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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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World Book Day Morning Nursery

Teeny Tiny Things

During this half term our topic has been 'Teeny Tiny Things'

To start off our topic we went on a teeny tiny expedition within our outdoor area looking for tiny things that are on the ground, on the walls, under logs, leaves, stones and pebbles, or in the garss. We looked closely at these things using scientific equipment such as magnifying glassess and hand lens.We also stood still and listened closely for tiny sounds.

Each week we have been focussing on a different minibeast. We have been looking closely at ladybirds, spiders, caterpillars and butterflies.

Take a look at us exploring teeny tiny things...

Nursery St. David's Day Perfromance

Still image for this video

Afternoon Nursery St. David's Day

Morning Nursery St. David's Day

Our topic is BOUNCE


In this topic we are exploring a range of sports and activities that involve different sized balls.

We have been developing our fine and gross motor skills through a range of activities....


Ball paint rollingrolling different balls discussing fast and slow


Our Rainy Day; Pitter Patter and Puddle Play

Our topic this half term is Pitter Patter & Puddle play. We have had lots of fun exploring water in its many different forms using our senses in a range of activities.

Some of the things we have been learning about...
* Wet weather including storms
* Being safe near water
* The importance of water for seeds & plants
* Ways water is used at home
* Volume & measures in practical activities
* Recording our ideas, feelings and experiences of water through drawing, mark making and writing

Some of the activities we have taken part in
* Rainy day walk - puddle hunt, splashing in puddles, touching the rain with our hands and face, recording how the rain makes us feel, drawing around puddles with chalk and observing the shapes they have made.

* Physical development - Transporting water from one place to another using buckets, scoops, containers, jugs, bottles, bowls. Learning how to put umbrellas up and down. Exploring water through the flow of pipes, tubes and guttering

* Exploring capacity by filling different sized containers with water and comparing amounts; empty, full.

* Recording how water, rain, storms make us feel through words and pictures in a circle map. We watched video clips of thunder and storms and used photographs from our rainy day experience to help us.

* We used a variety of musical instruments to make watery sounds for different types of wet weather - gentle rainfall, heavy rainfall, thunderstorm.

* Science experiment; we mixed water and food colouring to see what happens when you stand a white Carnations and celery sticks in it for a period of time. We observed what happened and recorded what we found out through pictures and words.








Our Teacher is / Ein Hathrawes ydy:
Mrs Sherwood
Our Teaching Assistant is
Ein Cynorthwywyr Addysgu ydy:

Mrs Tyler 

64 children attend our excellent nursery, 32 in the morning and 32 in the afternoon.

For further information about our Nursery, please email or telephone 029 20732514.

We look forward to hearing from you

This term we have been learning all about 'All about me' and 'When I fall asleep'. The children have been settling into their new environment, making friends and thinking about all of the fantastic things that they can do. We have been very busy and already achieved so much. We also learnt all about Autumn, enjoyed 'French Week' and learning all about Christmas

Check out some photographs of what we have been doing.

We had a lovely visit at Tredegar House. We acted out a traditional Christmas festival. At the end we were lucky enough to meet Father Christmas.
When I Fall Asleep

Hide and Seek!

All About Me!
Around Nursery
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