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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Our Faith

Morning Prayer 

O My God,

You love me,

You’re with me night and day,

I want to love you always,

In all I do and say, 

I’ll try to please you father, 

Bless me through the day.




Lunchtime Grace

Bless us O God,

As we sit together,

Bless the food we eat today,

Bless the hands that make the food,

Bless us O God,


Grace After Meal

Thank you God,

For the food we have eaten,

Thank you God for all my friends,

Thank you God for everything,

Thank you God,



End of day Prayer 

God our Father,

I’ve come to say,

Thank you for your love today,

Thank you for my family and all the friends you give to me.

Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send your light.


Come & See - Birthdays and Waiting


We have been learning how we welcome people into our school and into our family. We have learnt that we are welcomed into God’s family through baptism. We acted out a baptism through role play; we included the Reverend, the Godparents, the parents and the guests. We then visited the church to see where and how the baptism takes place.

During Saint Philip Evans Week we have been learning about St Philip Evans and how he was a martyr, someone who died because of their religious beliefs. We discussed that St Philip Evans was eloquent and truthful - some of our school values. We talked about different emotions and how important it is to express our feelings by being eloquent and truthful; this could be done in our fairy garden or outdoor prayer area.

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