Learning Experiences
Year 5
Year 5 Educational Visit to Cardiff Bay
Y5 Educational Visit To Cardiff Castle
On Monday 18th October pupils in year 5 visited Cardiff Castle as part of their learning about life in Wales during the industrial revolution. On the visit the children completed a workshop finding out more about the life of children in Victorian Times. During the workshop the pupils explored artefacts from the times which helped us to understand more about the life of rich children and poor children at the time.
The children also found out about the Bute Family who lived in the Castle during the 19th century. At this time, they were one of the wealthiest families in the world due to the wealth accumulated through the sale of coal mined on their land in South Wales. The Coal was transported around the world from Cardiff Bay. The wealth that they made funded the restoration of Cardiff Castle which made it into the impressive building that it is today.
Following the workshop, the children had a tour around the stately rooms created for the Bute Family. Following this, the children explored the grounds of the castle, the medieval keep and the tunnels in the castle walls used as air raid shelters during World War II. The children had an excellent day which helped to bring their learning about the past to life!