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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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A new area has been created on the school website as easier access for parents/pupils to access all future home learning information.  click here 


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MENU > Homework > Homework: Distance learning > Nursery

Holy Week Homework


Da iawn pawb for the fantastic work you have been posting on SeeSaw! I'm very proud of all of your hard work and glad to see you are keeping safe and enjoying your home learning! 


As it is now the Easter Holidays for two weeks, there will not be work set as we appreciate that you need a break from your learning and a chance to catch up with the activities set that you may not have completed yet. 


However, we are now in the final week of Lent, which is called 'Holy Week'. It is when Christians remember the last week of Jesus' life and it is the most important time in the liturgical year. Our Easter holidays homework will be activities based on the events of Holy Week.


See below for the suggested ideas for what you can do on the different days in Holy Week. You can choose any of the activities you would like to complete!


There are also plenty of further activities and ideas to keep you occupied over the two weeks if you wish to use them! 


Upload any work you complete onto your SeeSaw account!


Have fun and stay safe! Enjoy your time at home with your families, 

Miss Stone smiley


Homework Activities

Use the 'Holy Week Stories' powerpoint below and then choose one or more of the suggested activities for each of the holy days. You can upload your work on SeeSaw! 


Palm Sunday (5th April)


Watch this video for the story of Palm Sunday:


Homework ideas:

> To make palm trees or leaves using one of the instruction guides below, or choose your own way!

> Role play the story (you may wish to use the donkey mask below).

Maundy Thursday (The Last Supper) (9th April)


Watch this video for the story: 


Homework ideas:

> Look at this screenshot from the video. With some help from an adult, draw your family eating dinner or use a photo. Ask an adult to help you to draw in speech bubbles the favourite foods you and each member of your family like to eat. 




Good Friday (10th April)


Homework ideas:

> To make a cross out of twigs or lollipop sticks... be as creative as you wish!

> To continue to learn how to make the Sign of the Cross correctly.

> To have hot cross buns as a special treat! 


Easter Sunday (12th April)



Homework ideas:

> To make a banner saying 'Alleluia, Jesus is alive!' 

> To plant a seed or make an Easter Garden.

> To decorate an egg or egg template, you may wish to add words such as 'love', 'kind' or 'share'...

> Go on an Easter Egg hunt!




Extra activities (if you wish to complete!):


1. The Easter Story

Cut out the cards and sequence the story. Can you put them in the correct order? Can you talk about what is happening in each of the pictures? Can you say which is 'first', 'second' and which is 'last'? Can you write numbers on the pictures to help you order them?


2. Easter Story colouring 


3. Cutting Skills


4. Dot to Dot

Can you read the numbers in the correct order? Follow the numbers to join the dots and create a picture! I wonder what it will be...


5. Easter Maths Activity Booklet


6. Pencil Control

Can you follow the lines with your pencil?


7. Easter 2D Shape activities


8. Easter Recipes

Choose a recipe below to follow with an adult! You could use SeeSaw to show what you have made! 


9. Easter Egg Weaving 

Follow the instructions below!


10. Easter Story stick puppets

Can you act out and retell the Easter story with help from an adult? Use the stick puppets below to print out or make your own if you can't print! 


Some questions to ask:

What is the story about?

Who is it about?

What happens to him?

Why is He so special?

How do we celebrate Easter?


11. Easter Story matching cards

Print off the cards or use on screen. Ask an adult to read the questions to you. Can you find the correct picture? 


12. Make an Easter Card

Can you make an Easter card to post or give to a friend or somebody in your family? You could include the word 'Alleulia' or make an empty tomb! 


Remember to upload your work to See-Saw! 


A prayer to remember Jesus:


Please see the following activities for children to complete.

Activities are attached below.




1. Practice saying, writing and finding 'sounds' around your home.

m   a   s   t   d   i   n   g   o   c


2. Practice writing your first name.


3. To read a range of stories to your child at home and discuss these stories with them.


4. Sound discrimination activity.

(See activity below)




1. Practice counting to 10 forwards and backwards. Can you count to 20?


2. Counting objects around your home e.g. toy cars or marbles.

Can you count 5 objects? Can you count 10 objects? 

Can you find one more / one less?


3. Practice reading and writing numbers 0-10.


4. Go on a shape hunt in your house! Can you find a triangle, square or circle?




1. Please continue to learn how to make the Sign of the Cross correctly.

(See activity below)


2. To say a 'thank you' prayer to God.



Physical Development: 

1. Practice using scissors to develop your cutting skills.

(See activity below)


2. Use 'Write Dance' videos on You Tube to copy the dance moves, moving your body in a particular way.


3. Pencil control activity - can you follow the lines?

(See activity below)


4. Use crayons/pens/pencils/paint to create your own patterns e.g. zig zags, lines, swirls.



Espresso learning activities


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Username: Student6486

Password: evans6





1. Foundation > Literacy > Nursery Rhymes




Knowledge and Understanding of the World


1. Foundation > Understanding of the World > New Life


2. Foundation > Understanding of the World > Weather


3. Foundation > Understanding of the World > People who help us: health workers


4. Foundation > Understanding of the World > Under the sea




Creative Development


1. Foundation > Expressive arts and design > Everyday sounds






A more detailed timetable to be uploaded soon.




