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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Class Homework

Homework 15.06

Homework this week is to learn your past tense Welsh postcard ready for recording. Don't forget to use these sentence patterns:

Es i 

Bwytais i 

Yfais i 

Gwelais i 

Gwisgais i 

We will be performing to other children in the class and recording from Wednesday next week. Don't forget to use the Habit of Mind, 'Communicating with Clarity and Precision.' 

Homework 8.06.18

You homework this week is to complete a landscape sketch of The Brecon Beacons. You may wish to use Kyffin Williams, or Robert McDonald as inspiration. You may whatever media you may wish. 

Half Term Homework- to be completed by Monday 4th June 2018

Complete a learning log on The Parable of The Good Samaritan

Answer the following questions:

  • What is a parable?
  • What messages can we take from this parable?
  • How will it shape your life?
  • What scripture can you link with the parable and the actions of The Good Samaritan?
  • Which modern day scenarios can you link this to?
  • How did The Good Samaritan live out our St Philip Evans Profile virtues?



Summer Play Auditions - Friday 25th May 

Auditions will take place on Friday. You may wish to audition for a singing and acting role/ just singing or just acting.

Please learn the following lines for an acting role:

Girls- Mary P

Boys- Mr Banks 


Learn a chorus or verse from a Mary Poppins song of your choice  to audition for a singing role. 


Mary P: Thank you. Ahem!  You are the father of Jane and Michael Banks, are you not? (to the back of Mr. Banks.  He turns, surprised by her tone of voice and doesn’t answers) I said… you are the father of Jane and Michael Bank?


Mr Banks: Well… yes… I mean…. Uh…. Have you brought your references? May I see them please?


Mary Poppins: Oh, I make a point to never give references. A very old fashioned idea to my mind!


Mr Banks: Is that so, well we’ll have to see about that won’t we!


Mary Poppins: ( Looking at sellotaped letter)Now then, the qualifications. Item one: A cheery disposition, I am never cross: Two, rosy cheeks, obviously. Item 3: Play games- all sorts. Well I’m sure the children will find my games extremely diverting!




Mr Banks: (looking startled, looks at letter, then at fireplace)  That letter, where did you get that from?


(Jane and Michael peek in from stage left and are amazed at what is happening)

Mary Poppins: Item 4 – I am kind, but extremely firm. (Looks to Mr Banks who is looking into the fireplace!) Have you lost something?


Mr Banks: It’s that paper… You see… I Thought…


Mary Poppins: You are George banks are you not?


Mr Banks: Mr Banks! Yes.


Mary: And you did advertise for a nanny yes?


(Mr Banks nods)


Mary: Very well then. I shall require every second Tuesday off.


Mr Banks: Every second Tuesday (still looking confused)


Mary: (looking doubtful) Hmmm...I believe a trial period would be wise. I’ll give you one week. I’ll know by then. Now I think that I should see the children! Thank You. ( She turns and sees the children looking into the room from stage left.  Michael’s mouth is open.) Close your mouth Michael, please. We are not a cod fish! Well don’t just stand there. Let’s get going. Spit Spot!


Homework - 20.04.18

Test Preparation

Homework this week is to complete your reading test questions allocated on Giglets. Giglets is an invaluable resource when preparing for tests. How many can you score full marks on? 


There is a Procedural practice paper allocated on Mathletics. This is your maths homework for this week.


Please complete this homework by Wednesday 25th April. Continue to use Giglets and Mathletics during the run up to tests. They will really help you before you complete national tests. 


Half Term Homework 16.02.18

Complete a learning log on Biodiversity.

1.What is biodiversity?

2.What would the biodiversity be like in your local area?

3.Why is biodiversity important?

4.What impact is climate change having on biodiversity?

 Find out about the biodiversity in a particular habitat of your choice. You might choose the ocean, rainforest, desert etc.


 You also have the opportunity to enter into any of the competitions for the Eisteddfod- the deadline is 27.02.18

Homework Task- 9.02.18

Save Our Planet- Learning Log

Complete a learning log to answer the following question:



1. What is Global Warming?


2. What is causing Global  Warming?

Hermione Grainger

3. Why are the sea levels rising and what is the impact of this?

Luna Lovegood

4. What is the Greenhouse effect?


 5. How can we reduce our carbon footprint?

Harry Potter

6. How can  we reduce our carbon footprint through recycling and why is recycling important?

Draco Malfoy

7.How can we protect our atmosphere and environment?

Sorting Hat

8.How can we be better global citizens? How are our decisions affecting the wider world?



9. Where in the world is Global Warming causing extreme weather conditions and why?

Ron Weasley


Homework Task – 26.01.18


Discussion- Should animals be kept in zoos? Research arguments for and against. Complete a tree map with arguments for and against.

