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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Learning experiences

Year 3 Frankie and Me - Act 1

Year 3 Frankie and Me - Act 1

Year 3- Frankie and Me Act 2

Year 3 - Frankie and Me Act 2

Year 3 Frankie and Me - Act 3

Year 3 Frankie and Me - Act 3

Year 3 Frankie and Me Act 4

Year 3 Frankie and Me Act 4

Outdoor Maths fun- what can you do in a minute?

Enjoying the bicycles in our school playground.

Sports Day 2021

Our Celtic and Roman shields and jewellery- look at our amazing homework!

We carried out an experiment to find out what our bodies would be like if we didn’t have joints.

A visit from Mr Funny Bones - a skeleton.

Learning about 'Homes' with Spectrum Cymru. 

Looking for doubles as a strategy when adding 3 numbers- Mrs Vella’s Maths set

Look at all these clever children who decided to “teach the teacher.” Mrs Vella and Miss Canney are now experts on trains, Pokemon, pandas and koalas, salt mines, tae Kwan do , looking after puppies and The Black Panther.

More homework projects to ‘Teach the teacher 👩‍🏫’ on dog training, Star Wars and Paradise Cave.

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