Additional Tasks
Music-Mrs Henton
Music-Mrs Henton
Music-Mrs Henton
Music-Mrs Henton
Reach for the Stars Super Virtual Choir - Mrs Roberts. Here is the new and exciting Year 4 Virtual Choir. Start uploading your video of your performance of Reach for The Stars as soon as you can! It would be fabulous if you can have it ready and uploaded by Monday 15th June. The instructions are in the information booklet below. Good luck!
Performance Track to record your song.mp3
Rehearsal track for Reach for the stars! Use this track to practice ready for your performance using the backing track!
Actions for only the chorus of Reach for the Stars. Please just add actions to the chorus only.

Please do not add actions to verse 1 or verse 2...just the chorus!
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your heart's desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true
OPTIONAL Half term task - The Diff Diaries
The Diff Diaries will help bring children and young people together for voices to be heard, stories to be told and experiences to be understood for generations to come.
visit the link here to find out more information
Feel free to share or submit your entries, and always check with an adult before sharing content online.
#TheDiffDiaries - supporting documents
Minecraft Challenge 2 - Share your best builds on the Google classroom stream!
The Book of Hopes
Do you love to relax and read a good book? It is very important to keep reading at home, so why not choose some short stories or poems from the Book of Hopes!
Click the link and browse the contents section, you can even click the title in the contents to go straight to the story you want. Which is your favourite?
The book is also dedicated to the doctors, nurses, carers, porters, cleaners and everyone currently working in hospitals. click here to get the book
Music-Mrs Henton
Music-Mrs Henton
Year 4 Spelling Bee Competition
It is very important that all children are still developing their spelling skills over the coming weeks. A word document has been uploaded below, which has structured spelling lists for your year/group. These are some of the words that children are expected to be able to spell by the end of that year. Your challenge over the coming weeks is to learn how to spell as many of these words as possible.
A Spelling Bee competition will take place in each class when we return to school and rewards will be given to the children who have made the most progress with their spelling.
Teachers will be setting differentiated spelling tasks on a weekly basis in order to develop spelling skills, with a range of activities, both online and unplugged. Please see the weekly overview for these spelling tasks.
Remember Spellodrome is also a fantastic online resource to continue to develop your spelling skills.
Spelling Bee lists - try to learn and spell 5 new words each day
Mrs Roberts' Musical Challenges
Music - Month of May
Music-(Mrs Henton)
Music-Mrs Henton
PE (Mrs Jones)
Cricket- Chance to shine cricket sessions. Practice fun catching,bowling and batting skills.
Mighty Netball-Fun throwing and catching drills.
Swimming Survey
Please take the time to complete this 2 minute survey for Sport Cardiff. Data gathered will shape future of swimming facilities.