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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Learning Experiences

Autumn 1 

One World, Our Place


This half term our topic is 'One Planet Our World'

Our Big Question is: Where on Earth are we?


Through this topic we will learn essential skills and knowledge to be able locate countries and cities, and use grid references, compass points and latitude and longitude.

We will learn about the layers of the Earth and plate tectonics and discover the five major climate zones. We will learn about significant places in the United Kingdom and carry out fieldwork to discover how land is used in our locality.



Autumn Term 1

The Romans

Gods & Gladiators

St. Philip Evans Week

This week we have been learning about the life and martyrdom of St Philip Evans.

We have really enjoyed discovering the life of St Philip Evans, how he became a priest, travelled around Wales, said Mass in the middle of the night and unfortunately how he was captured and put to death in 1675. 


St Philip Evans, like many priests during his time, suffered for being a Catholic under the new Protestant faith that was growing in popularity in Britain and around the world. 

To recognise the important tale of Saint Philip Evans, we produced lots of detailed work.


First, we heard his life story and created our own PowerPoint presentations detailing quick facts about him, along with carefully chosen designs for our presentation with our learning partners. 


Then, we remembered the many symbols that tell the story and uniqueness of St Philip Evans by creating stained glass windows. In our groups we discussed that the stained-glass windows should represent Saint Philip Evans himself, the tower in Cardiff castle where he spent his last days and his harp which he played on his last evening before his execution to the rest of the inmates.

Creating our stained-glass windows allowed us to become more accurate with our drawings, making sure we pay attention to detail, colour and the achieved style. 



Finally, we discussed how St Philip Evans lived out the virtues of being Eloquent and Truthful.

He was eloquent when he celebrated Mass, spreading the good news around South Wales by expressing his love and belief in God.


He was truthful when he did not become afraid when he heard that he would die for his faith and stayed strong and true in his following of Jesus and the Catholic Church.


During this half term we are striving to follow our Virtues of being Eloquent and Truthful in all that we do. By learning about the life and faith of St Philip Evans, it is helping us to follow the virtues of being Eloquent and Truthful and reflect on the life and ways of our patron saint.

Roald Dahl Week


This week in Year 3 we received a package for Roald Dahl’s birthday! When we arrived in the playground we were greeted with pots, pans and a mess of ingredients! Also, inside the classroom there were different mixtures on each table. What can they be?


We soon realised that these mixtures were from the story ‘Georges Marvelous Medicine.’

We listened to different chapters of the story to help ignite our imagination of what could be inside the mixtures on our tables.

We worked collaboratively to think of wow descriptions which was the focus of our week, adding adjectives to make our writing more interesting and powerful.

Here are some of the adjectives we used when describing our marvelous medicines.

Horrid, incredible, awesome, legendary, marvelous, disgusting. Wow! Wow! Wow!






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