Year 3 Homework
Homework Friday 14th October
Children have all received books to take home to complete weekly homework and spellings.
Dark Blue- Homework
Yellow- Weekly spelling practise
This week, we would like you to be creative by drawing/painting/sketching a picture of Mary, Jesus' mother. During the month of October, we remember Mary Our Mother especially and we pray the rosary. Take inspiration from the examples of art work document below.
We would like your art work to include the following:
1) The rosary
2) The Hail Mary
2) Jesus as a baby/ young boy
3) The colour blue
Please complete this work on paper and bring it into class so we can add it to our
class altar display.
To complete also:
Spellings (see list attached below)
Mathletics (see assigned activities)
Bug Club (read through assigned books)
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Mary Art Examples
Homework Friday 14th October
Children have all received books to take home to complete weekly homework and spellings.
Dark Blue- Homework
Yellow- Weekly spelling practise
As we are nearing the end of our topic 'Where on Earth are we?', we would like you to show case you're learning and be creative as possible! You have until Wednesday 26th September to complete.
If you could bring your creation in by Wednesday next week, we would really love it to be part of our showcase on Thursday 20th September.
Choose from one of the following:
1) A model volcano
2) A fossil
3) Draw a Cityscape of your choice for example, New York, Paris, London, Rome, Cardiff
See links below
To complete also:
Spellings (see list attached below)
Mathletics (see assigned activities)
Bug Club (read through assigned books)
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Cityscape Examples
Click on the links below to start creating!
Homework Friday 7th October
Children have all received books to take home to complete weekly homework and spellings.
Dark Blue- Homework
Yellow- Weekly spelling practise
Complete the homework in the Dark Blue book.
As we have been looking at human and physical features in our context lessons this week, we have an exciting homework to look further into some of these features in cities in the UK!
To find out more about your homework look at the following documents attached- 'Homework Instructions' and 'Homework- Example of City'.
To complete also:
Spellings (see list attached below)
Mathletics (see assigned activities)
Bug Club (read through assigned books)
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Homework Friday 29th September
Children have all received books to take home to complete weekly homework and spellings.
Dark Blue- Homework
Yellow- Weekly spelling practise
Complete the homework in the Dark Blue book.
This week, complete the fact file about Plate Tectonics. There are three types of plate tectonics plate boundaries. Are there special names for the plate tectonics?
Describe how they are formed, name an example and add a detailed drawing of the landforms too.
To support your research here are some useful information websites about plate tectonics:
Copy and paste the links:
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBr-D1cFmEs
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C5FrjqndWg
3) https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/plate-tectonics/346101
4) https://mocomi.com/plate-tectonics/
Finished researching and still want more?
Find some fun facts about the 'Ring of Fire' what can you tell me next week?
To complete also:
Come and See homework: Please bring in a photo of you and your family to add to our class altar.
Spellings (see list attached below)
Mathletics (see assigned activities)
Bug Club (read through assigned books)
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Homework Friday 23rd September
Children have all received books to take home to complete weekly homework and spellings.
Dark Blue- Homework
Yellow- Weekly spelling practise
Complete the homework in the Dark Blue book - (it is a separate white booklet).
This week, apply for your committee!
There is a booklet with all the information needed to apply.
Don't be shy, you can apply for more than one committee!
Complete your application with your best handwriting.
To complete:
Spellings (see list attached below)
Mathletics (see assigned activities)
Bug Club (read through assigned books)
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Year 3 Spellings - Week 2
Homework Friday 16th September
This week children have all received books to take home to complete weekly homework and spellings.
Dark Blue- Homework
Yellow- Weekly spelling practise
Complete the homework in the Dark Blue book. It is called: 'Where in the world are you from?'
Where are your family from? Wales? England? Italy? India?
Complete each box with your best handwriting.
To complete:
Spellings (see list attached below)
Mathletics (see assigned activities)
Bug Club (read through assigned books)
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Tuesday.
Have a great weekend!
Homework Friday 9th September
Your homework this week is to practise your handwriting.
