22 June 2020
Hello Year 2, below you will find this week's activities.
You can use your RWI sound chart to help you with your literacy activities.
When you practise your High Frequency Words, don't forget to:- look, write, cover, say and check.
Remember to use your 100 square to help you with your maths.
Keep safe and we look forward to seeing you soon.
15th June
Hello year 2, here are this week's activities.
To help you say your sounds, I've added our RWI sound chart.
You also have the next set of tricky words to practise reading, saying and spelling.
There's lots of reading to do for your maths this week too! Can you read the numbers and the number words?
Don't forget to use your 100 square to help you with your maths activity.
8th June 2020
Hello Year 2,
Below are this week's activities.
To help you with your maths learning, I've included a double and halving sheet.
I counted the birds in my garden and doubled the number - I made 14. Can you work out how many birds were in my garden?
Keep on practising your words and remember to read, say and spell. One of the words to learn is 'because' can you find this word in your reading book? How many times is it written?
1st June 2020
Hello Year 2, I hope that you had a lovely half term in the sun, and are all safe and well.
Below are some more resources to help you with your learning.
One of your literacy activities is to draw a picture of a the seaside, but you must follow the instructions!
Practise reading your high frequency words and then practise spelling them.
Don't forget to watch 'you tube' for your Read Write Inc sessions.
You will also find a 100 square to help you with your maths.
You do not have to print any of these activities, you can do them on paper and take photos or videos of your work and upload them on SeeSaw.
Enjoy this lovely weather and keep safe in the sun by drinking lots of water, wearing a hat, sitting in the shade and putting suncream on.
15 May 2020
Hello Year 2, below are some more resources for you to help with your learning.
Remember that you do not have to print these sheets off.
Don't forget to take videos or photos of your work and put them on See-Saw for your teachers, we really look forward to seeing your work.
You could draw the treasure chest and add your words to it, be as creative as you like!
Continue to practise your High Frequency Words, remember to look, cover, say, write and check.
Practise using money at home. Talk about the coins - how do they feel? How heavy are they? What shape are they? Can you draw around them or do a coin rubbing?
Hello everyone, we hope that you're all well and enjoying this lovely weather.
Your maths this week is to practise your bonds to 20. Remember, you don't have to print the sheet, you can write it on paper, chalk it or or even use your toys to show the number sentence!
Can you practise saying and writing the words from the spelling list? Do you think that you could make up some sentences or questions using these words? Remember to use capital letters and full stops or question marks.
Don't forget you can take a photo or video of your work and put it on See-Saw, we enjoy seeing your work.
Hello Year 2.
On this page you will find some extra resources to help you with your learning.
Please remember to complete the bugs in your Active Learn reading books.
Speech Activities
Hello Year 2
On this page you will find lots of fun activities that will help develop your speech . The activities will help you tell the difference between different sounds and work out where the sounds are in words. By practicing this skill you will help your speech become clearer over time .
Below is the link to the Speech and language link web page.
Please click the link to access five interactive games that will help you with hearing sounds at the beginning of words and at the end of words. Start at level 1 and work your way up to level 5.
Enjoy and keep practicing your sounds.
Speech Games 1
Here are two speech activities to use at home that encourage your child to hear single sounds and identify the different speech sounds in words.
Welcome back Year 2
I hope you all had a lovely half term and enjoyed the sunshine.
Here is a new speech game for you to play at home with your family.
This game will help you practice your listening skills and help you hear sounds at the beginning of words. Keep practicing your sounds and enjoy the shooting stars game.
Top tips for talking with your child
Talking to your child is the most important thing you can do to help them get ready for school and life. Learning language should be fun and interactive but it should come naturally.
Learning language is complex and for many, many children they find it hard.
The way we talk to our children has a big impact so here is a Top Tips for talking to your child poster . The poster shows you simple fun strategies you can use at home to help aid your children's speech.
Speech Games 3
A game to help you hear the difference between sounds at the beginning of words.
Speech Games 4
This game will help you hear sounds in words
Speech Games 5
This game will help you practice your listening skills. Listen carefully for the sounds in the begining of the words .