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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Our Faith

Our virtues this half term are:

Attentive and Discerning

We have been to learning to grow in love during this Come and See topic

Creating prayer spaces at home

We introduced life to the full by learning the song, ‘God made me and God made you’ and making up our own actions

Still image for this video

Grateful and Generous

We learnt all about our ‘Gathering’ topic through blended learning

We’ve been saying our Daily Prayers at home and together on teams

We learnt about the topic, ‘Celebrating’ through blended learning...

We started the term learning about other faiths. The Jewish celebration of Hanukkah and the Hindu celebration of Diwali

Look how we have been following the virtues to be ‘Curious’ and ‘Active’

At the end of every topic we hold a Gweddiwn that the children lead.

During the month of October we learnt about Mary. Here are some pictures of us learning the Hail Mary.

We wrote our own group prayers

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