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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Distant learning is now located on this link


Support materials will still be located on the Year 1 class page, parent information




This page will now be dedicated to providing pupils in year 1 with weekly tasks to complete as we enter a distant learning phase.


The Parent Information page on the Year 1 class page will have all the documents and support materials that the pupils will need to help them complete the tasks.


We understand and appreciate that this is a difficult time but we wholeheartedly appreciate the support that the pupils will continue to receive at home in order to keep up with their learning.


We will try to vary the activities and make learning as easy, practical and as simple to follow as we can.


All pupils have their login details for all online resources posted on their individual seesaw app. Please check seesaw for any new information, as with the year 1 class web page.


We wish you all a happy and safe time away from school and we eagerly await the return of all pupils.


The year 1 team.

Easter Holidays

We are extremely proud of the work you have been doing at home. 


Today marks the end of Spring Term and the start of the Easter Holidays. As such, we will not be setting work as we recognise that you deserve a break from learning and an opportunity to catch up on work we have previously set. 


However, for us as Catholics, it is the most important week in the liturgical year and therefore we have uploaded lots of Holy Week resources and activities for pupils to complete under the ‘Our Faith’ section of our website IF pupils wish to do so. 


We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely Easter holidays. Stay safe and enjoy this precious time with your families. 


Miss Bishop and Mrs Sherwood 

Mrs Roberts Music 

CHROME MUSIC LAB: Year 1 Music Explorers 2020

Play around and find out which activity was your favourite.

There are lots of Music lab activities to experiment with.

Good luck!


Previous Homework:
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