  - What types of organisations would support the arguments for and what types of organisations would argue against? 

HW 19.01.18

Due in- 24.01.18

Learning Log - RE- Sources 

Create a learning log about The Bible. The categories may include:


Uses of the Bible

Why is the bible important to us?

What are the categories?

How do we use scripture references to find pieces of scripture?

Scripture that inspires my life. 

Be creative and add categories of your own. 




Wb 15.01.18
Test 19.01.18

Ron Weasley, Hedwig, Luna Lovegood

Spelling Book 3, Unit 16


Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter

Spelling Book 3, Unit 9


Sorting Hat, Hermione, Ravenclaw

Spelling Book 3, Unit 5

Glas 2

Spelling Book 2, Unit 5





































Welsh Homework wb 8.01.17

Learn your Welsh Oracy Conversation ready for recording next week. Use the PP saved below to help you. 

Welsh Questions and Answers Year 6

Spelling Lists wb 8.01.18

Test - Friday 12.01.18

Ron Weasley, Hedwig, Luna Lovegood

Spelling Book 3, Unit 15

Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter

Spelling Book 3, Unit 8

Sorting Hat, Hermione, Ravenclaw

Spelling Book 3, Unit 4

Glas 2

Spelling Book 2, Unit 4






































Year 6 Christmas Homework 

Due In - Wednesday 10th January 2018 

Complete a learning log about Climate Change. Our new context is 'Save Our Planet.' Find out about global warming, climate change and how we can care for our planet. 

Y5/6 Homework May Half Term 2017

Please choose one of the following learning log tasks to complete in your homework book.

  1. What’s special about the UEFA Champions League Final? On Saturday 3rd June, Cardiff is hosting this year’s Champions league final in the ‘National Stadium.’  Can you carry out your own research to answer the question and share your research in a creative way?


  1. What food webs live in a rockpool on Southerndown beach?  After half term we will be visiting the Glamorgan Heritage Coast to find out about how animals and plants live interdependently of each other. Can you carry out your own research and present your findings in a creative way?




Practise Tests 


Following the Easter holidays, all children will being taking national tests in literacy and numeracy. To help the children prepare for these tests we have provided 3 practise tests. A Reading Test, and 2 numeracy tests ~(reasoning and procedural). 


Your child also has access to giglets and mathletics on which your child's class teacher has assigned specific tasks to help them improve their reading and numeracy skills. 


Have a happy and safe Easter!



Friday 10th March 2017


Fair Trade Recipe Competition

As Fair Trade fortnight comes to an end, the whole school is taking part in a recipe competition. Can you find and share a recipe that uses fair trade ingredients? 


The best recipes will be included in our fair trade recipe book!



Maths: each child has been assigned 10 tasks to complete on Mathletics. Each child knows their logins for mathletics. When you login to mathletics you will have to complete the tasks assigned to you by your teacher before completing any other games.


Maths: Mathletics March Championship

We are taking part in the Mathletics March Championship and therefore our maths homework is set online. Every child has been given a test and 10 maths activities to complete before next Wednesday!


How many points can you get for our school?


What is Mathletics?

Mathletics is an online learning platform designed to provide students with an engaging and safe learning experience. Targeted and adaptive content with structured support, plus gaming and rewards – all aligned to the primary maths curriculum for each of the UK nations.


Can you make it onto the Mathletics Hall of Fame? With mathletics the more you play the more points you earn and subsequently you could make it on to the UK of World hall of Fame:

Freddie has made it number 25 in the UK!!!! Da iawn! Who else can join him in the hall of fame?

February Half Term homework 2017


Task1: the week after half term all pupils will be taking part in our annual Eisteddfod to celebrate St. David's Day.

Please enter at least one of the competitions assigned to you in the letter handed out the week before half term.


Maths: each child has been assigned 10 tasks to complete on Mathletics. Each child knows their logins for mathletics. When you login to mathletics you will have to complete the tasks assigned to you by your teacher before completing any other games.


What is Mathletics?

Mathletics is an online learning platform designed to provide students with an engaging and safe learning experience. Targeted and adaptive content with structured support, plus gaming and rewards – all aligned to the primary maths curriculum for each of the UK nations.


Can you make it onto the Mathletics Hall of Fame? With mathletics the more you play the more points you earn and subsequently you could make it on to the UK of World hall of Fame:

Freddie has made it number 25 in the UK!!!! Da iawn! Who else can join him in the hall of fame?

Homework Friday 10th February 2017


This week there is double maths homework because there was no maths homework last week.

