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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Homework- 12.7.19

Your final Year 6 homework is to create a memory journey of your time at St Philip Evans. You can present this however you wish. You may like to create a memory box to bring to school, a Google Slides presentation, or a poster. Please bring this to school on Thursday of next week to share with the rest of Year 6. 


-Your favourite memories from R to Year 6

-Photographs of visits or learning experiences (if you have any)

- Any items you have kept over the years

- Also include a paragraph about why you are looking forward to moving on to Secondary School. 


Rememeber newsletters are available on our website if you would like to take photographs from there, and our school witter page also has photographs ou can screenshot. 




Reconciliation - Wednesday 3rd July 

Please prepare to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday by using the following prompt sheet to help you. You must know the responses, order and prayers off by heart. 

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Homework -28.06.19

As part of our 'Let's Fly' transition project, your homework this week is to plan your dream holiday for a family of four. Your budget is £3,000

You must calculate and record the following:

- destination

- duration

- flight details and cost

- hotel details and cost

-itinerary of activities 


You may wish to use Google classrooms or your learning log.

Your mathletics homework has also been set. 


Due date Wednesday 3rd July  







Your homework this weekend is to create poster which encourages other children to speak Welsh. You need to include the benefits of speaking Welsh and illustrate in an appropriate way. Please attempt to include Welsh phrases. You can create these posters either digitally or on paper. 



Your homework this weekend is to create a learning log on Amelia Earhart.


You can include as many interesting facts as possible. Please remember to cite your sources.


You can present your work in a circle map, learning log, Google slides of any other form you seem fit. 


Matheltics has has been set based on probability. 



Imagine, the year is 2030 what does education look like to you? Think about technology as well as teaching methods, styles and alternative lessons. 


Your homework this weekend is to create a story, poster, poem, song or rap, or short animation showcasing your vision for education. Be as creative as you can but remember your vision needs to be realistic (2030 is only 11 years away!).


Stories and songs must be less than 500 words. 


Remember our new curriculum is centred around 4 core purposes which look to create:

Ambitious, capable learners.

Enterpising, creative contributors.

Healthy, confident individuals.

Ethically, informed citizens. 


These me will be entered into the 2030 competition. Good luck!


Mathletics has been assigned linked to patterns and missing numbers.


PE will take place next week on Tuesday (11.6.19). 




As part of our Witnesses topic in ‘Come and see’ we have been learning about what it means to be a witness to our faith. 


To be be a witness to your faith means to declare belief in your faith. 


Your half term homework is to create a learning log about a modern witness to the Catholic faith. You can choose somebody you know from the community, a family member or member of the parish. Or a more well known person, for example, Mother Teresa. 


You should answer the following questions: 


What does it mean to be a modern witness?

How have they been a witness to their faith? 

How have their actions affected others? 



On Friday we will hold the auditions for our summer production of the Lion King. If you wish to audition for an acting role you need to learn the following lines by Friday. Boys who wish to audition learn the lines for Simba and girls who wish to audition learn the lines for Nala. Good luck


Simba: Isn't this a great place?

Nala: It is beautiful.... But I don't understand something. You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock?

Simba: Well, I just ... needed to get out on my own. Live my own life. And I did. And it's great!

Nala: We've really needed you at home.

Simba: {Quieter} No one needs me.

Nala: Yes we do! You're the king.

Simba: Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the king. Scar is.

Nala: Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands.

Simba: What?

Nala: Everything's destroyed. There's no food, no water. Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will starve.



Our virtues for this half term are 'Curious and active'. Being curious means exploring God's creation and asking questions to find out more. Being active is all about working to make things better where we can.


Your homework task this weekend is to write a play script in which one of your characters is unhappy. The other characters must find out what is wrong and come up with ways to help. Make sure you focus on these virtues throughout your script and make reference to the virtues. 


Some of these scripts will be performed in class.


Mathletics has been assigned. 



Your homework is to complete a learning log about air resistance.

You need to answer the questions:


What is air resistance?

How can we use air resistance to help us?


Remember to write down your sources next to any information (website or book name, etc). 

You will be using this information to help you complete you science assessment next Monday. Therefore, homework should be completed by Monday of next week.


A Mathletics test has been assigned in preparation for the procedural test next Tuesday. 


PE will take place on Tuesday next week, 14.5.19. 

Homework- 3.05.19- National Test Preparation 


Reading Test 

Your homework is to go back through your reading test at home and correct any errors. Identify why you made these errors, and how you can avoid repeating them in the national test.

Write 10 top tips for the reading test to help you prepare.

You must also read two books on Giglets and complete two of the reading test question tasks assigned to them. 

Our reading test is Wednesday of next week, please ensure your homework is completed by then. 



