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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Celebrating Home Learning Success

Our prayers about treasuring God’s world

We are very proud of our Mathletics Champions

We have been learning about right angles

Outdoor mini beast hunt sorting

Our new topic is Wriggle and Crawl

Here is some of our Science learning.

Facts about mini beasts

Our Come and See learning about Jesus’ Ascension and the Coming of the Holy Spirit prayers

Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’- think ours are really beautiful 😀

Certificates for Week ending 1.5.20

Mathletics Champions week ending 1.5.20 Bug Club Champoins week ending 1.5.20
Lily Leo


Aden Demi
Baraka Harri
Martin  Annabel
Molly Joshua 


Celebrating Earth Day in Year 2

Top Mathletics learners for week ending 24.4.20 Top Bug Club learners for week ending 24.4.20
James Aaron
Fatouma Fatouma
Jaiden Amelia
Annabel Joshua
Brian Annabel
Nikodem Zach


Our wonderful learners for the week ending 24th April 2020

In our Welsh learning, we have been labelling a garden.

Using Espresso too, to learn about plants

Beginning our new context on “ Growing Things”

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