Our Catholic Life
Our Catholic Life
This half term, our Class Chaplains are:

The Birth of Jesus
We sequenced the stories from The Annunciation to the Visit of the Shepherds. We created a story map of the stories together.

The Feast of Christ the King
We learnt about the message the angels gave to the shepherds and created our own angels.
We held our own service for our class fish, Tim who sadly passed away.
Remembrance Day

We have been learning that November is the month where we remember all those who have died and are in Heaven.
We also think especially about the soldiers who have fought in wars for their countries.
We learnt about how poppies help us to remember the soldiers and we sometimes wear them too. When you buy a poppy to wear, your money goes to charity to help those in need.
We hold two minutes of silence at 11am every year on the 11th day of the 11th month.
We learnt the special Eternal Rest prayer and found out about what it means when we pray this prayer.
We created our own poppies and wreaths together and used these when we held our own prayer service to remember the soldiers and all the people we love who are now in Heaven.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

We have been learning about Mary. Mary is the mother of God’s Son, Jesus.
We talked about how Catholics around the world show honour to Mary. We know the special Hail Mary prayer, we remember Mary with the colour blue and we know we think about her especially during the months of October and May. We also talked about how we have images and sculptures of Mary in our classroom and on our Altar.
We talked about different images of Mary from around the world and chose our favourite ones and explained why we liked/disliked different imagery. We then created our own artwork of Mary and sang ‘Hail Mary’ together.
Reception class Prayer Service (Welcome topic/Baptism)
Using beads to create our own Rosaries.
Using construction to build St Philip Evans Church

Visiting our local parish church
We took our baby to St Philip Evans Church to be Baptised.
Roleplaying the Baptism of the baby
Learning to look after the bodies that God gave us.

Grateful and Generous
Celebrating Mary’s birthday 💙