Easter Homework- Preparation for National Tests 

Homework over the Easter holidays is to correct any mistakes from your practice papers. Ask for support from adults or older siblings if you need it. The corrections do not have to be completed under test conditions. We have also allocated practice tests on Giglets and Mathletics. Please make sure at least two of each are completed. If you would like to access any further practice materials see the link below. 

Using the resources over the Easter holidays will allow you to feel prepared for the tests after Easter. 

Follow the link below for access to further information about national tests and practice materials. 

Homework - 5.4

Your homework this week is to learn your Welsh third person profile, ready for your oracy assessment next week. 

Mathletics practice tests have been allocated and Giglets practice papers for test practice. 

PE Dance

Dance Fitness by Dame Darcey Bussell Competition 2019

Have a go at practising the fitness routine in readiness for performing #Strivingforaccuracy

Link to hand jive

Homework -29.03.19

Your homework this week is to create a learning log about your favourite author. You may wish to include the following:

-biography of their life

-books you have read

-book review 

This is in preparation for our educational visit to Cardiff Children's Literature Festival next week. You may wish to use Google Classrooms, or complete in your learning log. 


You have also been set Mathletics Homework - test practice questions 

Deadline- Wednesday April 3rd.



Homework- March 15th

Homework this week is to log onto Giglets and complete your reading test practice questions as well as completing Mathletics homework. If you do not know your log in details please collect them from class on Monday. 


Homework 8/3/19


Your homework this week is to create a learning log about renewable energy and wind power. Look at different sources of renewable energy, with a particular focus on wind power and the benefits of wind power as an energy source. 



Fairtrade Competition 

As as it is Fairtrade fortnight you are also asked to create your own Fairtrade recipe, it needs to include chocolate, but needs to be healthy. It will be judged by the Fairtrade committee in coming weeks. You do not have to actually cook the recipe. This is an optional extra. 

Your Homework over Half Term is to enter Eisteddfod competitions. You should enter our 'Welsh learner of the year' competition at the least. 


The other competitions are:

Welsh modelling competition 

Welsh cookery competition 

Welsh tourism guide 


Further details about all of the available competitions are on the school newsletter. 


Mathletics- Decimals and money -KD differences between numbers- LD 


All Eisteddfod entries must be brought into school by Monday 4th March as this is the deadline for all competitions. 


Have a a lovely Half Term! 



Homework- Unity 

Your homework this week is linked to our Come and See learning. Please create a learning log about how we can live in unity with others. Please use quotes from scripture to show your understanding. Answer the following questions: 

How does Jesus teach us to live in unity? 

How can we live in unity with our friends and family? 

How can we live in unity wth others in school? 

How can we promote living in unity with our brothers and sisters throughout the world? 

Due Date: Wednesday 20/2


Mathletics - Addition and subtraction / 9 times tables 


PE next week will be on Monday and Wednesday. 

Homework- Internet Safety 

Your Homework this week is to create a learning log, our use Google classrooms to answer the following question: 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? 

How can we stay safe online? 

How can we be responsible digital citizens? 

How can we ensure we don't spend too much time on the Internet? 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media? 


Mathletics- fractions, decimals and percentages 

Due date- Wednesday 13th February 


Homework- Should animals be kept in zoos? 


Your homework this this week is to complete a Tree Map with arguments for and against animals being kept in zoos. Include facts and statistics to support both sides of the argument. Also include which businesses, companies and associations would argue for and against. 

Mathletics- LD- missing angles 

Mathletics - KD- subtraction and grid method multiplication 

Homework 18.01.19

Homework this week is a creative task. It is not due in until Monday January 28th. Please do not bring it to school before this date.

Your task is to design and create a new 'Thinking Hat' linked to our new context for learning. Our new context for learning is called 'Save Our Planet.'

Please design and make a hat that you can wear to school to celebrate our immersion day, where we will be learning all about sustainability, climate change and how we can work towards a better future. Our immersion day will be a day where we focus completely on our new context and children guide their own learning.

Your hat may display some key Eco messages. You can use whichever media and material you wish. 

Due Date: Monday 28th January 

Homework- 11.01.19

Complete a learning log answering the following key questions: 

Q)How is the production of palm oil threatening orangutans?

Can you find out about why growing palm oil is threatening the lives of these apes?

What is palm oil used for?

 How many orangutan are left in the wild?

The following websites will be useful:

How will you present your research creatively?


The deadline for this homework is Wednesday 16th January. You may wish to complete this in time for Monday's lessons, as it will help you with your learning in school. 

Homework - 21.12

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year! Your homework task to complete after New Year is to complete a learning log about extreme weather and natural disasters. 

