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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Homework & Distance Learning

Easter Holiday information

On Monday, it's the beginning of the Easter holiday break, so we won't be adding extra homework on Seesaw or this webpage. You have all worked extremely hard with your distance learning and you need to take a break or catch up with some of the work already assigned. You can still access your Mathletics and Bug Club and we know that there are books and activities for you to complete.


Please can you look at the information below, Holy Week 2020, and use the lovely resources that we have suggested, to ensure  our most special Holy Week is celebrated appropriately? We hope that you agree that it is so important that the children have exposure to the Easter Story, especially in our current situation, recognising that Jesus rose in new light and new life. Hopefully, we can share the joy of the risen Christ in our homes, at least. 


The Year 2 teaching team wish you all a very Happy Easter and thank you for the tremendous support you have given your children, at home, in this most unusual time. 

Holy Week 2020


As we are not in school for Holy Week this year, here are some ideas for you to share the most important time in the liturgical year with the children.


1) Using Espresso website, log into Key stage 1 and choose RE from the subject block. You will then find a whole resource block called Easter. We recommend the videos for Easter Time and The Easter Story and in the Books section, The Easter Story and Holy Week. There are some printable resources that you may also like to use.


2) Use the ideas from Holy Week at Home.

30.03.20 Week 2 Distance Learning


Your Active Learn, Mathletics and Giglets accounts will be updated for you every Thursday and Monday by 10 am. This ensures that you have enough books, comprehension activities and Maths learning to support you during school closure. The Year 2 team are very keen that you keep up your learning!

Please keep using Seesaw to show us how you’re getting on with your learning! We also love seeing what you’re doing at home to be active, creative, kind and helpful! 😁


We have put information and resources in the subject folders below to help you to support your child with learning at home this week. We truly value and appreciate your support during this difficult time.

Distance Learning Week 2 - Year 2 set tasks

23.03.20 Week 1 Distance Learning


The document below provides information and resources to help you to support your child with learning at home. There are five learning groups in Year 2: Oren, Melyn, Glas, Coch and Gwyrdd. For some of the learning tasks, we have used this group system, so that you know which resources to use with your child (your child will be able to tell you which group they are in). The subject folders include the relevant resources for each activity. We really appreciate your support during this difficult time. Thank you! Keep smiling smiley 

Distance Learning Week 1 - Year 2 set tasks

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