Task 1: WALT: choose the correct operation to solve a word problem.


Every child has been given a set of problems to solve. Use RUCSAC to help you solve the problem.

Complete your maths work in your yellow maths homework book!


Task 2: Active Learn

Every child has been set 30 online maths games linked to topics linked to topics that we have covered since October 2016. Children must choose 10 games to complete before Wednesday 15th February. All children have their logins for 

active learn- first 4 letters of their first name and first 4 letters of the family name e.g kellsmit/ password changeme/ school code xw9m.

Homework Friday 3rd February 2017


All children have been assigned a new book and comprehension questions on Giglets.


Learning Log: Write a diary entry as child who worked in a coal mine during the industrial revolution in Wales.

Can you draw upon the knowledge and experiences form our educational visit to the Rhondda Heritage Park?


Success Criteria.

  1. 1st Person ( It was my first day...)
  2. Describe the mine using the 5 senses
  3. Use a simile
  4. Use ambitious vocabulary
  5. Describe historcial accurate facts and details
  6. Describe YOUR emotions


Homework Friday 20th January 2017


Maths. This Week We have been looking solving division problems


Mrs Davies Class: In your maths homework book.


Pg 15 Old Abacus Evolve Y5TB2


Use the bus stop method that you have been practising all week


Mr Griffiths' Class

Grwp Meistroli


Pg. 37 complete in your homework book. Solve the division word problems using the long division method we have been learning this week in school.



Mr Griffiths' Class Datblygu Group


Find if the numbers are divisible and record the answers in your maths book.

Gwaith  Catref: 13/1/17


Reading: All reading books have been changed. You need to complete this book by Friday 27th January. 

Maths Mrs Davies: Complete multiplication and division questions in your maths homework book.

Maths Mr Griffiths: Answer word problems using long multiplication

Mr Griffiths Grwp Seren Disglair: Solving word problems using long multiplication and division.


Learning Log Task

Research ideas



Book Genres- Friday 6th January 2017- To start our new RE topic Sources, we will be thinking about different kind" of fiction genres. The word genre comes from the Latin word "sort" and is any category of literature, music, or film.


Can you think of a book or film for every genre in this category and hen write a book review of your favourite book?

Learning Log 9.12.16: Enterprise Week


Money! Money! Money!

Watch Darcy’s video :

Create a learning log answer the question: Why is money management important?

How can you save money?

Why are banks important?

How much money does your future career earn?

How will enterprise week prepare you for the future?

Homework Friday 1st December 2016


Maths: every child has been given questions on calculating averages: mode, median and mean. Work to be completed in their maths homework book.


English: Preparation for oracy assessment: The children will need to learn their traditional tale they wrote for homework recently, which was linked to their family heritage. They will need to be able to retell the story concisely and using a range of ambitious vocabulary. They will need to communicate with clarity and precision and retell the tale with expression and confidence. They may wish to create a PowerPoint presentation or poster with visual cues to help them with their retell, but they will not be able to include any text.

Homework Friday 25th November


Maths: work sheet- work will be completed in your maths homework book.


English: create persuasive tourist leaflet about Cardiff Bay.




Homework Friday 18th November 2016


Maths: work sheet- work will be completed in your maths homework book.


English: read first 3 chapters of new reading book; complete a summary of the first three chapters. See success criteria in your learning log.

Anti Bullying Week Poster: Next week is Anti Bullying Week and your homework is to create a poster that shares the key messages of the week. You may create the poster by hand or digitally.

The theme is the Power for Good ( encouraging young people to use their Power for Good – by understanding the ways in which they are powerful  and encouraging individual and collective action to stop bullying and create the best world possible.)


Success Criteria

1)Share the key messages
2)Make your writing clear, bold and bright
3)Use images to explain your ideas.

Theme for the week:

It doesn’t matter what colour hair you have; how you speak; how you walk; how you talk – it is not your

fault if you get bullied. We are all different in some way and that’s what makes us amazing.



◊ Whether you are a boy or a girl, old or young, big or small – bullying makes you feel rubbish and it’s okay to be upset about it. The important thing is that you tell someone about it.

◊ If you feel you can, talk to a teacher you trust or your parents, brother or sister. If you don’t want to do that you can always call Childline 0800 11 11 or visit

◊ Keep a record of what happened, when it happened, and who was involved. If the bullying is online, keep the evidence – save or copy any photos, videos, texts, emails or posts.

◊ It can be tempting if you are being bullied to retaliate – to send a horrible message back to someone, to try and embarrass and hurt the other person, or to fight back. This is not a good idea – you might end up getting into trouble or get yourself even more hurt.