All children have been given handwriting paper to do this.
1) Look at the example document to see the expectation of the task.
2) Your activity is to write the letters of the alphabet from a to z. Use the back of the paper also. One line per letter. All handwriting must be done in blue pen or a pen- this is essential.
DO NOT use pencil.
3) Handwriting must clear, neat and legible.
4) Hand in your homework by Wednesday 14th September.
Remember- try your very best and take your time with your handwriting.
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Homework Friday 15th July
Google Classroom:
All about me profile.
For homework, we have attached a document that will need to edited by the pupils. This document will be given to your new class teachers so they can get to know all about you. Homework MUST be completed by Wednesday 20th July.
Homework Friday 8th July
Google Classroom:
After our incredible Cinderella Rockafella performance, we will be focusing our writing around our summer play. For homework, we would like the children to create character descriptions of 2 good characters, and 2 nasty characters. Use your understanding of adjectives to describe the characters. See google classroom for examples.
Spellings: Months of the Year
Mathletics: See assigned activity
Homework Friday 1st July
Come and See Homework
In preparation for our new topic 'Special Places' we would like you to bring in a photograph of a special place. Your picture needs to include you in your special place, with or without your family around you.
These might include:
A day at the beach
A special place for your family
Your Auntie/Uncle/ Grandma and Grandpa's house
The list is endless for your special place!
If you are unable to bring a photograph in, upload it to Google Classroom instead on the assigned task.
We will be using this special place as a stimulus for a guided meditation too.
Spellings: See assigned spelling list
Mathletics: See assigned activity
Homework is due on Wednesday 6th July.
Homework Friday 24th June
Art Homework
In preparation for our summer play, we would like the children to contribute to our props.
We would like the children to make some posters that we can use for the play. The choices are;
Boo Signs
Cheer signs
Love heart signs
We love Rocky!
Ticket office open
Ticket Sales
Please can costumes start coming into school ASAP!
Spellings: This week there are no set spellings, we will be testing the children on previous spelling patterns for assessment purposes. (Carried over from last week)
Mathletics: See assigned activity
not have paper at home, please ask your teacher for some paper to take home.
Homework is due on Wednesday 29th June.
Homework Friday 17th June
Homework: Keeping up to date
In year 3 this week, we have been discussing how we are much more independent with our learning and being ready for school, remembering book bags, water bottles and accessing google classroom at home to complete homework. This week, we are setting the children a task to access and explore our school newsletter to help them know where to find key information about our school, diary dates, to find out what each class are learning about and to know more about the school and church link. We would like the children to access the school newsletter on the school website, and record 5 pieces of information that is of interest to them. This task has been seen on google classroom.
Spellings: This week there are no set spellings, we will be testing the children on previous spelling patterns for assessment purposes.
Mathletics: See assigned activity
Other important information:
* As the weather heats up, please ensure your child has a water bottle in school, a sun hat, sun-cream applied before school or bring sun-cream to school in a bag to apply throughout the day.
*PE kit to be brought to school in a bag on P.E days. School uniform to be worn.
* This week only (20/06/22) PE TUESDAY & FRIDAY
* Cinderella Rockafella tickets available to buy from the school office
* Continue to practice lines at home
Diolch, have a great weekend. God bless.
Homework Friday 10th June
Google Classroom: Complete Ocean Day Power-point, see teacher power-point for support. Use google slides or hwb microsoft office.
Practice lines! (Summer play in 3 wees)
Spellings - See last weeks attached spellings
Mathletics- Complete all unfinished activities
Please note
*P.E kit must be brought to school in a separate bag, and school uniform is to be worn to school.
*School photos on Monday, please wear full school uniform.
*Costume letters for summer play sent home on Friday.
Half Term Homework
Whole School Homework
On Wednesday 8th June we will be celebrating World Oceans Day. In classes we will be learning about different animals that are endangered that live in our Oceans. For your homework we want you to prepare a costume to wear to school on the 8th June with an ocean theme.
