which we give thanks for the saving death and resurrection of Jesus, and the celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, this Feast of the Holy Trinity invites us to think about the mystery of God.

CAFOD's Eyes of the World Campaign 

Pope Francis has asked us to care for our common home

We want to treat people like the Good Samaritan, not ignoring people but pausing to stop and help. We cannot allow anyone to suffer. We need to protect our common home. In the face of suffering, the only way to act is like the Good Samaritan, reaching out and helping our global neighbours. 

We are working hard to create a culture of inclusivity where we work for the good of everyone. Changing the conditions which cause so much suffering. 

We Are Watching

“Climate change affects us all, but it is the poorest communities who suffer the most.” Pope Francis

In November one of the most important meetings on tackling climate change will be taking place. World leaders will be coming together to make big decisions about the future of our planet. It’s called COP26.

The eyes of the world are on the UK. We have the power to make a difference if we speak up. We need you to draw your own eyes to let the Government know that we are watching them to ensure the world’s poorest people are at the heart of their decision this year. Give your picture to your class teacher or upload it to your online learning platform. A template is provided on the next page, if you wish to use it.

“Let us be protectors of Creation” Pope Francis

Eyes of the World animation | CAFOD

Lenten Charity Easter Egg Donation
During the season of Lent, the Mini Vinnies are collecting Easter Eggs for Cardiff Food Bank. We are welcoming donations of Easter Eggs big or small. Please keep your Easter Eggs within your class bubble and give them to your class teacher.

Our mission is to help individuals and their families who find themselves in difficult situations by providing them with enough food.

This Easter we are collecting Easter Eggs for the children of families who use the food banks. We would hate to think of anyone missing out this Easter.

And the crowds asked him, “What then shall we do?” And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” Luke 3:10-11

We will be welcoming Easter Egg donations up until Friday 26th March.
We thank you in your advance for your kindness and generosity towards this great cause.

Lenten Charity - Easter Egg Donations

On the final day of term, the Mini Vinnies met with Deacon Maurice Scanlon to offer our Easter Egg donations to families receiving food parcels. Our school community had collected a magnificent amount of chocolate during the season of Lent. Deacon Maurice Scanlon was very grateful and he explained to us how our donations were going to make a massive difference to families across the city.  

As Mini Vinnies we enjoy connecting our beliefs and values with issues in our community. Through our simple formula “See, Think, Do” we have learnt to recognise issues arounds us and offer a helping hand. We go the extra mile to meet the needs of others. 

The Mini Vinnies would like to thank the school community for their generosity towards this great cause. Diolch yn fawr!

“The generous will themselves be blessed for they share their food with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9

Refugee Week 2020

Diolch yn fawr for your response and support!

What is a Refugee?

A person forced to flee their country because of violence, war or persecution. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so (UN Refugee Agency).

What is a Refugee Camp?

Refugee camps are temporary facilities built to provide immediate protection to people who have been forced to flee due to conflict, violence or persecution. While camps are not intended to provide permanent sustainable solutions, they offer a safe haven for refugees where they receive medical treatment, food, shelter and other basic services during emergencies (UN Refugee Agency).

Home Learning Task

Still image for this video

Building a community that is compassionate and aware.
How is CAFOD responding to the Coronavirus outbreak? 
Families without enough to eat and without clean water or in cramped refugee camps are vulnerable to coronavirus. 
Are there concerns about refugee camps?
Imagine living in a refugee camp, where it's almost impossible to isolate your family from others. Coronavirus in camps for Syrian refugees, or Rohingya refugees in Banglasesh, will be catastrophic for millions of people already struggling to access healthcare. 

Learned and wise
We want to raise awareness about this topic. This half term we are growing to be learned and wise. We are learning to find God in all things and be wise in the way we use our learning for the common good. We are encouraging you to participate in conversations, show kindness and empathy. 


The Cardiff Must Act team are encouraging pupils to get creative and design their own posters that include a message of solidarity and state that refugees are welcome. Alternatively sample posters are available to download below. 


Refugee Week - Home Learning Task

A Refugee's Journey

Syrian refugee children embrace love of Welsh language - BBC News

Syrian refugees Sara and Shadi have been learning about Welsh culture and have fallen in love with their new language. They arrived in Cardigan a year ago an...

