REMINDER - Please send your Sound of Music costume into school by Monday 1st July, in a labelled bag so that costumes can be safely returned following our summer play on the 10th & 11th of July. Tickets are available from the school office.
Homework 5/7/19
Come and See - God's People
Find a picture of a hero, role model or somebody you look up to. In your homeowrk books, write a character profile/biography about this person
1. Background information (birth, age, family etc)
2. Early life - Where did they grow up?
3. What are they known for?
4 Why they are a role model to you.
Homework 28/6/19
Our new RE topic is 'Gods People'. We would like you to think about what is means to be a Zero Hero.
Watch the video link below and present your ideas using the success criteria as a guide:
You may want to use your homework book to write a poem, information leaflet or letter (to the Pope or Prime Minister) or create a powerpoint/slides or short video online.
Success criteria
- What is a Zero Hero?
- What is climate change? (how do we know its happening)
- How can we stop adding to climate change?
- What will your future look like?
add and subtract - mental
Homework 21/6/19
create a poster encouraging other children to speak Welsh and explaining the benefits and importance of using Welsh every day.
Mathletics - 2 tasks assigned
Using timetables
Active learn reading - Iron Man chapter 3
Homework 14/6/19
1. Learning Log task - Data Handling - local traffic survey
In your learning log, complete a 10 minute traffic survey outside your house (or from a room facing the road outside). Record a tally of different vehicles that pass during this time, then calculate the total frequency of each once the time has ended.
Do not conduct this survey without making sure an adult has given you permission and if outside, you must make sure you are in a safe place (e.g on pavement away from the road)
Think about:
- Which vehicles are the most frequent in your area?
- Why might you not have seen any _________(e.g. lorries)?
- What type of road is your house on? (e.g. street, close, main road)
- How might the types/numbers of vehicles change depending on where you live?
Area of Cardiff I live in = _____________ (e.g Llanedeyrn)
Transport | Tally | Total frequency |
car | ||
bus/taxi | ||
bicycle | ||
lorry/HGV | ||
van | ||
motorbike |
2. ActiveLearn - Log in and read chapters 1 & 2 of The Iron Man - You may want to do this with a sibling/family member.
Venus: unit 1
Jupiter: unit 3
Earth: unit 2
vegetable temperature quarrel gardener immediate cardigan sanctuary obedient jewellery fluoride familiar fuel |
played jumped pulling snowing walked visited barking pointed asked started |
needle candle giggle beetle little jungle table grumble |
Learning Logs 7/6/19 - Local Area research project
Success criteria:
- Where is Llanedeyrn? (you may want to sketch a map or use an online map)
- What are the natural/physical features of Llanedeyrn? (e.g. woodlands, fields)
- What are the human features of Llanedeyrn? (e.g types of housing, shops, church etc)
- Where can people go for leisure time?
- What are the names of the suburbs/areas neighbouring Llanedeyrn?
As part of our homework, we would like all parents/guardians to take a moment to respond to our online survey using a QR code reader/app. Simply click here or scan the code below and submit your responses:
Homework - 24/5/19
Recycling research presentation.
Create a powerpoint (or google slides) presentation based upon the Big Question:
"How can we reduce waste in Wales?"
You may want to use the following questions to guide each slide:
1. What do the 3 Rs remind us to do?
2. How can we Reduce? (e.g energy, water, transport/cars)
3. What might we Reuse?
4. What can we Recycle?
5. Which items cannot be recycled?
6. Where does our waste go?
Login to your hwb account to create your presentation
email your completed powerpoint to
(include your name and class in the subject of email) e.g John Thomas 4D Recycling powerpoint
Homework 15/5/19
Summer Play auditions
If you would like to audition for one of the leading roles in this years Y3/4 Summer play, please learn one part pf the following script for Mondays auditions in school.
CAPTAIN VON TRAPP: Maria, where did you get these abominations,
out of a nightmare?
MARIA:No, I made them out of the drapes in my room.