Here are some suggestions:
· Blue Ocean outfit
· Ocean animal themed outfit
· Your own save the oceans themed outfit
· An ocean themed hat
· A Save the oceans poster to carry with your outfit
Additional Homework:
Practice lines for summer play
Spellings - See attached
Homework: Friday 20th May
Homework: Seren a Sbarc - Google Clasroom
On Friday we celebrated Seren a Sbarc day in school. This day is used as an opportunity to promote the use of the Welsh language through fun and engaging activities.
For homework, we would like the children to think of their own welsh game that they would like to play. This could be indoors or outdoors and we will try them out in school next week.
Think of the game you played with Criw Cymreag as inspirations - buzz, whispers, battle ships, or the games you like to play at home or on the playground.
Create this game, or create ideas on a powerpoint on google classroom.
Mathletics: See assigned activities
BugClub: Read assigned books
Spellings: See attached spellings (Welsh days of the week)
Spellings 20.05.22
Year 3
Homework Friday 13th May
Homework: WELSH Assessment.
Log onto Hwb. Select J2E. In your files you will find the welsh assessment word document that you completed in class. Practice reading your conversation, we will be assessing this on Friday 20th May.
Additional Homework: Summer Play Audition.
Please see attached a scene from our year 3 summer play 'Cinderella Rockafella'
Attached are some of the main characters and some small lines from one of the scenes. If you would like an acting part in our summer play, please practice reading the assigned lines and auditions will take place on Thursday 19th May.
If you would like to audition for a narrator/ speaking part (non acting) there is also a narrator part attached.
Children with a loud, confident speaking voice, who are able to memorise lines will be given these parts. Good luck all!
Mathletics: See assigned activities
BugClub: Read assigned books
Spellings: See attached spellings (Tricky Words)
Year 3
Homework Friday 6th May
Homework: Complete in your Green Homework Book. CAFOD 'Step up to the Plate' campaign.
See the sheet attached below for information on how to complete the task.
Mathletics: See assigned activities
BugClub: Read assigned books
Spellings: Spellings this week are linked to our Context for Learning.
You will find your group spellings below. They are not assigned this week on Readiwriter.
Year 3
Homework Friday 29th April
Homework: Please see Google classroom for assigned Math's homework revision. The task is to be completed on google classroom. Please read instructions carefully.
Mathletics: See assigned tasks - addition within 100.
Year 3
Homework Friday 8th April
Homework: Please see Google classroom for assigned Maths homework revision.
Mathletics: See assigned tasks.
Bug Club: Please read assigned books and complete the comprehension tasks.
Spellings: See assigned spellings to class page.
*Continue to practice riding your bike at home*
Have a wonderful Easter Break
God bless
Year 3
Homework Friday 1st April
Homework: Please see Google classroom for this weeks homework task. This week in year 3 we have been reading and retelling the story of 'Garden of Gethsemane' and learning about the Greatest Week. See the power-point attached and complete the task.
Mathletics: See assigned practice tests
Bug Club: Please read assigned books and complete the comprehension tasks.
Spellings: See assigned spellings, this week's spellings will help the children with their Holy Week writing.
*This week in Year 3 we started our cycle sessions. Each week the children will have a cycle lesson. If you have a cycle helmet at home, this can be brought into school every Thursday. If you have a bike at home, practice this weekend!*
Year 3 Homework
Homework: As we get ready for our educational visit on Monday, we would like the children to explore Noah's Ark Zoo Farm webpage.
Using the map of the zoo, explore the different areas that you may like to visit, and upload your response to google classroom.
We will use these responses to plan our visit on Monday.
Mathletics: Directions
Spellings: Please see assigned spellings
*Educational Visit*
School uniform, packed lunch, plenty of water, sun-cream, suitable footwear, coat/jacket. No money is needed for the visit, we will not be going into the shop.
Spellings 25.03.22
Homework: Green homework book, see attached task
Mathletics: Assigned Task; Counting in sequences 2s, 5s, 10s
Spellings: See assigned spellings
*Please see parent pay for educational visit consent form*
Friday 11th March
Homework: Timetables practice. Please see this website to practice times tables.
