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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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  • Tasks 1-4: We have assigned books for each child to read and answer questions on using their Active Learn (Bug Club) and Giglets accounts. We will continue to update these websites every Monday and Thursday by 10am.


  • Task 5: Write a diary entry describing what you did on Saturday and Sunday. 
    We have set an online written task to be completed using Hwb. Please visit Once you have logged into your account, you need to scroll down or search for Just2 easy icon and it will provide you with a number of tiles to click on. Choose the J2Write and have fun choosing a background, changing font size and colour etc to produce your writing. Save it in your Hwb account and we can look at it from our teacher accounts.


🌶 Challenge: If you would like some extra Literacy resources to work through, please find the booklet below which includes Easter themed activities to further develop key literacy skills. 

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