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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Hwb - Key Stage 2 Distance learning resources


Please find some further resources and support available for KS2 here via Hwb, covering a range of areas of the curriculum.  This content changes and is update regularly.

VISIT HWB > Google for Education (Y4DS classroom)


Are you visiting the Google classroom regularly?


This is the best way for your child to submit tasks and receive marking and feedback from Mr Dyer and Miss Spiller.


While we appreciate not all tasks can be completed electronically - many assignments will be set via Google classroom linked to the weekly learning themes - with guidance on how to hand in work also found here


ALL PUPILS must access the google classroom regularly, we love seeing your work submitted and information on how to do this is available here.  Pupils who have not submitted work are flagged to teachers on a weekly basis.


PLEASE NOTE - If any issues arise or support is needed, your child can ask for support using the hwb - Google classroom stream page (Google for Education)


If your child does not have their homework books, they can compete work via hwb or using any notebooks/sketchpads  they may have at home.

Tutorial 1 - how to upload non-digital work on Google classroom

Tutorial 2 - Submitting assignments on Google classroom

Other online platforms and resources


We have provided all children with their login details for each online resource platform that we have available. As well as completing tasks which have been assigned by your teacher, children may also freely explore these websites and enjoy completing the activities, whilst also using the other resources too (videos, games, quiz questions etc).


Mathletics -


Maths resource: contains assigned tasks from teachers and opportunity to play live maths challenges against other children within the class. Maths tasks will be updated weekly.


Bug Club -


Reading resource: contains assigned books from teachers for children to read and answer questions. Access using Active Learn login details


Abacus Maths -


Maths resource: contains a range of maths games. Access using Active Learn login details.




This is a brilliant website to access resources for subject areas across the curriculum. 


Hwb & Google Classroom-

This is another safe and brilliant website to explore and access resources for subject areas across the curriculum. Some learning tasks will be assigned by teachers for children to complete. The Google for Education (classroom) area is where your child can submit digital work, or submit photographs of their work using the Google classroom software/apps.


Giglets -


Reading resource: contains assigned books from teachers for children to read and answer reading test style questions. The questions will contain higher order thinking questions. Teachers will set tasks for children based on their individual reading level. 





Another great spelling resource. You can access this website by using your Mathletics login details.


If you would like to stay active and burn off some energy:


Fun, five minute workout videos with Joe Wicks -


Joe Wicks will be completing live workouts for children (and parents!) across the UK to join in with over the next coming weeks. They will happen every morning, Monday - Friday at 9am and will be roughly 30 minutes long. If you are interested, please see his youtube channel (The Bodycoach TV) for more details -


Yoga for children -



Websites containing educational games that don't require login details (there will not be any assigned tasks from teachers on these sites): - maths and literacy games - maths and literacy games - support in most areas of the KS2 curriculum - maths games - maths games - maths games ('hit the button' is great for times tables!) - times tables - Welsh games - Welsh second language resources

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