Discussion Questions
The theme of this year's Refugee Week is: 'Imagine'. 
  • Imagine you meet a refugee who is the same age as you. What questions would you like to say to them?
  • Imagine being a refugee and walking through your hometown for the first time. What you think and feel? 
  • Imagine you had to leave your home and move to another country. What things would you miss the most? How would you feel? 
  • Imagine you are welcoming a refugee who is the same age as you to your town or city. What would you do to make them feel welcome? What things would you show them? How would you describe our hometown to them?
During the month of May, it has been a tradition to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Church an altar dedicated to Our Lady is erected with a statue or picture of Mary, flowers and perhaps candles. The altar stands from May 1st to 31st as a reminder or Mary's importance in the life of the Church and in our own lives as well. Additionally, many Catholic churches and families hold a “May Crowning,” presenting Mary with a crown made of blossoms or other hand-crafted materials to signify her importance as the mother of Jesus Christ, the king. 

Distant Learning Activities


For Christians, Sunday is the special day of the week. It is the day on which Jesus rose form the dead and is considered to be a day of rest. Pentecost is a celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit, through whom the risen life of Jesus is given. 


John 14:26 The Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you.


Ascension Day
After Jesus' resurrection, He appeared to the disciples and made a promise to send his Holy Spirit to them (This is based on John 13:13; 14:18). 

The promise of the Spirit

Pentecost: the holy day

The disciples were afraid when Jesus had left them and they had gathered together in one room. The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost changed them. It is a holy day because this gift of the Holy Spirit is very Special. The Holy Spirit helps and guides us in our lives just as happened to the disciples. The Holy Spirit appeared to the disciples like tongues of fire, giving them strength and courage. 

The Holy Spirit Comes (Day of Pentecost)

Lent: An opportunity to change

Lent is a time to look at the ways in which we change in a special way: change 'inside'. People can change and become more loving, kinder and more helpful - and all that happens 'inside' them. It is a time when the family of Jesus try to change and be more like Jesus.

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16 

Footsteps to Jesus: an opportunity to walk together in the footsteps of Jesus


Lent is a special time when the family of Jesus think about making a new start. There are occasions when everyone wishes they could make a new start. They wish they could do things differently and not have said or done something unkind or hurtful. It is a time when the family of Jesus try to change and be more like Jesus. 

School Altar – Season of Lent
Each month it is our role to decorate and change the altar according to the liturgical season. During Lent, the altar is covered with a purple cloth. Purple is traditionally a royal colour and have a purple cloth helps people remember that Jesus is King and he died at Easter for us.

Our Lenten Promises

Zac Yr5 “To live the Gospel message as I worship, learn and play.”
Ffion Yr6 “To live out our school virtues – faith-filled and hopeful.”
Jessica Yr5 “Attend Mass every Sunday.”
Olivia Yr2 “Use kind hands and kind words.”

"My Lenten promise is to live the Gospel message as I worship, learn and play."

Distance Learning: 40 Random Acts of Kindness 

Lent 2020: Supporting Communities Overseas 

Football Fundraiser/Non-Uniform Day on Friday 13th March

“There is an urgent challenge to protect our common home…but people still have the ability to work together to do it.”
Pope Francis Laudato Si’

Pupils’ football fundraiser helps protect the Amazon rainforest

During Lent CAFOD is inviting schools to think about other communities around the world.

St Philip Evans RC Primary School has joined a national campaign which is working to protect the Amazon Rainforest and the lives of the communities who live there.

The Mini Vinnies have decided to organise a football fundraiser in support of international development charity CAFOD in achieving their goal of protecting the Amazon Rainforest and its inhabitants.

On Friday 13th March we will be holding a Non-Uniform Day – football themed. Wear your team colours with pride and £1 donations to participate in this event are most welcome and very much appreciated.

On this day, each year group will also participate in a football themed activity e.g. Penalty shootout competition, target practice, a football match and a keepie uppie challenge.

Caring for our common home
The amazon rainforest is crucial to the planet’s climate. But people are not caring for our common home, caring for the Amazon region, and both the rainforest and the climate are in a critical state.


