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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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In year 3 we have been trying to understand 'How to save water?' and how water is so important to every part of our lives. We completed various tasks throughout the week and created displays of our work. Some children in our class presented our work to year 5 pupils. We then heard year 5's presentation. It was an exciting week and we learnt a lot!


Maelfa Trip

This week year 3 visited the Maelfa to have a look at the local area to see what changes are taking place. We noticed a lot of buildings were under construction. We took tallies of how many people, cars, buses and building equipment there was so that we could compare different areas. 


We took some litter pickers with us as it is Eco-week and we wanted to do our part for the environment. On our travels we met a 'Keep Wales Tidy' volunteer who talked to us about what he was doing in the local area. It was a great experience and a great start to our Sci-Tech project.

Year 3 Trip to the Maelfa 15.01.19



This week in year 3 we have been using our habit of mind thinking flexibly to help us in our new Come and See topic ‘Journeys’.

Our new topic is all about the Liturgical Calendar. This week during our explore lesson, we spoke about the important dates in our calendar. Some of these dates were:


  • Our birthdays
  • Easter
  • Christmas
  • St David’s Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • Father’s Day

We then spoke about the important dates and seasons within the Liturgical Calendar. The liturgical calendar starts at the beginning of the season of Advent. Advent and Lent are represented by the colour Purple. We also spoke about ordinary time within the church, this is represented by the colour Green. Easter and Christmas are represented by the colour Gold.

We cannot wait to carry on our Come and See learning throughout this topic and learn more about the importance of the Liturgical Calendar.


Fractions Fractions Fractions


This week in year 3 we have been learning all about fractions. We started with identifying different fractions such as ½ , 1/3 and ¼ in different pictorial ways.


We used this knowledge to find fractions of amounts. Some of us used cubes to help with this and some of us drew representations to help our understanding.


After we were clear on this method we used our Habit of Mind ‘Applying Previous Knowledge to new situations’ to problem solve. We had a range of different word problems that linked to the real world to solve using our fractions knowledge. Miss Tsakiris was so impressed with our progress and had to give us some really hard challenges!



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