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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Our Catholic Life

Mae'n amser Gweddi - Bl5

Class Chaplains

Across the school, each class have selected their Class Chaplains. Our Class Chaplains role is to enhance and promote the Catholic life of the school. Below are some photos are them putting their faith into action and leading year 5 in daily worship.

Energy - Transformation


Throughout this topic of Transformation we have been learning that as Christians we believe that the Spirit of God is active in each person and, in a special way, in the community of believers, which is the Church.  It is the work of the Spirit that enables people to hear God’s message and to live Jesus’ way of service. In year 5 we have been finding out how the Holy Spirit transforms us as Christians and we have been learning about the fruits of the Holy Spirit and how we live them out in our daily lives. Please see the newsletters below to see our work during this topic.

Laudato Si


In Year 5 we have been finding out how we can live out our faith in action following the messages of Laudato Si' on caring for our Common home - planet earth. Our focus in Year 5 has been the factors that are speeding up global warming and climate change. We have been finding out the impact of being a 'throwaway culture' and what we can start doing to make a change for future generations.


At the end of this enquiry, we will be planning sustainable products to design, make and sell so we can make a profit to give to CAFOD. We will be using natural and recycable products for our designs to sell.


During our inquiry research, we have been finding out about climate change, what the causes are, what people are most effected and what parts of the world are having to flee where they live due to extreme weather. We also went on an educational visit and put ourselves in the shoes of children who do not have the same opportunities and luxuries as we do. Listening to the messages of Laudato Si, we know that every small action can help someone in need.


We also have been researching about a key religious figure, Pope John Paul II. We listened to some of his key messages about caring for our common home, he said; the challenge of climate disruption and environmental deterioration will require ethical responses. In response, we came up with actions that we think we can do and also actions that we demand from world leaders. Take a look at our learning journey. 

Eucharist - Memorial Sacrifice

The Eucharist is a memorial sacrifice in the Jewish sense of remembering, that is it makes present a past reality. It is a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, through which Christ gives his body and blood for the salvation of all people and provides hope for the future.

Throughout this topic we have been learning;

  • What remembering the Passover means to Jewish people.
  • The Last Supper, when Jesus gives his disciples his body and blood in the form of bread and wine as his memorial.
  • Eucharist is a memorial of Jesus’ sacrifice.
  • The Last Supper is called to mind and made present and real for Christians in the Eucharist.
  • Some understanding of the words of consecration.
  • That the Eucharist is a sacrifice.
  • Something about the proclamation of the mystery of faith.
  • Eucharistic prayer II which remembers and thanks Jesus.
  • About sacrifice in daily life.


Year 5 Class Mass


On Monday 28th November, Year 5 celebrated the beginning of Advent with an Advent Class Mass with Father John Boye.

We celebrated the start of a new liturgical year and shared our thoughts on how it will feel waiting in hope during Advent for the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ. We shared our intention of reflecting on our wrong doings and acknowledge that Advent is a time for extra prayer and penance.  We were reminded that Jesus is the Light of the World and that we are waiting in joyful hope for the coming of Jesus into the World at Christmas.

Year 5 Class Mass Photos

Advent - HOPE

Other Faiths - Sikhism 


As part of our other faiths curriculum in come and see we have been learning about Sikhism. We listened to the story about Guru Gobind Singh, who founded the Khalsa in 1699. We role played this story in small groups and and wrote a diary entry and newspaper article as if we were one of the people in the crowd at Baisakhi and how we felt about the experience. We also had an opportunity to experience visiting a Sikh place of worship and see first hand the values of a Sikh.

Year 5 Class Mass Preparation 


On Monday 28th November, year 5 will be having a class Mass to mark the beginning of Advent. We will be reminding ourselves that Jesus is the light of the world and we are waiting in joyful hope for the coming of Jesus into the World at Christmas. Today we planned our class mass in collaborative groups. We decided on what hymns we would like to include for the gather, the offertory hymn, the communion hymn and for the final hymn. We also wrote our own prayers of the faithful. We learnt that when we write these prayers we write them in a special order writing prayers for the church, the world, for those facing difficulties, our community and offer a silent prayer. 


Year 5




In year 5, during this topic we have been learning that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. We have been getting to know ourselves and to appreciate that our value and uniqueness is central to our wellbeing.


The keep vocabulary we have been learning throughout this topic is;

Qualities, talents, unique, gifts, challenge, joys, happiness responsibility, dignity, image and peacemaker.


The key areas that we have covered throughout this topic are listed below

  • Made in the image and likeness of God.
  • God as a loving parent.
  • Thanksgiving to God.
  • God’s children.
  • Called to holiness.
  • To know, love and serve God.
  • Virtue of peace.
  • Lives of holy people.

Please see the links below to see some of our learning in Year 5

Scripture in Year 5

Throughout this topic we have been listening to and engaging with a variety of Scripture to help us understand and make links with how we are made in the image and likeness of God.


From Paul’s letter to the Colossians (based on Colossians 3:10-11)

You are created by God to be like God.

You are God’s people, his saints. He loves you. You are all different.

You come from different places, speak in different ways, have different customs.

But the important thing is that you are God’s children.

So love one another, help one another, be at peace with one another.

And let the love of Jesus fill your hearts and minds.


We used this scripture to reflect on and answer the below questions;

  • What qualities does Paul list?
  • Which is the most important of all?
  • How would they help us to be a peacemaker?
  • Which of those qualities do you admire most and why?
  • When are people not at peace with one another and why do you think this happens?
  • Can you think of someone you know who is a peacemaker, what do they do?
  • How could you be a peacemaker?