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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Home Worship Resources

For even more up to date home worship resources and links, please visit the Year 4 Google classroom (through Hwb) and go to the Home Learning: Additional Resources classwork area.

Wednesday Word 

Visit the Wednesday Word children's area to find out more about this weeks Gospel messages, discover saint factfiles, kidzone games and more!



Ten Ten home worship resources


use the links below for prayers and liturgy ideas you can do at home as a family, or on your own in a moment of quiet reflection.


Assembly video for home 


Sunday Liturgy for families


Daily Prayers for home



Don't forget to check out this weeks Wednesday Word online edition, using the links down the page!

How will you celebrate Ascension Day? - Thursday 21st May 2020


How will you mark the Feast of the Ascension, the day on which Jesus rose into heaven and the 40th day after Easter Sunday.

We need to help remind one another that as Jesus left this Earth, he gave his Apostles the mission to spread the Gospel to all nations before he “...was lifted up before their eyes, and a cloud took him out of their sight.” ( Acts 1, 9) How can we follow this mission as followers of Christ today?

Record a short video with an idea of how you could celebrate this feast in the absence of attending church.   Submit videos to the Ascension Day Google classwork assignment



Jesus' Ascension

This story focuses on Jesus' Acension after his resurrection and the message that he gave to his disciples right before he was taken to heaven. It also tells...

A lovely signing hymn about our Hail Mary Full Of Grace, to sing and sign throughout the month of May

10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman with Lyrics

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