Miss. Canney x4, x6
Mrs. Sherwood x3, x4
Instant recall of timetables will help children to solve multiplication and division problems.
Spellings - Please see attached spelling list - spelling string se (assigned to rediwriter)
Mathletics: Please see assigned task - temperature.
Reading: Please see reading target from parents meeting consultation for your focus for reading.
REAL PE at Home Platform
Please watch the video on how to log in and use the resources. Home Learning tasks will be set fortnightly however, you can access all the resources through the online platform. We hope you have fun playing the games and activities with your children.
Homework 04.03.22
Homework: Please see Google Classroom task for homework. This weeks homework focus is Lent.
Spellings - Please see attached spelling list. (Not assigned to rediwriter)
Mathletics: Please see assigned task - comparing numbers.
Reading: Please continue to read the book provided in your child's homework book. Additional books assigned on bug club and giglets.
INSET DAY- 18th February 2022
Google Classroom: Complete the written tasks in your PURPLE Home Learning book.
Handwriting, joining the 'e'. Remember you need lined paper and a pen!
Reading comprehension task
Mathletics tasks
Half Term Homework 18.02.22
Homework: St. David's Day Competition, please see attached document.
Spellings - Complete spellings from Friday 11.02.22
Mathletics: Assigned tasks
Reading: Please continue to read the book provided in your child's homework book. New books assigned on bug club.
Homework 11.02.22
Homework: Google Classroom task.
Spellings - Please see attached spelling list
Mathletics: Assigned task
Reading: Please continue to read the book provided in your child's homework book. New books assigned on bug club.
Homework 04.02.22
Homework: GREEN HOMEWORK BOOKS. Please see attached homework guidance.
Spellings - Please see attached spelling list
Mathletics: Assigned task - TEST 2
Reading: Please continue to read the book provided in your child's homework book. New books assigned on bug club.
Homework 28th January
Homework: Please see google classroom for this weeks homework
Spellings - Please see attached spelling list
Mathletics: Assigned task - TEST
Homework Friday 21st January
This week in Maths we have been finding fractions of numbers and of objects. Please complete the fraction activity assigned in green homework books.
Spellings: Please see the spelling list attached. Spellings assigned to Rediwriter.
Mathletics: Please complete the assigned activity - Fractions.
Monday - Gym (Indoor)
Friday - Games (outdoors)
Please Wear PE Kit to school.
Homework Friday 14th January
See the literacy power point attached.
Work your way through the power point to recap our key teaching objectives this week.
This week you are going to be Literacy detectives.
See the document attached alongside the power-point to complete this weeks homework.
Spellings: Please see the spelling list attached
Mathletics: Please complete the assigned activity
Monday - Gym (Indoor)
Friday - Games (outdoors)
Please wear P.E kit too school
Homework Friday 7th January 2022
Please see the attached link about how to use google classroom.
This is located on the distance learning page, need help.
We have had quite a few questions about accessing and submitting work using google classrooms.
Please watch the information video to help with accessing and using google classroom.
Please see the set assignment on google classrooms and submit a response so we know that you are able to navigate the online platform.
The children have all accessed google classroom this week and we have recapped how to navigate and submit work.
All children have been given an additional remote learning book. This is not for homework, it is for in the case of remote learning. Inside the book is an explanation of what the book is for.
Spellings - Please see Rediwriter for spellings (spellings lists also attached)
Mathletics - Please see assigned activities
Christmas Homework
We would like to wish all the families of Year 3 a very happy and safe Christmas and we will see you in 2022.
Homework: Please see google classroom and spend time quality and special time with your family and friends.
Homework Friday 10th December
Homework: Maths
This week in Maths we have recognising multiples. Please see the power-point attached to complete your homework in your green books. Please select the power-point that is your Maths teacher.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. As we have been recognising multiples and completing repeated addition, please complete the multiplication arrays task.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club for additional reading.