Due on Wednesday 25th March

See your purple book for this week's homework.

We are learning to read and recognise numbers.



Due on Wednesday 18th March

To contribute something to our Nursery Prayer Garden, for example, a plant, windmill, wind chime, or other garden/religious ornament.



Due on Wednesday 11th March

See your purple book for this week's homework.  

To practice writing your first name.


Homework  - Nursery Eisteddfod Competitions

Our Nursery Eisteddfod will be held in class on Monday 2nd March at 10.45am for Morning Nursery and 2.45pm for Afternoon Nursery. Parents are invited to join our celebration. Children can choose to wear traditional Welsh dress, a rugby top or wear red.


Children can enter one of the following competitions:


1. Cooking Competition

Children are encouraged to cook something which is a traditional Welsh recipe or depicts Wales to them.


2. 3D Modelling Competition

Children are encouraged to make a 3D model of something which represents Wales for them. Children may use whichever means of media they wish and the topic is broad to encourage creativity.


3. Photography Competition

Children are encouraged to take a photo of something which represents Wales for them or of a place in Wales that is special to them.


Competition entries are due in no later than Wednesday 26th February 2020. Please ensure your child’s name is written clearly on their competition entry.



Due on Wednesday 5th February

We have been learning our colours in Welsh! For homework, we would like you to practice your colours by singing along to our song, Lliwau’r Enfys (Colours of the Rainbow).

Type Lliwau’r Enfys into YouTube or click the link below!



Due on Wednesday 29th January

See your purple book for this week's homework.

Can you make a litterbug character or recycling mascot from your old rubbish? Maybe you could use a plastic milk bottle for a body and cardboard tubes for arms and legs. What could you use for the eyes?



Due on Wednesday 22nd January 

See your purple book for this week's homework.

As part of our topic, Home Sweet Home, we would like to find out where in the world you or your family are from! You can write, draw or bring in photos to show us. We will be using ‘Google Maps’ to look at all of these places and see where we are in Llanedeyrn.



Due Wednesday 15th January

See your purple book for this week's homework.

We have been learning how to make the Sign of the Cross correctly with our right hand. Your homework is to practise doing this at home with a grownup. Follow the guide in your homework book for help.



Due on Wednesday 18th December.

See your purple book for this week's homework.

Nativity Counting activity.




Friday 22nd November

Homework is due on Wednesday 27th November

See your purple book for this week's homework on number formation.


Homework task 2 (for Read Write Inc group ONLY): to bring in an object beginning with the sound “m” to add to our sound table (e.g. monkey, man, magazine). 




Friday 15th November

Homework is due on Wednesday 20th November

See your purple book for this week's homework. 

Next week we will be beginning our new Advent RE topic, 'Birthday'. 

We will be talking about why and how we celebrate birthdays. 

We would like you to bring in a photo of you celebrating your birthday.

(Please bring in a photo or a copy of a photo that you do not need to be returned to you as we will be using the photo for our display).



Friday 8th November

Homework is due on Wednesday 13th November

See your purple book for this week's homework. 

We would like you to go on a number hunt! Have a look around your house or when you’re out and about at the shops or the park!

Can you find the numbers 1 to 5? Where did you find them?



Friday 28th October

Homework is due on Wednesday 23rd October

Homework 1: To go on an Autumn Walk. Can you fill your paper bag with as many signs of Autumn as you can find? 

Homework 2: To bring your wellies to school this week. Bring your wellies in a carrier bag, put them on your peg on Monday and take them home on Friday.



Friday 11th October

Homework is due on Wednesday 16th October

See your purple book for this week's homework. 

Can you have a go at writing your name? Write on top of the yellow writing, then try joining the dots and finally have a go yourself! Even if it's just a squiggle! 



Friday 4th October

Homework is due on Wednesday 9th October

See your purple book for this week's homework. 

Can you go on a listening walk? What sounds can you hear?



Friday 27th September

Homework is due on Wednesday 2nd October

See your purple book for this week's homework. 

Can you draw over the patterns? Can you copy them?

Can you make your own marks?




Friday 20th September

Homework is due on Wednesday 25th September

In preparation for the Rugby World Cup, we would like you to design your own Welsh rugby shirt.

REMINDER: Remember to wear a red top/Wales rugby top on Monday 23rd September!




Friday 13th September

Homework is due on Wednesday 18th September

To decorate a stone or a pebble for our prayer garden.

Be as creative as you like! You could paint it, write on it, stick things to it... 

We will be adding the stones to our prayer garden to help us to reflect and pray to God.




Friday 6th September

Homework is due on Wednesday 11th September

Our first topic in Nursery is All About Me! We will be thinking about our big question: What makes me special?

For homework, we would like you to bring in a photo of your family. We will be discussing who is in our family and looking at each other's family photos before adding them to our family display board.

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