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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Year 1

Croeso i Blywddyn 1!


Welcome to the St Philip Evans Primary School class page for Year 1.  

Keep an eye out for the latest news and updates of what is going on in 1D and 1S.  


Useful Information


PE is on a Wednesday. Remember to bring your PE kit! 

Homework is to be completed by every Wednesday and new homework will be sent home every Friday.


Spelling and BIG Maths tests are every Friday. Remember to practise your spellings at home!


Please read your reading book to an adult every night. Books will be changed weekly. 


Book-bags, including reading books and reading records inside should be brought to school every day.


You are welcome to bring a piece of fruit for snack time or you can buy fruit from our fruit trolley for 25p a day.


Toy Fund is collected every Monday.

We ask for a £1 weekly donation to purchase resources to enhance our learning inside and outside of the classroom.


Use these fun online resources to help with your learning.

Just click on the picture and it will take you right there!





Our new topic in Year One is Wriggle and Crawl.

We are learning all about mini-beasts.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We have been reading the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. It has taught us lots of things! 

We used a paper plate, pasta and rice to make the life cycle of a butterfly.

First, it is a tiny egg and then it grows into a caterpillar. Next, the caterpillar is inside a chrysalis (or a cocoon) and then it bursts out as a beautiful butterfly! 

In our Literacy learning we made a fact file all about a butterfly. 

We also used our ICT skills in our independent activities to make pictures of The Very Hungry Caterpillar using 'Paint'.

In our Creative Development we made our own butterflies. We learned what the word 'symmetrical' means and used mirrors to see what the butterfly would look like on both sides. We painted one half of our butterflies and then folded it together to make a beautiful butterfly!

Friendship Web

We used a ball of wool to make our own spider web. We all made a circle and one person held the ball of wool. The person then threw the wool to another person, saying something kind about that friend or how they make them smile. If we caught the wool we had to hold on to it and very soon we were all attached in the spider's web! We had made our own friendship web and realised that we are all such kind friends and are all connected together.

We went around our school grounds to see if we could find any mini-beasts. We thought about the different habitats of the mini-beasts and went to these places to find some bugs. We used magnifying glasses to help us see closely. We found ladybirds, spiders, worms, earwigs and lots more! We recorded our results in a tally and wrote about our favourite mini-beast.

1D - Neighbours Assembly

Football Fortnight

We have been celebrating Euro 2016 in school during our mini football topic, Together Stronger. We are supporting Wales in the competition, even through our learning. We chose all our activities in our Pupil Voice sessions and we told our teachers what we wanted to learn about.

In our Literacy, we have been finding information to write fact files on Gareth Bale and we have written postcards from the football matches in France.

We took our learning outdoors and we had a mini football game and learnt the rules of football as well as working together as a team. We also used our numeracy skills to measure how far we could kick a ball and record it in a table. 

In our creative activities we have been making our own flags of the countries in the tournament as well as creating mini-football players using salt-dough. 

We even got to watch a real football game in school!

And much, much more... 



1S Assembly - Being Sorry

During our assembly, we told others about Being Sorry. We thought about how important it is to mean it when we say sorry. We shared our own sorry prayers and shared times when we had made good and bad choices. We told everyone about how the church is a place we can go to say sorry for our actions and our choices.

World Book Day

Year 1 video blog

Still image for this video
We have been creating vlogs as part of our topic 'Land Ahoy!'

Barry Island

As part of our topic, Land Ahoy!, we have been on an educational visit to Barry Island. 

We had such an amazing day and learnt lots of new things. We all went to the beach as pirates! Some of us had never been to a beach before so it was very exciting. 

We worked together to build sandcastles, we went on a treasure hunt to find natural resources, we explored rock-pools, we made patterns in the sand and we even played lots of games including bat and ball and sack races. We even think we saw a pirate ship! A big thank you to the mums and dads who joined us on our visit!