CAPTAIN VON TRAPP: Do you mean to tell me my children have been
all around Salzburg wearing those clothes?
MARIA: Yes, they’ve become very popular. Everyone smiles at them.
CAPTAIN VON TRAPP: I don’t wonder.
MARIA: They say, “Oh Look there goes the Von Trapp Children”
CAPTAIN VON TRAPP: They have uniforms
MARIA: Children cannot do things they are supposed to do if they have to worry about their precious clothes.
Homework journals - What a Load of Rubbish recycling data collection
Use the table provided to collect data over 3 days to show how you dispose of waste at home. You may want to record this in a tally format, and we will then use this data to create a variety of graphs as part of our numerical development in school.
Lucky Cups – Year 4 Enterprise 2019
As part of our enterprise fete next week, children will be running a lucky cups stall. It would be greatly appreciated if you could fill your cups with a selection of small goodies (wrapped sweets, small toys etc) and cover with tin foil/tissue paper (an elastic band may also help hold the lid in place) and return to school no later than Tuesday 21st May, giving the children time to prepare their stall in advance of the fete.
PE/Games kit - due to timetable changes around National tests, we ask that you bring your PE/Games kit to school on Monday (keep it in your locker) and take it home with you every Friday to be washed on a weekly basis for the next 2 weeks of this half term. Once assessments have ended, the PE timetable will return to normal.
Homework 10/5/19
Learning Log research task - New Life - Come & See
As part of our learning in Come and See we have been thinking about how the Good News of the Holy Spirit filled the Apostles with joy and hope during Pentecost. Think about a time in your life where Good News has filled you with joy and hope.
You may want to include a photograph, or artistic portrayal (sketch, paint) of the event and present your Good News creatively as a display/poster, or you may want to record the event in your homework book.
Success Criteria
- How did you feel before the Good News?
- Who shared the news with you/your family?
- How did the news make you feel?
- What happened?
- How did your good feeling affect others?
Mathletics - Mr Dyer set - How much change? & Measurements test
Miss Aherne set - How much change? & Measurements test
Spellodrome - word list 13
Venus: unit 19
Jupiter: unit 1
Earth: unit 19
gladly painless wisely movement priceless useful lovely slowly hopeful tearful
parrot kennel puddle yellow puppet giggle sparrow messy little letter
helpful hopeful smartly careful safely slowly playful friendly
Homework- 3.05.19- National Test Preparation
Hwb - you MUST be able to login to your hwb account independently. Learn your username@hwbcymru.net and password (case sensitive) so that you will be able to access the online National Procedural test in school over the coming weeks.
Reading Test - Giglets - A Good Friend (book and reading test questions)
Homework books
Your homework is to go back through your reading test questions on Giglets at home and correct any errors. Identify why you made these errors, and how you can avoid repeating them in the national test.
Write your own top tips (at least 5) for the reading test to help you prepare.
1. Read the information text at least once .
2. Read and understand the questions fully.
3. ______________________________________.
Our reading test is on Wednesday next week, please ensure your homework is completed by then.
Mathletics - Miss Aherne set - patterns and relationships (2 tasks)
Mr Dyer set - Maths test paper questions
Homework - 12/4/19 - Easter Holidays
In school we have been completing practice test papers, which your child will have brought home over the holidays. You may want to talk about the questions you found difficult, and try thinking about how to avoid common mistakes in future.
1. Giglets 2 x reading test questions - National test preparation
Group Earth - 'Bangladesh' & 'A Little Princess'
Group Jupiter - 'Beauty of Differences' & 'Glorious Golf'
Group Venus - 'Dingo' & 'Platypus'
- click on the reading test questions - you will need to read the book first by taking it out of the online virtual library, then answer the assigned questions linked to the text.
2. Mathletics - Data test & Shapes test
Homework - 5/4/19
1. Giglets reading test questions, National test preparation - 'The Legend of Mafumeira'
- click on the reading test questions - you will need to read the book first by taking it out of the online virtual library, then answer the assigned questions linked to the text.
- please use Giglets login guide from last weeks homework to support at home.
