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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

Get in touch

Contact Details

Social Media

Class Information

Upcoming events:

Wednesday 10th June: Foundation Phase Sports Day at 10am

Wednesday 21st & Thursday 22nd June: Celebration of Music and Dance



Useful Information


PE is on a Wednesday. Remember to bring your PE kit! 


Homework is to be completed by every Wednesday and new homework will be sent home every Friday.


Spelling and BIG Maths tests are every Friday. Find your weekly spellings by clicking the spelling icon on this page.  Remember to practise your spellings at home!


Please read your reading book to an adult every night. Books will be changed weekly. 


Book-bags, including reading books and reading records inside should be brought to school every day.


You are welcome to bring a piece of fruit for snack time or you can buy fruit from our fruit trolley for 25p a day.


Toy Fund is collected every Monday.

We ask for a £1 weekly donation to purchase resources to enhance our learning inside and outside of the classroom.

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