What types of natural disaster have occurred recently and where? What has caused these extremities in weather? The deadline is Friday 12.01.19

Your mathletics homework must also be completed by 8.01

Homework- 14.12.18

Complete a learning log about life in the 1980s. Categorise your research into the following categories:

-music and films

- technology

- fashion 

- toys and games 



Homework 7.12.18

Your homework is to prepare for your oracy assessment next week. You don't have to record anything but practice answering theses questions out loud. Remember to extend your answers, use subject specific vocabulary and add sufficient detail. 


-Why were you evacuated?

-How did you feel leaving your family?

-What did you take with you and why?

-Were any of your siblings evacuated with you? 

Describe the train journey.

-How were you treated by your new Billet family?

-How did your life change?

-Were you thankful to be evacuated? Explain your answer.

-Did you make new friends? Was that difficult?

-Did you see your family again?



Homework- Gwaith Catref - 30.11.18

Your homework this week is to create a learning log all about the season of Advent. Use the following questions to guide your research:


-How can we prepare during Advent?

-What are the key signs and symbols associated with Advent?

-Which pieces of scripture do we focus on and why?

-How will this scripture shape your life? 


You must join Google Classrooms using you Hwb account:

Code- yihq6t


Also complete your Spellodrome and Mathletics homework 



Homework - 23/11/18


Your homework this week is to create a learning log about anti-bullying week. You can include links to our 'Show racism the red card' workshop and any key messages you have learnt. You might want to include any other key messages about anti-bullying. 





Homework – 16/11/18

Science pupil voice questionnaire

Copy/click the URL below  and complete the Forms questionnaire, by Wednesday 21st November.


There are also books and activities saved on Giglets. 



Spelling Book 3, Unit 19


Spelling Book 3, Unit 12


Spelling Book 3, Unit 8






































Homework -Friday 8th November

Your homework this week is to create a learning log all about Hinduism. Use the following questions to guide your research:

What is Hinduism?

What are the main festivals?

What is the Hindu belief in karma?

How do Hindus live according to their dharma?


Due date-Wednesday 14.11

You may wish to complete your homework using Hwb, but this is not essential. 

Our Google Classrooms code-  yihq6t






Homework - Friday 27th October

Your task is to complete a multimedia presentation or video on your class country- Ghana or Poland. You may wish to use the following software:


-Microsoft Movie Maker

-Explain Everything App




If you know of any other software you can use to display your knowledge creatively, feel free to use that.

Please save your completed task on HWB. If you do not know your account details you can ask your teacher for them on Monday 5th November. 

Deadline - Friday 9th November 

Homework - 19.10.18

Next week is 'Thinking About Our World Week.' Your task is to create a learning log about the country your class will be learning about. If you are in 6LD you will be learning about Ghana. If you are in 6KD you will be learning about Poland. 

Use these questions to guide your research: 

  • What do you already know about the country?What are the traditional costumes of the country?
  • What are the main cultural celebrations and why are they celebrated?
  • Where is the country located? Write some facts about its location/population,etc.
  • What types of art and music originate from your country?
  • What types of traditional food do they eat? 

Homework- 12.10.18

Your homework this week is to research the following questions in detail and display the answers creatively:

1.What variables affect heart rate?

2.Why does heart rate increase after exercise?

3.What is the function of the heart?

4.What types of exercise would increase heart rate dramatically and why?

Due Date: Wednesday 17.10.18

Homework- Friday 28th September 

Vocations- Your homework this week is to carry out research about a saint of your choice. Create a learning logs about their lives and explain how they will inspire you in your life.

Due date: Wednesday 3rd October 

Homework- Friday 21st September

Homework this week is to carry out research into your TASC wheel investigation; answering questions generated by your group. Complete independent research to fully answer the questions written in your homework diary. Display your research creatively in your Learning Log.  

Homework is due in by Wednesday 26th September 2018. 

Homework-Friday 5th October 

Your homework this week is to create a learning log about evacuation.Next week you will be planning and  writing a diary as an evacuee. 

Your task is to imagine you were a child during World War 2. You are about to be evacuated to the countryside. You are leaving your mother and tasked with the job of looking after your younger sibling.

Answer these questions in detail  and think carefully about your choice of language. 

Saying Goodbye

-Describe the scene

-How did you feel as you were leaving your mum and why?

-How will you try and protect your younger brother or sister?

-What advice has your mother given you?

The Train Journey

-How did your feelings change?

-Who did you meet?

-Where are you going?

-What are you confused about?


Useful Phrases


-with a heavy heart


-trying to be courageous

-masking my emotions


-struggling to hold back the tears

-with a lump in my throat

-pulling myself together

-with the weight of the world on my shoulders


Due Date -Wednesday 10th October 

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