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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Memorial Sacrifice- 5B



Memorial Sacrifice- 5B In our Come and See this week we have been learning about the significance of prayer, especially the Eucharistic Prayer. In year 5, we wrote our own prayer, explaining how important Jesus’ sacrifice was for us. Here is an example of prayer, from a pupil in year 5. ‘Jesus, we remember your intense sacrifice that saved our lives and we are very grateful. Therefore we celebrate your death and resurrection. For this brave sacrifice we owe you a gift of loyalty and responsibility. These gifts are made from the heart and taken seriously. Significance should be given to you as you are Christ. For this brave sacrifice we take the Body of Christ and the chalice of salvation and offer you these precious treasures especially made for you’ We have enjoyed the topic memorial sacrifice as it has brought us closer to Jesus, we know the Holy Spirit guides us in everything we do, helping us to carry out our pupil virtues daily.

Football Fundraiser for CAFOD


In year 5 we have been taking part in the football fundraiser for CAFOD. As Catholics we believe we are stewards of God's planet and we have the mission and the responsibility to look after the earth. 



In Laudato Si’, his letter to all of us, Pope Francis says that we must ‘protect our common home’, the whole Earth, and that we can ‘work together to do it’.


By taking part in the football fundraiser we are working together to raise money for people in the Amazon rainforest and all around the world who are in need of our support.


Here red is a prayer to help us reflect 


Loving God, 

Help us to work together

to share what we have 

so that everyone has what they need. 

Help us to build a better world

where each of us can become

the best person we can be.






Our CAFOD football Fundraiser

Memorial Sacrifice

In our Come and See this week we have been learning about the significance of prayer, especially the Eucharistic Prayer. In year 5, we wrote our own prayer, explaining how important Jesus’ sacrifice was for us. Here is an example of prayer, from a pupil in year 5.

Jesus, we remember your intense sacrifice that saved our lives and we are very grateful. Therefore we celebrate your death and resurrection.

For this brave sacrifice we owe you a gift of loyalty and responsibility. These gifts are made from the heart and taken seriously. Significance should be given to you as you are Christ.

For this brave sacrifice we take the Body of Christ and the chalice of salvation and offer you these precious treasures especially made for you’

We have enjoyed the topic memorial sacrifice as it has brought us closer to Jesus, we know the Holy Spirit guides us in everything we do, helping us to carry out our pupil virtues daily.




Mission LF5 May they all be one. 


This lesson in Come and See is all about how people were inspired to follow Jesus Christ and to share his mission and how they were called Christians. 

Sometimes they had disagreements about how to share the Good News and how to pray, but they were always united in their faith and love for God. 


Today we we have been showing our representation of the natural world created by God. As you can see in the pictures we all have a different interpretation of the world but are united in our appreciation and love for God's amazing creation. 

May they all be one

We have been preparing and delivering a collective worship about our new virtues Compassionate and Loving. 

Here our some photos from our prayerful and reflective service. 

Compassionate and Loving Gweddiwn

The Feast of the Presentation 


This week we gathered for a school mass to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation. This is when Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple. When they were there they met an old man called Simeon. Simeon was good and holy person. He often went to the temple to pray. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and blesed God saying 'Now I am very happy to die because you have kept your promise. I am holding the one who is to be the light for everyone in the world'. 


 We created our own class candles and Father John blessed the candles during the mass and we were reminded that Jesus is the light of the world.  


Mission 5B


In year 5 this week we performed a class assembly on ‘Mission’. Everyone has a mission, we have been learning all about inspirational people, their mission and how they fulfil it. We have also learnt about the church and our clergy. We have been looking at Jesus’ mission in diocese, known as ecumenism. We read scripture from Isaiah which describes his mission. The main focus of the mission is to spread the good news to the poor.

Jesus helped the poor for example when he fed 5000 people. We also learnt about other inspirational people who used Isaiah’s scripture to inspire their own personal mission. One of these people was Elly Jansen a young Dutch woman, her mission was inspired by Jesus. Jesus always made it his mission to help those in need. We know how important it is to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and have reflected by creating a mission for ourselves to follow.

Sharing the Wednesday Word and making a New Start

On our first day back of 2020 we have been reading the Wednesday Word together. We have been sharing the Gospel with one another and have discussed the words of the week which are NEW START. We have made a new start by shaking hands with our classmates and wishing them a Haooy New Year. We wrote a New Year's resolution promised God we would keep it by placing it on our class altar. 
In year 5 we understand that a lot of people aren’t as fortunate as ourselves. We along with all other classes in St.Philip Evans have been collecting for the homeless shelter in order for them to have necessities which we take for granted. We are living out our pupil profile virtues and following Jesus, by donating to the poor.

Minnie Vinnies Collection Year 5

Come and See Display

Advent Altars

This is Year 5’s pupil profile virtues board and Advent Altar

We have been making Advent Promises about how we will use Kind Words this Advent

Waiting for the promised one.

