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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Learning experience

Year 1 2020/21


In year 1 we have been thinking about the future.

What are our dreams and goals?

What do we want to be when we grow up? What skills will we need to learn?

How can we develop these skills in school?


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Sports Day 2021


Year 1 had so much fun competing in sports day.We took part in various physical activities and competed to win points.

We talked about being a good team player and celebrating our own and others achievements. Well done all. 

A special big well done to our finalists winning gold silver and bronze in the sprint race, bean bag race, egg and spoon race and the sack race.

What a Wonderful World


What a Wonderful World. What a Wonderful Week! This week learning has been inspired by the famous Louis Armstrong song ‘What a wonderful World.’ We have been expressing our feelings, ideas and interpretations of the song and lyrics through a variety of art, design, dance, music and prayer.

As well as listening and responding to ‘What a Wonderful World’ we have been learning about the story of creation.


We began by closing our eyes and talking about what we could see. We could only see darkness. This helped us understand that before God created the animals, seas or the sun, everything was empty and dark. We explored the different verses and found keys words within each verse to recognise Gods creations.


God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

As we explored each verse, we illustrated Gods creation on each day. We used this new understanding to look for Gods creations outdoors. We captured photos using the iPads and created pic collages with a partner, adding text to the photos about what treasures we have that God has created for us.

We then reflected on the decisions and choices we have to make to ensure we care, love and protect all the treasures that God has given to us.


 We have also been writing our own acrostic poems all about the world. We used we circle time to share all of the things that we love about the world and our favourite things about the world that we live in together, we used these ideas to help us to write our poems and then we performed our poems to our friends.


Each learning group learnt a verse of the song. Each group made artwork to reflect the verse that they had learnt and we also learned British Sign language and performed the song in sign language as a whole class.


Please take a look at our learning experiences.


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Living Eggs

This half term we have been learning about different animals. Our topic started with the big question ‘Are eggs alive? We were very eggcited for the arrival of the living eggs. We watched a video with instructions of how to get ready to take care of the chicks. During our pupil voice session, we thought about what we wanted to find out about all types of animals. We have been learning a range of different questions types. We asked a variety of questions during pupil voice.

  • Bobby “Why do giraffes have long necks?”
  • Caiden “Why do animals have tails?”
  • Ruby “How do dolphins breathe underwater?”
  • Edward “Why do elephants have trunks?”


In Literacy, Language and Communication we have been learning to use connectives e.g. first, then, next and finally. We have applied these skills to our Knowledge and Understanding lesson when recording the life cycle of a chicken.

The Chicken Life Cycle by Arpi
“First the hen lays an egg. Next the hen sits on top of all the egg to keep it warm. Then the egg begins to crack open. Finally, the chick hatches. After that the chick needs to stay warm inside an incubator. At the end the chicks grow into a big hen.”


We recorded the life cycle of the hen in different formats. We recorded diary events, we recorded the life cycle in a thinking map and we also recorded it by using pictures to sequences the events.


In Mathematics we have been learning about temperature. When taking care of the chicks, we had to make sure the chicks were warm enough. The incubator had the temperature on the outside so we could read the temperature daily and monitor the chick’s home. We have been learning different vocabulary for temperature, hot, cold, warmer than, cooler than. We used this language to help us care for chicks when they were in the incubator, once they had hatched and when transferred to their new home.


Please take a look at our learning experiences.



This week in Year 1 we have been habitat explorers during STEM week. We have been using the outdoor areas and the school grounds to research and observe habitats using spotting cards and technology such iPad to collect and record data.

With the data that we collected we made simple bar graphs using HWB. The bar graphs highlighted the most and least scores of the minibeasts that we found whilst being habitat explorers.

When collecting data, we also made observational drawings of what we found. We used the IPad to captures pictures, then looked more closely at the photographs we had taken and sketched the minibesats that we had found. We had great fun exploring the different areas of the school grounds and finding out which areas had the most habitats and minibeasts.

During STEM week we have also been learning that animals habitats are where they live and learning about some different woodland animals. We have worked together as a teams in our groups to create different habitats in our school grounds.

Some of us built bee B&Bs to encourage bees to nest in the trees near the pond, we learnt that bees are very important to us because they help the plants that we need to grow.

 Others of us made toad holes to encourage different amphibians like toads, frogs and newts to come and live in the school grounds, we have also build hedgehog hotels, warm and safe places for the endangered hedgehogs to come and sleep during the day when we are busy working in school and have their babies, we learnt that the mummy hedgehogs have their babies between May and September so now is the perfect time for them to move in.

Another group also have made a log pile, we have seen in our outdoor minibeast hunt that the minibeasts love to live in cool, damp places under logs is perfect, so we have made a lovely log pile for them to live under.

Please take a look at our learning experiences.





Autumn Term 2: Moon Zoom 

Exploring shape to design rockets

Let's get creative!


Autumn Term 1: Scrumptious 

Week 5: Why can't I eat chocolate for breakfast?

Week 4: Where does food come from?

Week 3: Dahlicious day - Why can’t we eat chocolate for breakfast? 

Week 2: Scrumptious - A world of food

Week 1: Welcome back to school 

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