2. Mathletics - Wales Y4 Procedural test (limited to 60 mins - available only from Friday to Wednesday)
Next week PE will take place on Tuesday instead of Wednesday for all children (Y4D will also have games on Monday as usual), and children will need appropriate kit for being outdoors (trainers, leggings etc)
Homework - 29/3/19
1. Giglets reading test questions, National test preparation - 'The Dragon of Kinabalu'
- click on the reading test questions - you will need to read the book first by taking it out of the online virtual library, then answer the assigned questions linked to the text.
- please use the following to log in:
school code - stphilipcps
username - (first 4 letters of first and surname, both starting with capitals and no space)
e.g Daniel Smith = DaniSmit
password - spe123
2. Mathletics - Patterns and Relationships Test
3. Spellodrome word list 12
Homework 22/3/19 - Self-Discipline RE
Learning Log task
In our class assembly we heard the story of Shaun, a young athlete who made many sacrifices in his life and showed the positives and negatives of self-discipline in our lives.
Research a famous sportsperson and write about the ways they have show self-discipline in their life to enable them to become a professional athlete in their sport.
Present this work in your learning log book, you may want to use a character profile template and you may also want to include an image or sketch of your chosen athlete.
Maths Homework - 6, 7, 8 x tables
Homework 15/3/19 - Myths & Legends context
Learning Log research tack - As we continue our new context, Myths and Legends, we would like to carry out some research into the differences between a myth and a legend. You may display your learning as creatively as you like, but we would also like you to share some information about a myth/legend from Wales, and also a myth/legend from another country (e.g Greek mythology)
Mathletics - Mr Dyer set - Fractions activities x2
Miss Aherne set - Map co-ordinates, What direction is that?
Spellodrome - word list 11
Venus: unit 17 its/it's |
Jupiter: homonyms |
It's cloudy today. The dog carried its lead. The bird flew into its nest. It's my birthday tomorrow. The cat licked its paw. It's your turn Tim. The mouse lost its cheese. It's a grey mouse.
train ring palm fly match bow book bank lift bat |
unzip unlock dislike unhappy disagree unpack disobey unkind unlike unable |
Homework 9 /3/19
This week your homework is to create a Fairtrade recipe- this year Fairtrade week focuses on cocoa so if you would like to incorporate this into your recipe then it would be lovely to see it. The Fairtrade committee will be judging the recipes and the winner will be announced in due course.
Mathletics - Mr Dyer set - Symmetry or not? & Collect more shapes
Miss Aherne set - Perimeter and Collect more shapes.
Spellodrome - word list 10
Venus: unit 16 suffixes -tion -sion |
Jupiter: Contractions |
Earth: syllables |
invention destruction education explosion expression correction invasion division action promotion |
we're they're you'll they'll haven't aren't shouldn't you're she'll couldn't |
garden picnic elephant magnet robot caterpillar dragon teacher
Homework 22/2/19
Y4 Young performer auditions - Monday 4th March
- Optional - you may want to rehearse a musical piece (piano, violin, guitar etc) or recite a poem linked to Wales, and the children will use pupil voice to choose performers from each class to represent them in Tuesdays Eisteddfod. (please remember to bring your instrument on Monday and Tuesday - piano/keyboards are available in school)
1. KS2 Eisteddfod entries and Year 4 class song - to rehearse at home (see documents above)
2. Spiderwick Chronicles - Read chapters 3-6 - login to activelearn/bugclub library
3. Mathletics
Mr Dyer set - perimeter and place value
Miss Aherne set - place value and sets of 10
Homework 15/2/19
Come and See RE - Giving & Receiving
Big Q "What has been your experience of giving and receiving?"
In your learning logs,
- Interview a parent/family member about giving and receiving in the family, why they give and what they receive. ask your family member to give examples of how they do this, thinking about beliefs and values.
Record your interview in your learning log, remembering to use a variety of Question styles/starters
Success Criteria
- use how, why, what, which, when questions
- record Qs and responses in full sentences (?/.)
