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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Celebrating Home Learning Success

Week Beginning: 1st June

Creating drawings of our friends and sending messages to say 'Hello'!

Ordering numbers

Using our phonics to sort the pictures into their beginning sounds.

Learning to sing along to the days of the week.

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I've been learning to sing the days of the week.
Week Beginning: 11th May

How many of our shoes do you think fit in ONE T-Rex's footprint?

We made 'lost' posters to help Harry find his bucketful of dinosaurs!

More phonics...

Week Beginning: 27th April

Making reading dens to read our favourite stories!

Week Beginning: 20th April

Thank you key workers!

Learning to say, hear, read and write our sounds!

Some of us have enjoyed taking part in 'Cosmic Kids Yoga'...

... and Joe Wicks' "5 Minute Move"!

Easter Holidays Homework
Week Beginning: 30th March

We are learning to write our names!

Making shadows!

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Still image for this video

Learning our sounds!

"Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?" We've been learning how to talk about the weather in Welsh!

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Some of us having been following recipes...

I baked bread with my Daddy.

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I have made a cake with help from my Daddy!

We've been on a hunt for shapes in our house! Can you find a circle? A rectangle? A square? A triangle?

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Still image for this video

Making marks with natural materials

I have made this beautiful rainbow and put it in my window to say 'thank you' to the doctors and nurses helping to keep everyone safe! 