Spelling: Spellings this week will be random spellings which the children have already been tested on this term.
Multiples Homework
Homework: Friday 3rd December
Homework: Advent
Please see google classroom for homework.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. This week we have been interpreting data.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club for additional reading.
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document.
Homework 26.11.21
Homework: Maths
This week in Maths we have been halving numbers. Please see the power-point attached to complete your homework in your green books. Please select the power-point that is your Maths teacher. All pupils have also been sent home 'learn its' that they need to be able to recall quickly and confidently.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. This week we have been doubling and halving numbers.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club for additional reading.
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document.
Homework 19.11.21
Homework: Brilliant Builders
Please see the power-point attached to complete these weeks homework (Green homework book). These weeks homework is to prepare for our new topic Brilliant Builders.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. This week we have been learning about time.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club for additional reading.
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document. Please always refer to class page first to check you are completing the correct spellings on rediwriter. This weeks spellings are key topic words we will be using throughout our new topic Brilliant Builders.
Homework Friday 12th November
Homework: Online Safety
In Year 3 we have be learning how to stay safe online. There are many elements to using technology and communicating online. We had a very importnat talk and lesson with PC Rhys explaining how to stay safe online and what to do if we are unsure if something is right or wrong.
Using the bullet points below, please choose a point that you would like to focus on for your E-Safety Poster or leaflet. We would like to have a range of different examples so we can display them in the classroom and the posters and leaflets can be an extra reminder of the rules and responsibilities of using online platforms.
Here are the bullet points we would like you to choose from.
You are more than welcome to combine more than one point.
We would like you to complete this on paper (not in books) so we can display in our classroom area. So please think about presentation and the quality of your homework.
1) Password Power
2) App/ Games age restrictions
3) Online Bullying - be respectful.
4) Online Rules - SMART
5) Advantages of using online platforms/ technology.
6) Screen time balance
Websites for support with homework
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity and catch up on previous activities.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club for additional reading. Please see the attached Read Write Inc Sounds, we expect pupils to know all of these sounds and be using them independently in their reading and writing,
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document. Please always refer to class page first to check you are completing the correct spellings on rediwriter. We have highlighted the special friends/ spelling strings for each spelling.
Homework Friday 5th November
Please see google classrooms for this weeks homework.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity: Place Value
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club for additional reading. We have been working on adding expression and paying attention to a range of punctuation.
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document. Please always refer to class page first to check you are completing the correct spellings on rediwriter. We have noticed a range of common spellings that are being spelt incorrectly in writing activities, this is the spelling focus this week.
Distance Learning
Week Beginning 01.11.21
If your child is home due to isolation and is well enough to complete work, please see the attachments below.
- Powerpoint attached with a recap of activities of what we have been learning about in year 3
- Additional activities assigned to mathletics
- Additional activities assigned on abacus - active learn
- Continue to practice 3x 4x tables
- Powerpoint attached - punctuation, please complete activity attached
- Direct speech activity - see active learn
- Using past tense activity - see active learn
- Continue to use bug club and answer the bugs
- Complete spellings on rediwriter
- Revise and drill language patterns. See attached welsh language resource.
- See the dialogue conversation on final slide. Can you create your own conversation using the example and language patterns.
For additional activities, please contact the class teacher.
Homework Friday 22nd October
Half Term Homework:
Please see google classrooms for half term homework. Our homework is linked to climate change following the Size of Wales assembly.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity: Test.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club. Pupils are all aware of new password.
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document. Please always refer to class page first to check you are completing the correct spellings on rediwriter. We keep previous spellings assigned to allow pupils to revisit spelling strings.
Digital agreement: If you have not already done so, please read and sign the acceptable use agreement form to be signed by parent/ guardians inside their bookbags.
