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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Celebrating Home Learning Success

Well done to everybody for the excellent work you are completing at home. We are so proud of the work you have been sending in on Google Classroom. 


Here are some of the amazing examples of work

Keep up the great work, we are enjoying seeing what you have been up to!

Stay Safe 


Welsh TV Programmes

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Ryans google slides presentation about dfferent types of TV Programmes

Come and See Work on the Ten Commandments

RE Speaking in tongues multilingual posters

Planning a biography about an artist

Health and Wellbeing

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Health and Wellbeing Helen

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Health and Wellbeing Shan's presentation

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RE Energy Artwork

Growth Mindset Posters

Thoughtful Prayers written by Cameron, Morenci and Igor.

A prayer for those in need by Aiden

Lacey's Guide to being Eloquent and Truthful

Eloquent and Truthful Poster by Procheta

Eloquent and Truthful Word Trees by Trina, Procheta and Albert

Rhiannon Roberts Artwork by Procheta, Junior, Ryan and Igor

Happy Earth day from year 5!

Example of a Healthy and Confident Individual.

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Here is an example of how to practice rugby skills at home from a boy in year 5!

Read Ryan's amazing diary entry here

Story From Matthew's Gospel

Cameron's Welsh Map - Y Dref The Town

Trina's River Powerpoint

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Morenci's excellent Presentation about the Solar System

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Aiden's Joe Wicks Workout

Cardiff Bay Thinking Hats

Kais' Cardiff Bay Powerpoint

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Noah's Cardiff Bay Powerpoint

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