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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Learning Experiences

Educational visit to Welsh Water

IKEA encourage people to 'Live LAGOM' which is a sustainable way of living. We learnt about these values and wrote a non-chronological report to explain how we can Live LAGOM.

BL6 used a database to look at energy use and costs of different household items. How can we be more sustainable?

Spectrum sessions

We made predictions about the habitats of water creatures. Do they live in salt water of freshwater?

BL6 can identify and classify a variety of 3D shapes.

BL6 are using their Habit of Mind 'creating, imagining and innovating' to paint their Anderson Shelters.

BL6 worked collaboratively to answer questions about rationing in their Helpwr Heddiw session.

BL6 made Welsh chatterboxes to extend our first person responses

Author's chair

BL6 are preparing for their assessment by editing and improving sentences collaboratively.

BL6 are striving for accuracy when drawing angles.

Crucial Crew 2019


BL6 took part in a variety of workshops on Tuesday afternoon at the Crucial Crew event. The different organisations taught the children important messages about keeping safe in a fun and interactive way. Some of the organisations present included Network rail, Samaritans, Food Hygiene agency, Fire and rescue and St. John's ambulance. 

Show racism the red card


BL6 have taken part in a workshop entitled 'Challenging stereotypes'. They are becoming ethically informed citizens as they discuss the terms immigration, refugee and asylum seeker. The children took part in a matching activity to match a picture and label. This enabled us to investigate the meaning behind these labels and highlighted the importance of not judging a book by its cover. 

Critical thinking within Science

Reminiscence event

Caffi Cymraeg


BL6 members of the Criw Cymraeg visited Holy Family school to meet with children from of our cluster school. They had the opportunity to practise asking and answering a range of Welsh questions. They also got to take part in a Welsh quiz. 

Cardiff Castle - Christmas on the Home Front

Digital Literacy -Bl6 

In Bl6 we are developing our understanding of Internet safety through a collaborative snowballing task. We watched a video all about the risks involved with sharing personal information,and we are sharing tips about how to stay safe. We also played an interactive game to help consolidate our learning. 


Problem Solving in Bl6 

In Bl6 we are taking part in a workshop with Dwr Cymru. We are using our critical thinking skills to solve a problem. We have to think interdependently to plan a network of pipes to ensure our water reaches every building in our village. Every cm of pipes costs £100.We have to use our numeracy skills to measure our network and calculate the cost. Our aim is to keep our costs as low as possible. 

Bl 6 are ethically informed citizens. We are learning all about the water treatment process with Dwr Cymru.

As part of 'Thinking About Our Successful Futures' week Bl6 have been sharing their future dreams and aspirations

In Bl6 we are investigating factors,multiples and prime numbers.

Bl 6 learning all about life as an evacuee at Brecon War Museum

Bl6 and Criw Cymraeg learning all about the importance of Welsh on Shwmae Day!

Bl 6 are using Micro:Bits to develop their coding skills across the curriculum

In Bl6 we are listening and understanding with empathy to think about the billeting process.

Bl 6 are using Micro:Bits to develop their coding skills.

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