- you may want to make links to beliefs and pupil profile values (below).
Mathletics - Mr Dyer set - What type of Angle? & Measuring Angles activities
Miss Aherne set -
Spellodrome - word list 9
Venus: unit 15
changeable audible visible noticeable respectable recognisable forgivable enjoyable terrible horrible |
mistake anticlockwise nonsense misbehave mislead non-stick non-fiction misspell
football seaside bedroom blackbird cowboy greenhouse homework somebody
Homework 8/2/19
Use the PDF file below to complete the multiplication triangles for the 6, 7, and 9 times tables in your green learning logs.
It is vitally important that you know your multiplication tables, and some of you may wish to create multiplication triangles for other times tables you know (3s, 4s, 8s)
Welsh - Login to Hwb > Google classroom > Respond to Welsh Qs posted on class stream page.
Mathletics - Mr Dyer set - multiverse
Miss Aherne set - multiverse
Homework 1/2/19
*Y4A and Y4D - pupils will need PE kit on Tuesday instead of Wednesday for next week (5th Feb) only
Homework this week is a Scientific enquiry research task.
Big Q "Are teeth bones?"
You may want to record key facts and information in your learning log, or use the double bubble map below to compare similarities & differences between teeth and bones.
Use the double bubble example above to support your learning.
Welsh - Login to Hwb > Google classroom > Respond to Welsh Qs posted on class stream page.
Mathletics - Mr Dyer set - fractions test & What fraction is shaded?
Miss Aherne set - Fractions Are you Ready & What fraction is shaded?
(2x activities both maths sets)
Spellodrome - word list 8
Venus: unit 14 suffixes -ful, -ly, and -ist |
Jupiter: short words inside long words |
Earth: wh, ph and ch |
hopeful quickly closely careful novelist typist lovely machinist hurtful safely
forgetful get playground knowledge know information form screwdriver river crew
photo whale when what graph why where chorus |
Homework - due Monday 28th January
Homework this week is a creative task.
It is not due in until Monday January 28th. Please do not bring it to school before this date.
Your task is to design and create a new 'Thinking Hat' linked to our new context for learning. Our new context for learning is called 'Blood, Bones and Gory Bits.'
Please design and make a hat that you can wear to school on Monday to celebrate our immersion day, where we will be learning all about the human body, skeleton, organs and how the body carries out different functions through various systems. Our immersion day will be a day where we focus completely on our new context and children will guide their own learning on this day.
Your hat may display some key fact & messages linked to the human body. You can use whichever media and material you wish.
Due Date: Monday 28th January
Mathletics - written subtraction and measures activities (3x activities both maths sets)
Spellodrome - word list 7
Venus: unit 13 strings ear and ough |
Jupiter: days, weeks and months |
Earth: or, er, ir, ur, air, and ear strings |
heard learn wear fear tough though through cough thorough bought
Wednesday Thursday February August September January Tuesday April October November
lord short fork born torn thorn skirt church
Homework – 18/1/19
Learning Log - Come and See RE - Community
In your homework book, carry out some research to answer "What is a community?"
You may want to interview an adult member of your family community, but also think about other communities during your explanation (parish community, local community, school community)
Success Criteria
- What is meant by responsibility and commitment.
- What helps build up community.
- What are the advantages/demands of being part of a community.
- Which communities do you belong to?
- Do you know of any local groups who work for the good of your community?
As this is a Learning Log task, you may be as creative as you like. You may wish to create a learning display, or record ideas in your homework book.
Mathletics - Measurement - 3 activities (Mr Dyer Set)
- How much change? & Multiplication facts - 3 activities (Miss Aherne set)
SPELLODROME - list 6 games (same login as mathletics)
Venus: unit 12 Letter strings wa and wo |
Jupiter: Contractions |
Earth: adding -ed and -ing |
watch world wallpaper wasp swallow wand washed working swarm worksheets swampy reward |
I'll can't it's don't he's they'll isn't doesn't I've I'm
played pulling landed kicking singing opened wanted jumping |
Homework – 11/1/19
Learning Log - Space explorers
In your learning log, write a character profile by finding out key information about one of the following astronauts:
- Neil Armstrong
- Tim Peake
- Sally Ride
Music - On Wednesday, please bring to school an old (empty) shoebox and a cereal box liner (without cereal inside). We will be recycling these items as art of our music lesson next week.
