Celebrating Home Learning Success
Celebrating Home Learning
We love to see your amazing work submitted on Google classroom or photos/videos shared or tweeted to us @stphilipevanspr (click to view)
Here are some examples of the great work children in year 4 have been doing as part of their distance learning tasks.
What do you like about their work? Perhaps you can think of ways you can improve your own work next time?
Literacy across the curriculum - Descriptive & Letter writing examples
Science & Technology - circuits
Humanities - Map symbols and contours
Science & Technology - What is a circuit?
Writing a letter - Why we must recycle
Health & Wellbeing - Jar of good deeds
What a load of Rubbish humanities project
What is Renewable energy?
Context - Lego plan view designs
World Earth Day collage
Well done to those children who wrote fantastic instructions and then used them to make lots of delicious recipes! We had butternut squash soup, bread rolls, cakes and muffins!