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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Homework Friday 10th September Handwriting

Year 2 (Next year years 3 class)

Summer Holiday Homework

Hello year 2, or should we say Year 3! This is your new teacher speaking...

We have set you a homework task to complete before you come back to school in September. 

We can't wait for an exciting year of learning and creating new memories, have a fantastic summer, have fun, stay safe and God bless.

Mrs. Sherwood & Miss. Canney


(please see powerpoint below for homework instructions)

Homework Friday 16th July

Fairtrade information 18th June homework

Homework 11th June

Spellings for test 11th June


23rd April - Earth Week Homework

Reading books have been sent home. Once they are returned to school, we will keep them in quarantine for a few days before we send them home again. 

Holy Week home celebrations

Homework 26th February

Home Learning Information - Monday 4th January 2021


Please visit the home learning area of the website for your class home learning task overviews.  Go to your Seesaw account for more information on each individual task, including lesson resources, teacher videos and links to supporting materials. 


To find all the information linked to your home learning tasks, follow the steps below on the school website main page:


MENU > Homework > Homework: Distance Learning > Year 2

Distance Learning 16th December - 18th December

Homework 11.12.20

Homework 27.11.20

Please also learn lines for the Christmas play. 

Friday 20th November

Homework 13th November

Homework 6 November

Homework Thursday 22nd October

Homework 16th October

Click the link below to watch the instruction videos for all of our online learning platforms.

Any problems logging on, complete the homework on paper and we can help at school to login on Monday. 

Homework 9th October

Letter formation and Reading Resources

Homework 25.09.20 - Spelling list included

Homework 18/09/20
Due 23/09/20



Our topic this half term is ‘Electric Rainbow’. We are exploring light, colour and electricity. We have assigned a colour mixing activity to pupils on the Seesaw app. Pupils must read the story ‘Mixed’ by Aree Chung and complete the online activity. 

All pupils have been allocated new books according to their current reading level. It is important that pupils continue to read at home on a daily basis.


Pupils to create a bar graph on favourite colours. You can find the data handling section on the Hwb website under J2Easy-J2Data-Chart-Colours. 

Login details

All online login details have been sent out via a paper copy and online via seesaw. Pupils have accessed every online platform this week in school and have all successfully managed to log in independently. However, if you have any problems accessing these online platforms at home please contact the school office. Diolch yo fawr.

Homework 11/09/20  
Due on 16/09/20



Monday 14th September is Roald Dahl day, you can dress up as a Roald Dahl character to celebrate the day. 

Wednesday will be our PE day. Please send your child in on Wednesday in their PE kit for the day. Make sure they have layers with them appropriate for PE outside. This information is in the newsletter.  


Homework - The colour monster feeling chart listen to the story and complete the activity on how the different colours make you feel - Assigned on SeeSaw. 

There will be a homework folder on SeeSaw to put the homework in. 



Maths - Everyone has been assigned tasks to do on Mathletics. Passwords have been sent home with the children. 


Please phone the office next week and let us know if there are problems with accessing online resources and we can get this sorted for you. Thank you! 


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