Optional - you may also wish to bring 3 elastic bands, 3 paper clips and some tissue paper ( if you have any at home that can be recycled)
Mathletics - Multiply & Divide facts & Number and Place value to 10 000 ( Mr Dyer Set)
- Measurement (Miss Aherne set)
SPELLODROME - list 5 games (same login as mathletics)
Venus: unit 11 words The letter and sound k |
Jupiter: common suffixes |
Earth: Adding -s |
kites wick kettle kennel chicken milk snake shipwreck bucket cork |
quickly smartly lovely helpful wishful careful helpful useless fearless endless
tents hands drums sleeves bells prams shops flags chairs clocks
Homework- Christmas Holidays
Maths- Mathletics both classes.
Spellodrome- list 4 games
Giglets and Abacus books are available
Learning Logs
After the Christmas break we will be starting our new Context for Learning, Space Academy where we will be learning all about Space. For your homework we would like you to log into Google classrooms and create a slides all about the planets in our Solar System.
If you haven't got access to the internet at home, create a fact file all about the Solar System in your green learning log.
If you would like to make a model of the Solar System, a planet or a space rocket as well as your learning log we would love to see them. (remember we have been thinking about being Eco friendly over the Christmas period, so a recycled model would be great).
Homework – 14/12/18
Learning Log - Christmas recycling 2018
As global citizens it is important that we understand the amounts of waste produced yearly during the Christmas period. In your learning log, research the amount of waste that occurs in the UK during the Christmas period. Record the data in a table.
Next, write your own top tips to help reduce waste during this Christmas period. You may wish to use the recycling pack above to support your learning.
Mathletics - Measurement & Data
SPELLODROME - list 3 games (same login as mathletics)
Venus: unit 10 words The letter V |
Jupiter: compound words |
Earth: ou and ow |
glove microwave grave loves above government discover hovercraft cover shoved |
toothbrush firefighter teapot football rainfall cloakroom rainbow backpack everybody anywhere |
clown owl house bow mouse out brown our cow found |
Homework – 7/12/18
Big Maths Learn its
use the BMBT test examples above to learn the multiplication facts at home, following on from your CLIC sessions in school. You may want to print them out (and stick in your log), or record the full multiplication facts into your learning log.
Please find supporting information in the documents above
Mathletics - subtraction
SPELLODROME - list 2 games (same login as mathletics)
Venus: words ending -ight, -tion -ious |
Jupiter: silent letters |
Earth: words with oi and oy |
might fright collection information obvious light tight glorious competition station fraction mysterious |
knife wreck knot gnome knock wrapping comb write knee wrinkle |
toy join boy soil joy boil foil joint point coil |
Homework – 30/11/18
Learning Logs - Can you write an interview script with St. Philip Evans?
Your script must include a variety of questions (Who, How, What, Why, Where), and full responses.
St. Philip Evans is our school's saint. He lived in 17th Century Wales. He was arrested and executed for being a Catholic Priest. Understanding more about St. Philip Evans's life will help you understand our current history topic looking at life in 17th Century Wales.
Please find supporting information in the documents above
Mathletics - shape
SPELLODROME - list 1 games (same login as mathletics)
Venus: nouns ending -f and -fe |
Jupiter: adding -s and -es |
Earth: words with -ar |
elves cliffs scarves knives yourselves puffs shelves thief thieves scarf |
glasses plates match vans matches boxes bushes books bunches footballs
park car jar cards tart shark March star carpet garden |
Homework- 23/11/18
Learning Log- This week has been antibullying week, we have been focusing on cyber-bullying and how we can stay safe online from cyber-bullies. For your homework this week we would like you to make a poster about how we can stay safe from the impact of cyber bullying.
