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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Welcome to the Nursery Class Page


Croseo i'r Feithrinfa


Our Teacher is Mrs. Sherwood


Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs. Tyler & Mrs. Cowhey




  • Morning session 9am – 11.30am

  • Afternoon session 1pm – 3.30pm

  • Children need to bring a piece of fruit to nursery every day or 30p to buy fruit daily

  • We kindly ask for £1 donation for nursery resources every week

  • Children take part in P.E and the daily mile every Wednesday, so suitable shoes are required

  • We encourage children to wear our school uniform every day.

  • Suitable clothing is required to allow children to be independent in using the toilets and also for getting changed when needed. We strongly recommend no jeans, tight clothing or shoes with laces.

  • We have an open door policy so any questions or concerns please ask any nursery team member and make us aware of anything important going on in your child’s life.

  • We have a lending library in our nursery entrance that children can access daily to choose books to take home with them.

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