More than one football pitch of rainforest in the Amazon is being lost every minute.

Defending the rainforest
The Amazon rainforest is very important for the Earth’s climate. It also supports lots of animals like the South American Jaguar, the Howler Monkey and many more.

The rainforest covers over 2 million square miles, including 9 countries. Sadly though, we are losing the rainforest. Other people are moving into the rainforest and chopping down and burning trees. They are doing this to make space for mines and farming, and to use or sell wood.

Football Fundraiser Lent 2020

Jesuit Pupil Profile - Compassionate and Loving

Compassionate and Loving
This term pupils at St Philip Evans RC Primary School pupils are growing to be compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by our kind actions and forgiving words.

It is the Mini Vinnies aim to help our school community grow by being compassionate and loving in the way pupils are treated, especially when a pupil is in trouble; and by opening pupils’ eyes to those who suffer poverty, injustice or violence.

Jesus’ great commandment is “Love one another.” (John 13:34)  The more we love others, the more we are truly human and most truly ourselves.

Of course, it is easy to love those who love us.  In speaking about love, Jesus throws out the challenge to take love deeper:  “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’  But I say to you, ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’” (Matthew 5:43-44)  This is where love becomes challenging.  To love in this way is to love as God loves.

Nadolig Llawen

Cardiff Night Shelter
During the season of Advent the children at St Philip Evans RC Primary School have been collecting donations for the Cardiff Night Shelter Project. Deacon Mike who coordinates the Night Shelter at St Peter’s RC Church in Roath sends his sincere appreciation and blessings.

The Night Shelter will open its doors tonight for the first time over the winter period. Due to the generosity and kindness of the pupils at our school, the church will be filled with endless supplies of toiletries, warm clothes and board games which will enable those less fortunate to wash and sleep warm and be comfortably.

We are overwhelmed with the gifts and donations we have received. Diolch yn fawr a Nadolig Llawen!

Christmas Jumper Day – CAFOD World Gift
Congratulations to everyone at St Philip Evans RC Primary School for raising a total of £253.50 for CAFODS world gift project. With this donation we are able to purchase a number of gifts for families living in poverty. The Mini Vinnies have chosen the following gifts; a home for life, the goat that gives and water for a family. Thank you ever so much for your kind donations.

CAFOD World Gifts

Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 13th December

On Friday 13th December it is Christmas Jumper Day. We will be fundraising with CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development). We will be helping change the lives of some of the world’s poorest women, men and children. To find out more please follow the link below. Children are encouraged to wear a Christmas jumper and £1 donations are welcome and appreciated! Diolch yn fawr for your support! 

The Advent Wreath

Make a world of difference this Advent

Advent: a time of waiting to celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas.

Advent is a special time of preparation. The word Advent means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’. It is a time that we use to celebrate our anticipation of Jesus’ birth.

The Advent wreath is a symbol of the beginning of the Church year. It is a circular evergreen wreath with five candles, four around the wreath and one in the centre. The circle of the wreath reminds us of God Himself, His eternity and endless mercy, which has no beginning or end. The green of the wreath speaks of the hope that we have in God, the hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life. Candles symbolise the light of God coming into the world through the birth of His son.

1st Sunday of Advent
Matthew 24: 37-44

Jesus said to his disciples “As it was in Noah’s day, so will be when the Son of Man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking and having a good time, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood. So stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming. You may be quite sure of this: that if the householder had known at what time of night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and would not a have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house. Therefore, you too must stand ready because you do not know when the Son of Many is coming.”


Cardiff Churches

Winter Night Shelter - Donations

What is the Night Shelter?
Every winter the Cardiff Churches get together and run a Night Shelter at different locations around Cardiff. The Night Shelter offers a hot evening meal, a cuppa, a chat and the chance to play board games, a safe place to sleep, normally a cooked breakfast and often a packed lunch.

How can we help?
Deacon Mike from St Peter’s RC Church met with the Mini Vinnies to discuss how the community of St Philip Evans Primary School can help those in need this winter.