◊ Think about other ways you can respond to bullying. For example, practice saying: “I don’t like it when you say that/do that – please stop.” Think about other people who can help you if you are being bullied – this could be other classmates, or a teacher.

◊ Only hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself. If someone constantly puts you down they are not a real friend and not worth your time.

◊ Be kind to yourself, and do things that make you feel good, relax and make new friends. You might play an instrument; write lyrics;

draw cartoons; dance; act or join a sports club. This is your life so make sure it’s the best life possible – don’t let anyone bring you down.



Maths Homework 11.11.16


Grwp Seren

WALT: read and interpret pie charts

Pg. E23(See sheet)

Success Criteria

1)Cut and stick each pie chart
2)Interpret each chart and answer questions in maths homework book (yellow).


Grwp Petryl a Sgwar

WALT: read and interpret line graphs.

Pg. 47 (See sheet)

Success Criteria

1)Cut and stick line graph
2)Interpret line graph and answer questions in maths homework book (yellow).


Grwp cylch a Triongl

WALT: read and interpret bar line graphs.

Pg. 39 (See sheet)

Success Criteria

1)Cut and stick line graph
2)Interpret line graph and answer questions in maths homework book (yellow).


Homework: 4.11.16


English homework: rewrite a traditional tale linked to your culture and heritage or your family's culture and heritage. Try to be concise and retell the story in 6 paragraphs.


A Welsh traditional tale form the 4 branches of the Mabinogion.

The Deer and the Snail- A Traditional Tale from the Philippines

The Loyal Mongoose- A Traditional Indian Tale

The Glas Mountain- A Polish Fairy Tale

The Monkey and the Shark- An African Traditional Tale

The Golden Scales- An Italian Traditional Tale


Success Criteria

  • Clear story structure (see story mountain if you are unsure of this).
  • Adjectives, adverbs and descriptive phrases
  • A range of sentence structures
  • Paragraphs


Maths: Active Learn.

Spelling Homework: Week Beginning Monday 31st October.

Each group will be learning to spell a specific spelling rule. Every child has been assigned an online activity on active learn (within spelling and grammar bug). The game that you have been assigned will help you learn the spelling pattern/rule and you will be tested on how to spell the words within a piece of writing which will also test your also understand the words meaning.

Grwp Gwyrdd a Glas- -WALT: sure/-ture/-cher suffix









Grwp Melyn: WALT: spell silent letters












Grwp Coch: WALT: spell –ough words
















Half Term Home Work Friday 21st October 2016


Children, you have a choice of homework tasks linked to our Thinking About Our World topic finding out about the affects of deforestation in South East Asia.


1) Create a multimedia video informing people about how they can help save orang-utans. Use any software platform that you have access to.


2) Create a painting or collage not that explains the plight of the orang-utans.


Maths: active learn linked to calculating mean averages.


Reading: complete your reading book so that they can be changed on the first day of term after half term.


Have a happy and safe half term! 

Y5/6 Homework Friday 14th October 2016


English: Read the first 3 chapters of your new reading book.


Can you complete an interview with  the main character in your homework book?

Use the success criteria to help you.




Cylch , Triongl and Petryl: multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100

Sgwar a Seren: multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10,100 and 1000

Y5/6 Learning Log: 7/10/16

Q)How is the production of palm oil threatening orangutans?

Can you find out about why growing palm oil is threatening the lives of these apes?

What is palm oil used for?

 How many orangutan are left in the wild?

What can we do to help?

How will you present your research creatively? Goodsite Building Site Safety Poster Competition

This week, we had a visit from Bernie who works for Jehu Construction Company who is involved in the redevelopment of the Maelfa in Llanedeyrn. Bernie was accompanied by Ivor Goodsite who talked to us about the dangers and ways of staying safe on a building site.

This week’s homework is to design and produce an A4 poster that tells people ways of staying safe on a building site. See Ivor Goodsites website for more ideas and games:

The posters will be sent to Jehu who will award prizes for the best poster in each year group.

Home Work Friday 23rd September 2016:

Due Wednesday 28th September 2016


Reading: Read chapters 1-3 of your group reading book and complete a flow thinking map in your homework book summarising the main events. Your homework book contains a success criteria to help you complete this successfully.

Flow map

  • Double page spread
  • Left to right flow
  • Sequence events in correct order
  • Time connectives (Later, next, meanwhile, afterwards etc)
  • Sub stages can add extra information

Maths: each maths group has been given a place value maths sheet to complete as well as online active learn work.


ICT: Can you login to use your login provided by your class teacher on Friday 23rd September. Can you edit your profile picture.  We will be accessing the ilearn website during our Computing Project next week with Cardiff County Council.

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