Homework – 16/11/18
Science pupil voice questionnaire
Copy/click the URL below and complete the Forms questionnaire, by Wednesday 21st November.
Mr Dyer: (min 5 activities) Fractions
Miss Aherne (min 5 activities) Fractions
Venus: suffix -ship -hood -ment -ness |
Jupiter: changing -y to -er or -est |
Earth: Oo and u sounds |
ownership membership parenthood neighbourhood fairness foolishness agreement government laziness silliness |
cloudier cloudiest sillier silliest tastier tastiest happier happiest bossier bossiest
wood pull look wool bull book hook foot full shook |
Learning Log 9/11/18
Write a prayer or poem of Remembrance.
On Sunday at 11:00 on Armistice Day as we think about the end of conflict during World War I, but also remember all those we have loved and lost over the years.
Mr Dyer: (min 5 activities) Fractions
Miss Aherne (min 5 activities) Measurement
Venus: suffix -al |
Jupiter: adding -y |
Earth: focus long vowel sound 'i' |
postal seasonal magical personal tropical comical additional national original festival musical accidental |
sleepy lazy noisy snappy greasy bendy icy runny shiny muddy dusty bouncy |
right fly slide tie nine pie tight night cry lie |
Homework 26/10/18
learning log - Thinking About our World 2018
Mr Dyer class - The Philippines
Miss Aherne class - Greece
Creatively research and share a some information on your class country, and you may also want to compare your class country with our home country, Wales.
You may present your work as a poster, PowerPoint or video. Some children may wish to use a green screen app to use their multimedia skills at home, and upload any electronic work to their hwb account.
If work is uploaded to hwb, please add a comment and date in your homework book so that teachers know you have completed your homework task.
mathletics - addition & subtraction
Learning Log 19th October
Come & See RE - topic 'Called'
Write about a time when you have been chosen or called on for something.
- Describe what happened
- How did you feel?
- Did you have any difficulties accepting it?
- What was your response to being called?
- What were your reasons for accepting the call/being chosen?
Present your work however you like, this may be in your homework/learning log, by creating a poster/banner for displaying around our class altar, or even an electronic powerpoint/document uploaded to your Hwb/Onedrive account online.
Mr Dyer: (5 activities) Measurement
Miss Aherne (5 activities) Measurement
Challenge - number place value tasks & test (extra mathletics points)
Learning Log 12th October due in 17th October
This week for your homework we would like you to write a diary all about the day of our visit to Llancaiach Fawr manor earlier this week, in class we have been learning how to write a diary so you have the skills you need.
Here is the success criteria that you can use to help your writing:
- describe places and events
- write in the past tense
- use personal pronouns (I, me, my etc)
- write in the first person
- use a variety of time connectives (first, then, next, after that, a short while later...)
Mr Dyer: (5 activities) Addition and Subtraction mental
Miss Aherne (5 activities) Data
Venus: focus verb endings -s -ed -ing |
Jupiter: focus using homophones |
Earth: focus long vowel sound 'e' |
change changes changing changed drag drags dragging dragged stop stops stopping |
their there they're to too two made maid here hear |
beach bead peach seal meat lead team east dream read |
Learning Log - 5/10/18
PE/GYM kit - due to our educational visit to Llancaiach Fawr on Weds 10th October, could all children please bring their gym kit on Tuesday 9th (next week only).
Our prayer for the month of October is the Hail Mary. In your learning log, write the Hail Mary in Welsh, and learn the words at home. Can you add the English version of the prayer to each line to help translate the text?
You may want to use the video below to support the correct pronunciation of Welsh vocabulary:
click here:
Henffych well, Fair,
gyflawn o ras y mae'r Argwyldd gyda thi.
Bendigedig wyt Ti ymhlith merched,
a bendigedig yw ffrwyth dy groth di, Iesu.
Sanctaidd Fair, Fam Duw,
gweddia drosom ni bechaduriaid,
yn awr hon ac yn awr ein hangau.