Palm Sunday

This week everybody in our school has been thinking about Holy Week. It is such a special week in our liturgical year. We have been sharing stories with other children to tell them about what happened to Jesus during this special time.

Miss Stone's class told and acted out the story of Palm Sunday to the rest of our school. 



Whilst on his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus sent two of his disciples to a nearby village to collect a donkey. They did as their master had told them. 

Jesus rode the donkey along the way to Jerusalem. People spread their cloaks out along the floor and others climbed trees to cut the branches to lay before him. The Chief Priest was not happy and tried his best to stop this from happening. Everybody else shouted 'Hosanna! Praise God!' 

This was a happy time for Jesus.

Zoo Lab

In Year One we have been very lucky this week! We have had a visit from Paul who is from Zoo Lab. He brought lots of animals to school for us to meet. We had to be very quiet around the animals because we are so much bigger than them and they are scared of us!

We met two rats, two snails, a millipede,a tarantula, a bearded dragon and a SNAKE!

We found out lots of facts! We learnt how long the animals live, what they like to eat and where they like to live.

Have a look at the pictures of us meeting the animals!

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant

On March 1st it was an extra special day in Wales, St David's Day! We held an Eisteddfod to celebrate. We sang Welsh songs, wrote Welsh poems, created pictures in the style of Welsh artists and created Welsh t-shirts and emblems at home. We always use lots of Welsh but made sure we spoke extra Welsh on St David's Day.



Growing Things


Our new topic in Year One is 'Growing Things'. We are learning all about plants, fruit and vegetables. 


Fruit Tasting

This week in Year One we have been reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ as part of our new topic ‘Growing Things’. ‘Handa’s Surprise’ is a story about a little girl named Handa who puts fruit in a basket to take to her friend Akeyo as a surprise.

We decided to taste the different fruits that Handa carried in her basket.


We tasted pineapple, tangerines, bananas, avocados and mangoes. We used WOW words to describe the taste, smell and texture of the fruits. 

We also learnt that the fruit we tasted grows on trees. We even thought about where the fruit comes from. The fruits we tried come from all over the world. It’s too cold to grow some of the fruits we like in our country. 






Come and See


This week in Year 1 we have been working on our latest Come & See topic ‘Meals’. 

We have been talking about our favourite meals, creating our own placemats using a variety of creative resources. 

We labelled our placemat to show which foods we love to have on our plate to make our favourite meal.


We have also been writing about the special meal we share in church on Sunday. 

We learned the special word ‘Communion’ and thought about what this special moment was all about. We know that communion is a very special meal, which we share in church on Sundays.



Year 1 Carnival Drumming

Still image for this video

Our topic in Year 1 is Carnival.

We are learning all about carnivals around the world. We are learning about where the different countries are in the world and all about the special features of their carnivals. We have listened to special carnival music, we have looked at pictures and videos of the carnivals, we have researched the food that is eaten at the different carnivals and even made our own carnival costumes. 



News from Year 1


This week in Year 1 we have been continuing our work on our topic ‘Carnivals’.  As part of our development in Knowledge and Understanding of the World, we have been looking at different types of maps, focussing on a world map while thinking about different carnivals around the world.  In our groups we had to think about the different places around the world where carnival celebrations take place.


We looked at five different carnivals from around the world, ranging from North America, South America, Italy, Greece and England.  We had to cut out images of the different carnivals and locate the different places using a large atlas to support our learning.  Some of us found this task tricky and we had never seen a world map before but we learned how to find different places using a range of methods.  We then had to use the right colour to highlight the location, matching the colour of the carnival picture we used.



Map Of The World Simple - ClipArt Best

“I learned where the carnival is in South America.”



“We found Italy by looking for the shape like a lady’s boot.”






In Year 1 we have been developing our Numeracy skills through a variety of reasoning and problem solving activities in class.  We had a special visit from the Happy Puzzle Company and we worked in small groups to solve a variety of problems, communicating effectively and persisting in our learning.


Here are some examples of the problem solving we have been doing in Year 1!





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