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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Learning Experiences

Our jungle song

Still image for this video

Learning about the skeletal system

Learning about the muscular system

Our Educational Visit to Welsh Water

Our visit to Welsh Water  


On the 21st September wee went on our educational visit to Welsh Water. We wanted the find out the answer to our question “Where does the water come from?” On our visit to the centre we completed

two activities to help us with our question. 

Our first activity was all about the water cycle and we learnt all about the water in our world. We completed some science experiments that helped us to see what evaporation and condensation looked like. We lit a candle and watched the water evaporate and turn from a liquid into a gas called vapour. We looked at surface run off and how the water runs off the surface of mountains and is collected in our lakes, rivers, reservoirs and oceans. 

We have continued this in our learning in school this week in our science lessons, to show our knowledge of the water cycle. We have used Google classroom to create a presentation of the water cycle to show how the water travels round in a journey. Some of us, created our own diagram of the water cycle and used our science knowledge and new vocabulary to explain the journey that our water goes on. We also looked at the Welsh Words for some of the key parts of our water cycle and used this in our learning. 

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