Distance Learning 18.10.21
Homework Friday 15th October
The Romans Continued
On Monday 18th October we will be celebrating our fantastic learning all about the Romans by having a Romans Day. Pupils will be invited to dress as a Roman soldier or a Roman citizen. This is optional, but we encourage children to participate to fully engage and experience the Romans Day. A white T-shirt can be worn as the toga and we will add a red sash to the pupils. If pupils do not wish to dress up, then school uniform must be worn. If you do dress up, please ensure your children have additional clothes to be worn if they are wearing toga dresses to ensure they are warm throughout the school day. Please see ideas attached. This weeks homework is too complete the creative task that was set last week. There will be no PE on Monday. Please see the attached information about this task.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. This week we have been working on collecting and reading data.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club. Pupils are all aware of new password.
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document
Digital agreement: Pupils also have an acceptable use agreement form to be signed by parent/ guardians inside their bookbags.
Cauliflower cards: Pupils have also designed their cauliflower cards which as able to order online. Please see the order form they have inside book bags.
Spellings 15.10.21
Costume Ideas
Homework Friday 8th October
The Romans
On Monday 18th October we will be celebrating our fantastic learning all about the Romans by having a Romans Day. Pupils will be invited to dress as a Roman soldier or a Roman citizen.
This weeks homework is a creative task to get ready for the Year 3 Romans day. Please see the attached information about this task.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. This week we have assigned missing numbers.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag. Please continue to use bug club. Pupils are all aware of new password.
Spelling: Spellings assigned to rediwriter and also attached as a separate document.
Homework: Thursday 30th September
Additional homework task
Next week we have the opportunity to take part in a mass about 'Being God's People.'
We kindly ask if you would like you to donate some food or toiletries to show how we are being 'God's People.'
We have been inspired by work of St Vincent de Paul and his compassion towards the poor. We want to work together to help shape a more just and compassionate society. We want to raise awareness for those people who are living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage.
In Cardiff over 80,000 people live below the poverty line. 18,000 are children. Cardiff food bank offers food and support to these people.
Throughout the month of October, we will be collecting donations for the Cardiff Food Bank. Food banks are in desperate need of the following items: Milk, fruit juice, sponge pudding, jars of coffee, savoury snacks, rice pudding, shampoo, deodorant & toothpaste. We would like to thank you in advance for any donations we receive.
Handwriting joins
Homework Friday 24th September
Google Classroom
All children have been assigned to the year 3 google classroom.
Google classroom is accessed using your hwb login.
Once logged into hwb, click menu then select google classroom.
There is an assignment set on the classroom.
Please complete the assignment then click hand in.
If you are having any problems completing this, please do not panic, your teachers will show you again on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. This week we have been comparing numbers using > <
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag.
Spellings: Please use these spellings for week beginning 27.09.21
Matilda Twits | BFG Georges Marvellous Medicine | Charlie & the Chocolate factory | Fantastic Mr. Fox |
Silent ‘k’ knee knife know knight knit knot knock
| ing shopping camping hopping washing dropping writing pulling
| Red Words Come Some Make When What They Should
| ee/ea three sleep green clean dream scream real
Homework Friday 17th September
Pupil Voice Committees Applications
Which committee will you apply for this year?
Please complete the application form sent home to become a part of one of our school committees. You will need to read your manifesto to your class and your classmates will vote to elect the candidate of their choice. You can apply for more than one committee. Read the information pack carefully.
Mathletics: Please complete assigned activity. This week we have been learning about place value.
Reading: Please read the book in your child's book bag.
Spelling: Spellings lists below.
Year 3 Spellings (If you are unsure of your Literacy please ask your teacher) | |||
The Twits | BFG
George’s Marvelous Medicine | Charlie & the Chocolate Factory | The Enormous Crocodile
Fantastic Mr. Fox |
Adjectives | Red words | RWI Set 3 Recap | RWI Set 2 Recap |
Amazing Incredible Disgusting Awful Beautiful Adorable Horrid Sickly Viscous Intelligent | Thought Everyone Using Someone People Could Once Does Their Above | Team Smile Shake Home Coin Yawn Share Turn Better Rain
| Green Away Enjoy Light Blow Shook Park Hair Girl Shout