Year 5 have been waiting for the promised one in our Come and See Lesson. We have looked at scripture of the promised one and how it relates to our lives when we are waiting .
Bl5 have started the topic ‘Hope’ we have learnt what the Advent Wreath and Candles symbolise. We are preparing for Jesus to come, this is a time called Advent.

Year 5 Christ the King Feast Liturgy

Christ the King Feast Liturgy. In year 5 we reflected on the meaning behind the Christ the King feast by carrying out a liturgy.

Welcome: Today we hear how Jesus is laughed at while on the cross and how two thieves have different things to say to him while they also are on the cross.


Opening prayer: O Lord Jesus Christ, our King and Saviour, may we never forget your love for each one of us. We praise you always. Amen.


First reading (optional): Samuel 5:1-3


Psalm: Psalm 121:1-5. R. Cf. v.2


Gospel acclamation: everyone stands and sings the acclamation together. Suggestions include: ‘Halle, halle, halle’ (Caribbean) from ‘Sing With the World’, Alison Adam & John Bell; ‘Alleluia’ (Zimbabwe), Abraham Maraire Publications, WCC & GIA; ‘Celtic Alleluia’ (traditional); ‘Alleluia! Raise the Gospel’ from ‘Go Before Us’, Bernadette Farrell, OCP Publications.


Gospel: Luke 23:35-43


5The people stood there watching. The leaders made fun of Jesus. They said, “If he is God’s Chosen One, the Christ, then let him save himself. He saved other people, didn’t he?”

36Even the soldiers made fun of him. They came to Jesus and offered him some vinegar. 37They said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself!” 38(At the top of the cross these words were written: “THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”)

39One of the criminals began to shout insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Christ? Then save yourself! And save us too!”

40But the other criminal stopped him. He said, “You should fear God! You are getting the same punishment as he is. 41We are punished justly; we should die. But this man has done nothing wrong!” 42Then this criminal said to Jesus, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!”

43Then Jesus said to him, “Listen! What I say is true: Today you will be with me in paradise!”


Gospel reflection: What do you remember from today's reading?

In today's gospel we read how Jesus is put to death on a cross and how he is laughed at and made fun of.

Can you imagine what it must have been like in front of all those people, to be in pain and to be laughed at? How do you think Jesus felt?


The crowds can't understand why Jesus, the Son of God, can’t save himself. They are very confused. To them a king is someone who has power, money, land and who dresses in expensive clothes - not someone who ends up on a cross with a crown of thorns on his head. Kings are powerful, not like Jesus who seems helpless and is about to die. Yet we know that this was part of God's plan - Jesus had to die so that we are saved.


There were two thieves on either side of Jesus, both on crosses as well.
What did they say to Jesus?


The first thief couldn't understand why Jesus didn’t try to save himself and prove that he was the Son of God by coming off the cross. He thought Jesus should try to save the thieves as well.

The second thief tells the first off for being so rude to Jesus. He knows Jesus is innocent and doesn't deserve to die when he hasn't done anything wrong. This thief asks only to be remembered by Jesus. Jesus sees that the second thief is sorry for what he has done and so Jesus promises not just to remember the second thief but to give him peace and forgiveness in heaven.

What does this show us about Jesus in our lives?


When we feel powerless Jesus is right there with us. Jesus turns bad things into something better and stronger. The second thief knew this and we can believe it too. 


How does this help all people who feel powerless to change their lives and who are treated badly by other people?


Jesus gives us hope as we know that he rose again three days later. Anything is possible with God.


What does this tell us about the kind of king that Jesus is?


Jesus was indeed a king. And not just any king but the "King of Kings" because who else could rise again from the dead? Power, money, possessions and expensive clothes are not as special as new life.


Jesus came to serve others and so sometimes he is called the servant king. Jesus is the king of love, justice, peace and forgiveness.


We are also called to help and to serve one another: in our homes, in our community and in the world around us.


This week, when things are difficult, remember that God is always with you. And when you see that things are difficult for others, perhaps you can try to do all that you can to help and serve them, so they know that they are not alone and forgotten either.


Intercessions You may want to ask the children to offer their own prayers or

you can use the suggestions below.


Let us pray to Christ our King together:


We pray for the Church: that it may follow the example of Christ, serving others at all times. Lord in your mercy...


We pray for our brothers and sisters in every country: that we may always remember them, and pray and work for change so all people may live free from poverty. Lord in your mercy...


We pray for our parish, family and friends: that we may remember that God is with us in the hardest times and help and serve each other when things are difficult. Lord in your mercy...


Closing prayer: O King of Kings, you died so that we might have life. Help us to serve one another and to be there for each other in the most difficult times. Amen.





A few pupils from year 5 have took part in a Gweddiwn, to celebrate the end of our topic ‘Mission’. In our gospel and recent friends of Jesus we learnt about the story of Maximilian Kolbe.
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