If you would like to support the Night Shelter the following donations would be greatly appreciated:  

  • Socks
  • Toothbrush
  •  Toothpaste
  •  Soap
  •  Shower gel
  •  Shaving foam
  •  Flannels
  •  Hats/scarves/gloves
  •  Underpants/underwear
  •  Board games
  •  Shampoo
  •  NO FOOD (the shelter provides cooked dinners/breakfasts)

We kindly ask that you deliver these items to your class teacher by Friday 20th December. Thank you in advance for your donations.


The Cardiff Night Shelter Project

Matthew 25:35

In Matthew chapter 25 we read of a very powerful statement about what the Body of Christ, the church, should be doing.  When we visit those who are sick, those in prison, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, Jesus says “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40) so don’t think of it only as doing for others but in doing for others we are doing it for Christ.

November is the month of Holy Souls

As the weather grows colder and the leaves fall, and Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, it is natural that our thoughts turn to those whom we have loved who are no longer with us.


How appropriate, then, that the Catholic Church offers us November, which begins with All Saints Day and All Souls Day, as the Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.


Who will you remember? 
Who will you pray for?



November is the month of the Holy Souls

31ST Sunday of Ordinary Time

Luke 19: 1-10

One day Jesus was going through Jericho. Everyone was excited because Jesus was coming to the town. A man called Zacchaeus lived in the town. Zacchaeus was a tax collector. His job was to collect money from everyone, even the poor people. People thought that Zacchaeus was a bad and selfish person. When Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was coming he ran to see what all the fuss was about. He couldn’t see Jesus so he climbed a tree nearby. Jesus saw him in the tree and called him down. Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ house and the people of Jericho were shocked. Jesus made Zacchaeus give everything back to the poor people. He changed him into a better person.

Story summary by Ffion (Yr6) and Maya (Yr5).


This reading is about conversion. Conversion could be described as a change in one’s belief or lifestyle – a change of heart that results in a change of living. In this passage Zacchaeus, who is a wealthy tax collector, decides that he wants to meet Jesus, and subsequently gives half of his property to the poor.

Something to think about….
Why did Zacchaeus seek out Jesus, especially considering that he is described as a ‘senior tax collector’?
Do you think Jesus should have called Zacchaeus down from the tree and gone to his house?
Do you think the other people who saw this were entitled to complain that Jesus “has gone to stay at a sinner’s house”? Do you think Jesus forgave Zacchaeus for his sins?



Forgive me lord for being greedy.
Lord have mercy.
Forgive me for shouting at others.
Lord have mercy.
Forgive me for being selfish.
Lord have mercy.
I did not think of others.
Lord have mercy.
I did not share with others.
Lord have mercy.

Forgiveness prayer by Leah (Yr6), Zac (Yr5) and Niall (Yr6)

Mini Vinnies’ Prayer

Lord, Thank you for our gifts and talents.
Lord, Show us who needs our help.
Lord, Use our hands to help those who are hungry.
Lord, Open our hearts to love and comfort those who are sad and lonely.
Lord, Let us share our time, gifts and talents with those in need.
Lord, Help us to care for the sick.
Lord, May we all help and support each other as children of St Philip Evans RC Primary School to build a better world.

Mrs Trigg spoke to us about the Society of St Vincent de Paul. She told us that the society helps those who are lonely and poor. She discussed the work of other SVP groups within our local area, for example, the work in other schools, parish groups and the Youth SVP. Mrs Trigg told us that we are all one big family who share the same mission – to help the poor and lonely people in the world.

Mrs Trigg talked about our ‘See, think, do’ model. This is a way of connecting our beliefs with our actions.

By Maya and Emily.


The Life of St Vincent de Paul

  • He thought he was better than other people and was ashamed of his family who were poor.
  • When he was older he felt sorry for the way he had treated his family and wanted to help them.
  • When he was 20 be became a Priest and he travelled to Rome and Paris looking for a parish where he could make money.
  • He gave money to the poor in the street, and the sick in hospital. By Aaron (Year 5)

Our meeting with the Young Vincentian Development Officer

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Be Thankful

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. Travelling from Galilee to Samaria, he came into a small town. Ten men met him there. These men did not come close to Jesus, because they all had a harmful skin disease. But they called to him, “Jesus! Master! Please help us!”