Mathletics homework
Mr Dyer maths set - fractions (5 tasks)
Miss Aherne maths set - data (5 tasks)
Venus: focus verb endings -s -ed -ing |
Jupiter: focus using un- de- dis- re- and pre- |
Earth: focus long vowel sound 'o' |
groans played starting snowed painted pointing sailing pulled asks melts |
disobey unwell dislike unfit replaced remove depart prefix unlock unhappy |
boat horse road goat toast goal coach soap coat hole |
Learning Logs - 28/9/18
Following our Stuarts history timeline work this week, create your own timeline of important/major events from your life, starting with your birth up to the present day.
- Mathletics
- Mr Dyer's maths set - data
- Miss Aherne's maths set - add and subtract written
Homework - 21/9/18
Learning Logs - Stuarts Research project
Research the following area of Stuart life in Wales (according to your table group name), recording your findings in your Learning Log. You will be asked to share your findings with your group to create a collaborative project next week:
Stuart Food - Dragon group
Stuart Clothes - Giants group
The Parlimentarians - Pixies group
The Royalists - Elves group
The Plague - Goblin group
Stuart Jobs - Pegasus group
Women in Stuart Wales - Sprite group
The Pritchard Family - Minotaurs group
Philip Evans (1645-1679)- Phoenix group
Mathletics - Number & Place Value Test (all place value completed, test will follow)
Spelling - Test will be on the following Friday
Miss Aherne's group - homophones | Mr Dyer's group - using -le | |
some sum would wood heard there their they're made maid here hear |
table giggle little candle paddle rattle wriggle jungle needle beetle |
Children will need to bring old pyjamas or old leggins/shorts and t-shirt to wear in the swimming pool. No denim, onesies or clothing that may become too heavy when wet.
PE Kit - Gym Tuesday 18/9/18 - Next week only
GYM will be on a Wednesday every week from 24/9/18 onwards.
14/9/18 Homework - Learning Logs
Gobblefunk Poems
To celebrate Dahlicious Day, we would like children to write their own Roald Dahl poem, based upon any of your favourite Roald Dahl characters. Think about the amazing vocabulary Roald Dahl uses to help inspire your poem to make it truly gobblefunk!
Mathletics - Number and Place value tasks
Spelling - Test will be on the following Friday
Miss Aherne's group - double consonants | Mr Dyer's group - adding ing | |
kitten parrot kettle letter kennel arrow bottle pillow sparrow puddle holly giggle |
camping shopping hoping drinking hopping pulling writing hugging skipping smiling |
Homework 7th September 2018
Learning Log
Your homework this week is linked to our new Come and See topic 'People' where we will be learning all about Jesus' family tree. We would like you to create your own family tree for us to have a look at in class. You can make a classic family tree or if you're feeling creative and would like to add photos or pictures of your relatives that would be great. Homework is due as usual on Wednesday 12th September. We look forward to seeing your lovely family trees.
Tuesday 11th September - Spectacular Stuarts Day
- On this day we will be celebrating our new context "Fame Fire and Fortune" based on the historical Stuart period in Wales. Children are invited to dress in historical costume or complete a character profile on Colonel Edward Pritchard, the Master at Llancaiach Fawr Manor House, Nelson, South Wales during the Stuart period.
Thursday 13th September - Dahlicious Day 2018
Come to school dressed as your favourite Roald Dahl character.
PARENTS - Please bear in mind that all Year 4 children will also be walking to Pentwyn Leisure Centre, and changing swiftly for their swimming lessons every afternoon for the next 2 weeks (Mon 10th- Fri 24th Sept). I am sure many children will have fantastic costumes, but when swimming on those days clothing will still need to fit inside a locker (£1) and be comfortable to walk in.
Y4D - 1.30pm-2.15pm
Y4A - 2.15pm - 3.00pm
If parents wish to attend, the Leisure centre has a cafeteria/viewing area where parents may meet the class for their lesson. Children must return to school with their class to be collected at 3.30pm.