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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Celebrating Home Learning Success

Celebrating Home Learning 2021

Year maths fitness video

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Come & See: Special People

We have been learning that there are special people in our lives who are there to help us.  We explored special people in our families, school and community and shared our special people on seesaw. We found out the special jobs that special people do at Mass on Sunday when the parish family gather together to listen to God’s word.We have been learning that Jesus is the most special person we know. We listened to two stories about Jesus’ journey to the temple, as a baby and as a 12 year old boy.Please see our amazing home learning video.


Special people learning journey

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Exploring Light

During science home learning this week, we have been exploring light sources. We named a range of natural and man made light sources. We then found out how light cannot travel through a solid object, so when an object blocks light, it creates a shadow. Our task was to create our own puppet show. Take a look.

Maths at home

We have been learning a range of new skills at home. This week we have focussed on money. We have been ordering coins from the smallest amount to the greatest amount. We have also been using our adding skills to add coins together to found out how much altogether, take a look.

Home learning 2019-2020

Maths Aerobics

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Year 1 Maths Aerobics

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26.06.20 - What is social distancing?

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30.06.20 - Design your own classroom ensuring a 2m gap between everyone.

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This week we started our new topic Memory Box. During this topic we will be taking a step back in time and finding out how our life growing up compares with life in the past growing up for our mum, dad and grandparents. This week we have been thinking about our own special memories of school and have been creating our own timelines. Please take a look at our fantastic distant learning.

19.06.20 - 3D Shape Hunt

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12.06.20 - Hot seating our relatives to compare life now and then

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How I have grown and changed.mp4

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My Timeline.mp4

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What makes a good friend?

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Networks of friendships and relationships enable human beings to live together. When a child's power to reach out, trust and make friends is diminished, they may suffer the effects for a lifetime. Both children and adults have to discover their ability to reach out and repair what has been damaged. If human beings are to live together in relationships, there is always need for reconciliation.



Week Beginning 11.05.20

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This week our learning focused around the story 'How to grow a flower'
we hope you enjoy the video of our learning this week.

Our Story of the week

'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'

Mrs. Sherwood introduced the story of the week with her own Bear Hunt Adventure

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Going on a Bear Hunt Activities

We shared our own bear hunt stories

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Our Story of the week

'The Gruffalo'

'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson.

We have retold the story of 'The Gruffalo'.

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Retelling 'The Gruffalo'

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The Gruffalo

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Reading the story 'The Gruffalo'

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We used the descriptions in the story to create our very own Gruffalo.

The Gruffalo

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I can recognise rhyme

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Role-playing different characters from the story 'The Gruffalo'.

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We used and applied our mathematical addition skills to solve 'The Gruffalo' word problems.

Mathematics and Numeracy


Adding 10 within 100

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Mathematics - Measuring

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Numeracy - Half turns and whole turns

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Adding three numbers

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Language, Literacy and Communication


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Daily Phonics

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Our Faith

Come and See

May is the Month of Mary

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Pentecost: the holy day. We have learnt the words and sign language actions to 'Joy of the Holy Spirit'.

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Pentecost Activities

Palm Sunday

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God's Wonderful World

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'The Last Supper' I see.. I think... I wonder...

Science and Technology

Labelling parts of a flower

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I can use my 5 senses to describe the world around me

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My 5 senses

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I can label my senses

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