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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Celebrating Home Learning Success

Celebrating Home Learning


We love to see your amazing work submitted on Google classroom or photos/videos shared or tweeted to us  @stphilipevanspr (click to view)


Here are some examples of the great work children in year 4 have been doing as part of their distance learning tasks.


What do you like about their work?  Perhaps you can think of ways you can improve your own work next time?

Literacy across the curriculum - Descriptive & Letter writing examples

Science & Technology - circuits

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Another great video showing the ways a circuit works and how to make an effective circuit

Humanities - Map symbols and contours

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An excellent presentation by Sophie explaining the meaning of different symbols and lines found on maps as part our context work.

Science & Technology - What is a circuit?

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Using flipgrid to share our learning all about how circuits work in science

Writing a letter - Why we must recycle

Health & Wellbeing - Jar of good deeds

What a load of Rubbish humanities project

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What is Renewable energy?

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Heroes - Lockdown Lyrics task Year 4

An amazing and uplifiting entry by a very talented year 4 pupil

Context - Lego plan view designs

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World Earth Day collage

Edyta made this fantastic collage of an owl using materials she found in her garden and on her daily walks to celebrate World Earth Day.
Literacy- writing a set of instructions 

Well done to those children who wrote fantastic instructions and then used them to make lots of delicious recipes! We had butternut squash soup, bread rolls, cakes and muffins!



Humanities - Maps and mapping

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Edyta has been working hard to find out the features of different types of maps, while also creating her on plan view map at home.

Context - What a Load of Rubbish!

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A great presentation from Atila as part of our context work, focussing upon plastic pollution and recycling.

'Meaningful May' Daily Challenge - show someone you love how much they mean to you - Creatve 3D modelling by Lena for her grandparents

Welsh - Fy hobi i

STEM - Minecraft Treehouse challenge

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A great entry from Anila, what an amazing way to share your learning, creating a short video and submitting it to Google classroom!

PSD - Why is it important to look after out bodies?

Science - What are Forces?

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Some excellent research into different forces from the world around us.

Internet Safety - A fantastic example of the ways we can stay safe online by Mason

Weekly Learning Journal - A summary of your weekly learning

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Why not create a journal/diary to show all of your learning throughout the week? Ruby has come up with a great way of showing what she has learned at home and submitted her journal on Google Classroom to show her teachers and friends all of her hard work! Excellent work Ruby!
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