When Jesus saw the men, he said, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”[

While the ten men were going, they were healed.  When one of them saw that he was healed, he went back to Jesus. He praised God in a loud voice. Then he bowed down at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. (This man was a Samaritan.) Jesus asked, “Ten men were healed; where are the other nine? Is this Samaritan the only one who came back to thank God?”  Then Jesus said to him, “Stand up and go on your way. You were healed because you believed.” Luke 17: 11-19



27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Who is the Holy Spirit?

This week the Mini Vinnies have been learning about the Holy Spirit. We recognise that the Holy Spirit has been sent by God to guise us. Our Christian belief about the Trinity is that God is three Persons: the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.
By Oriel (Year 6) and Jesse (Year 3)

The Holy Spirit is our helper.
He helps our hearts feel better when we are sad – John 14:16-18.
He helps us be brave when we are scared – 2 Timothy 1:7


For God did not gives us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. The Holy Spirit can guide us so we are not afraid to speak up or do something which would otherwise be overwhelming! With assistance of the Holy Spirit the things which scare us or make us timid get completed covered up!
2 Timothy 1: 6 – 8, 13-14


The Holy Spirit is often depicted as a dove, based on the account of the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove when he was baptised in the Jordan. This week we used our fingerprints to collaboratively make a picture of a white dove.


Thanksgiving Prayer
Annwyl Iesu,
Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for sending us your love.
Thank you for the roof above our heads.
Thank you for the earth and the creatures.
Thank you for food and water.
Thank you for the live you have provided us.
By Max (Year 2), Archie (Year 4) and Maya (Year 5)


25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week the Mini Vinnies have been discussing ‘Stewardship’. Stewardship comes from the word, ‘steward.’ A steward is a person who takes care of something.

  • A parent takes care of children.
  • A farmer takes care of the land.
  • A doctor takes care of sick people.

Stewardship in the Bible is one of the lessons you need to learn as a disciple of Christ. Stewardship begins with the very first verse. We see in this passage that God is the creator of everything: He created the universe, the earth, and he created you.

We must look after all that God created for us. We have created a thanksgiving prayer that thanks God for giving us ownership of His wonderful world.


Thank you God for the wonderful world.
We will take care of it.
Thank you God for all the animals.
We will look after them.
Thank you God for the trees.
We will plant more.
Thank you God for the oceans.
We will keep them clean.
Thank you God for our precious family and friends.
We will love them.
Thank you God for our teachers.
We will grow and learn.

Prayer by Niall (Year 6) and Leah (Year 6)

“See, Think, Do”

Our Mission
The St Vincent de Paul Society aspire to live like Jesus through our “See, Think and Do” model. We want to spread love and respect across our school community and the wider world. We want to help the poor, sick and vulnerable.

What do we do?

We meet with Miss Bishop and our peers every week to talk, share ideas and concerns and try to help those in need. We follow the ‘See, Think and Do’ model. ‘Seeing’ means finding out about troubles in and around our world, for example sick people or poor people. ‘Thinking’ is the next stage. This is an opportunity for us to think about these problems and plan how we can help fix them. The final stage is ‘Doing’ and this means that we will do something about the issue, for example hold a fundraising event in our school.


We make sure that others in our school are happy because we look out for people who are alone. We want everyone in St Philip Evans RC Primary School to feel loved and happy.

We are proud to represent our school while fundraising for our local and wider community. It puts what we learn in our Come and See lessons in the classroom into practice – we are living our faith within our school.

By Ffion (Year 6) and Aaron (Year 5).

Mini Vinnies September 2019



Mini Vinnies 2018/2019


A big hello from the Mini Vinnie Committee 2018/19!


Year 2 Mini Vinnies 


Year 3 Mini Vinnies 


Year 4 Mini Vinnies 


Year 5 Mini Vinnies 


Year 6 Mini Vinnies 


As part of the Mini Vinnies Committee, we gather and pray together in school and to talk about those around us who need our help, and think of ways they can help those people.


We have been thinking of ways we can help people during Lent and the promises we can make to Jesus during this special time. 


3 6 4 5 7 7 Visitors