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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Measuring angles

Knex line tracker making

Year 5 are making ‘Knex Line trackers’ ready to be coded. We are using the Habit of Mind thinking interdependently to work together to make the trackers. We are really enjoying the making stage, in our context robotics.

Are robots good or bad? 


This is week as part of our robotics topic we have been debating whether robots are good or bad. Our home learning helped us to find reasons to use in our debate. 


In in our groups we created a diamond 9 where as a group we debated which reasons were the most or least important. We then used the reasons in our diamond 9 to debate with another group if robots were good or bad. 

Africa - Boomwhackers

Bl5 have been performing 'Africa' using the Boomwhackers. We are healthy and confident individuals who have the confidence to participate in performance!

Eco-Friendly Christmas

Bl 5 have been making ‘eco-friendly Christmas’ posters on how to have a green Christmas. We have been exploring ways on how we can look after the planet this Christmas. A green Christmas is a good Christmas. #SPENewt

Design and Technology Making a CAMS toy

Pocket Money Survey

As a part of our assessment week year 5 have been making their own pocket money surveys to find the mean,median,mode and range of them. They are becoming ambitious capable learners to understand how to interpret data and apply mathematical concepts correctly.

Oracy assessment Museum guide.

Bl 5 have been doing their oracy assessment. They had to be Victorian experts in a museum and answer questions from guests. We used the Habit of Mind communicating with clarity and precision to present to our audience.

Will it erupt?

Bl 5 have been taking part in a Science experiment we have been watching what happens when we add mentos to a fizzy drink. We have been using the habit of mind striving for accuracy to measure the amount of liquid that had erupted out the bottle.

Have you had your say?

Year 5 have had their say. They have been generating ideas about what they want to learn about on our new topic called ‘potions’.

How to stay safe online.

Year 5 have been making presentations on how to be digitally safe. We have been exploring the area of reporting and what to do if something upsets us online. We have worked collaboratively to make tips on how to stay safe online.

Volcano Research

Bl5 have been researching about Volcanoes. We have responded with wonderment and awe with some incredible facts about volcanoes. 

Numeracy across the curriculum

Bl 5 have been using their numeracy skills across the curriculum. We  are drawing line graphs and bar graphs to do with volcanic information. For example, one group drew a bar graph to show the number of active volcanoes across each continent. We used the habit of mind applying past knowledge to apply our numeracy skills to a volcanic context.

Trip to Hindu Temple

Bl 5 had a very interesting morning at the Shree Swaminarayan temple this morning. We learnt all about the Hindu faith and how they worship!

Childnet Digital Leaders Programme

The year 5 digital leaders are at the ‘childnet digital leaders programme ’ they are have been using the habit of mind accessing prior knowledge to make our internet a safer place! We cannot wait to share what we’ve learnt with the rest of year 5!

Self Evaluation of Context sharing Afternoon

Year 5 are self evaluating the context sharing task with year 3 last week. We assessed personal effectiveness, thinking about our thinking and ways forward. We used our Red,Blue,Yellows and Green thinking hats to consider the impact of our choices. Year 5 are being ambitious capable learners by reflecting on their sharing and how they can improve in the future.

Year 3 and 5 context sharing afternoon.

Bl5 took part in a sharing afternoon with Bl3 to share their learning about their topic Gods and Gladiator and Victorians. Bl5 shared their learning about The Victorians and Bl3 learnt loads of new facts about the Victorians and love being part of a Victorian school for the afternoon. 
Year 5 have been playing ‘splat’ in Helpwr Heddiw. They have been competeting with each other splatting the correct answer to the question!

Science Experiment on soluble/insoluble solids.

Year 5 are completing an experiment on what solids dissolve in water. We are working collaboratively to see if our predictions are correct. #SolubleorInsoluble

Life of a Victorian Child Song (Part 2)

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Life of a Victorian Child Song

Still image for this video
Year 5 singer song writers have written a song about our context ‘Victorians’

Conversation in Welsh

Still image for this video
Year 5 wrote a script based on our Welsh Lesson.


Year 5 are communicating effectively in different forms using the Welsh Language. We are looking at scripts and gathering information in texts! 

Non-Chronological Report

Year 5 have been WebQuesting to find facts for our Non-Chronological Report on Victorians. We have been finding reliable sources to share with the class. We are giving of our energy and skills so other classmates can benefit.

Change Starts With Us - Debate

Year 5 are having a debate about statements they made about ‘Anti-Bullying’ week. By debating we have the confidence to participate in performance. We respected the needs and rights of others. We used critical lifelong skills to voice our opinions. 


 Year 5 have been practising different activities to present to year 2 as a part of the spectrum programme! Here are pictures of the spectrum afternoon and of year 5 preparing for the activity.

Faint o’r gloch ydy hi?

Year 5 have been learning to tell the time in Welsh. We have learnt the fundamentals of telling the time by using key words such as ‘chwarter i, wedi, hanner awr wedi and o’gloch’ . It was essential that we spelt the numbers correctly to strive for accuracy. 


Dwr Cymru Workshop

Year 5B have been using their habit of mind working interdependently to put pipes into different areas to distribute water. The team who used the least amount of pipe leading to a smaller total cost won the task. We enjoyed the problem solving task and were extremely inspired. 

Maths Outdoor Learning

Year 5 have been recording and measuring time, predicting how long it would take to run laps of the playground. We used the habit of mind striving for accuracy when measuring. 

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