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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Eisteddfod Homework Friday 7th February - due on Monday 17th February

Choose one or more competitions to complete at home and bring your entries to school no later than Monday 17th February to be judged for our Eisteddfod.


3D Dragon Modelling Competition (Reception - Year 6) – Children are encouraged to make a 3D model of a dragon. Children may use whichever means of media they wish and the topic is broad to encourage creativity. 

Upcycling Competition (Reception - Year 6)- Children are encouraged to make a 3D model using recycled materials of something which represents Wales for them. 

Cookery Competition (Reception - Year 6)- Children are encouraged to cook something which is a traditional Welsh recipe or depicts Wales to them. 

Young Performer Competition (Reception - Year 6)- This competition encourages children to showcase their talents. Auditions will take place in class the week beginning 17th February. Two children will then be chosen to represent their class during our Eisteddfod celebration. The children may like to prepare a song or dance, recite a poem or play a musical instrument. 






Homework Friday 31st January

Due Wednesday 5th February


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. Big Welsh Rhyme Time (see information below)

Big Welsh Rhyme Time Homework 31.1.25

Homework Friday 24th January

Due Wednesday 31st January  


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. Create a map of your local area. Your map needs a key and compass points to show where ‘north’ is. Include shops, house, roads, the school (if you live in llanederyn), physical features like rivers, parks etc. 

Homework Friday 17th January

Due Wednesday 22nd January  


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. Seesaw- Welsh conversation

Homework Friday 10th January

Due Wednesday 15th January  


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. Seesaw- to support the children in learning about our social teaching this half term, please complete the activity ‘Chikondi the giraffe- thinking of others’ 

Homework Friday 20th December

Due Wednesday 8th January 


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. What does the word ‘cynefin’ mean to you? Create a poster to share in class.

Homework Friday 6th December

Due Wednesday 11th December  


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. Design/create an advent wreath, an advent promise or something you feel represents advent. This can be a picture, painting, model etc. Bring into school by Tuesday 10th December 
  6. Please continue to support children to learn their lines for the Christmas Concert

Homework Friday 29th November 

Due Wednesday 2nd December 


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Reading- see seesaw active (SALFORD) to practice the words ready for our reading assessment
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Please see the spelling list on seesaw for our end of term spelling assessment. These are the words you were given at the start of the year. we will use these words for our spelling test over the next 3 weeks instead of using spelling shed. 
  5. Please continue to support children to learn their lines for the Christmas Concert

Homework Friday 22nd November 

Due Wednesday 27th November 


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. Giglets- all children have come home with a giglets login. Please use this to login and read the book with your child, then complete the assigned comprehension tasks. This will support the children in their upcoming reading assessments.
  6. Please continue to support children to learn their lines for the Christmas Concert

Homework Friday 15th November 

Due Wednesday 20th November 


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. seesaw- Eternal Rest
  6. Please continue to support children to learn their lines for the Christmas Concert

Homework Friday 8th November 

Due Wednesday 13th November 


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. seesaw- reasoning with capacity

Homework Friday 25th October 

Due Wednesday 6th November

3 activities have been assigned to seesaw to be completed over half term.

1. A Maths place value assessment task

2. Reading word practice 

3. Spelling word practice 


You will still have access to bug club and ed shed but no assignments have been set.


Please can you also help your child to learn their line/s for our Christmas concert as we will start rehearsals after half term.

Homework Friday 18th October 

Due Wednesday 23rd October


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings online in preparation for our spelling test on Friday.
  5. seesaw- Christmas concert auditions

Homework Friday 11th October 

Due Wednesday 16th October


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings.
  5. Celebrating Black history month- October is black history month. As part of our learning inquiry, we are finding out about how Cardiff has changed. There are many influential Welsh black people that have supported the development of Cardiff over the years. We have also been learning how to ‘find and retrieve ’ information. Therefore, for homework, please find out about the life and role of one influential Welsh, black person. You can show your findings in a poster, leaflet or annotated picture. Please bring these into school as we will be sharing our findings with our classmates on Friday 18th October during ‘wear red day’ 

Homework Friday 4th October 

Due Wednesday 9th October


  1. Reading book- Please listen to your child read their book and ensure they bring their book bag to school every day. 
  2. Active learn Bug Club- Please read the bug club book online and click on the 'bugs' to answer the comprehension questions.
  3. Maths Shed- login to maths shed to complete your assigned activity.
  4. Spellings- Login to spelling shed to practice your spellings.
  5. Handwriting- Please use the information on the parental engagement page of our school website to practice handwriting with your child. Please complete with a pencil on paper and upload a photograph to seesaw. There are weekly homework pages to use but only practice letter joins if your child can confidently form letters correctly without joining. This includes forming letters the correct way round and starting at the correct point. 
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