- Maths Factor / Catch up Maths
Is a small group intervention, (Catch up Maths 1:1) programme that is designed to specifically target to the pupils' numeracy needs. Pupils are taught maths strategies using multi-sensory activities. Diagnostic assessments are utilised for pupils and to plan a programme specific to the pupils' needs. Numeracy progress is evaluated and tracked.
Intended Outcome
To improve the capacity of pupils with numeracy difficulties in line with the National Numeracy Framework.
Pupils are identified through analysis of MALT maths factor analysis.
- Rapid Readers
Provides the small but important steps which will move the struggling reader aged 7-11 from a reading age of 5.6 to a reading age of 8+.
Intended Outcome
To improve literacy skills in line with the National Literacy Framework. Pupils are identified through analysis of SALFORD reading tests.
- CLIP (Literacy)
A literacy intervention that develops pupils reading, phonemic, spelling and writing skills through a small group intervention that utilizes interactive strategies.
Intended Outcome
To improve literacy skills in line with the National Literacy Framework. Pupils are identified through analysis of SALFORD reading tests.
- Catch up Literacy
Catch Up® Literacy is a structured one-to-one intervention for learners who find reading difficult. It enables struggling readers to achieve more than double the progress of typically developing readers.
Intended Outcome
To improve literacy skills in line with the National Literacy Framework. Pupils are identified through analysis of SALFORD reading tests.
- Handwriting Motorway
Programme to support the development of motor skills needed for handwriting.
- Talk About
Pupils learn skills to improve social, communication and interaction with others within a small group.
- Thrive Approach 1:1 Sessions
Pupils learn about emotional and social development relevant to a child’s age.
- Thrive Morning ‘Meet & Greet’
Pupils learn about emotional and social development relevant to a child’s age.
- Speech & Language
A programme that identifies and supports pupils with developmental speech sound difficulties/understanding of language.
Intended Outcome
To improve pupils speech/Language skills identified to have developmental speech sound difficulties.