Our Faith
Come and See
Baptism/Confirmation - Belonging
Our lives are marked by many different experiences of being welcomed in new situations and groups. We recognise the importance of welcome, of feeling comfortable with new situations and belonging to new groups. We belong to families, to work places and to social groupings.
Baptism enables people to belong to God's family in a special way. Christians believe that everyone is invited to share in the life and work of God through Baptism. The Bible recounts God's invitations to people to share in His life and work: among them Moses, Samuel, the prophets, Mary and the apostles. "Through Baptism, men and women are incorporated into Christ. They are formed into God's people and they obtain the forgiveness of all their sins. They become a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit."
Key Questions
How can I belong to God?
What does it feel like to belong?
How can we help others to feel they belong?
Key Words
Belonging, friends, invitation, Sign of the Cross, welcome, Baptism, Godparents,
The Month of the Holy Rosary
October 2023
The month of the Holy Rosary is a significant month in our Catholic faith. During October, we pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus. At home, Year 1 have been creating prayer spaces and reflecting on the importance of personal prayer.
Our prayer areas at home are a wonderful way to foster a sense of reverence and contemplation. This space can be as simple as a small table or a designated corner where you can place a statue or picture of Mary, alongside candles or other devotional items. We spend a few moments each day in quiet reflection, offering our prayers and intentions to Mary and will continue to do so throughout October.
Prayer at home
Come and See topic ‘Families’

Come and See
Domestic Church - Families
For Christians the pattern and ideal of family life is found in the Scriptures. God is the loving parent of the human family and Jesus was born and lived in a human family. Everyone belongs to the family of God. It is in the love of a family that most Christians first experience the reality of Church.
Prior learning: God knows and loves me and each one by name.
This topic: learning outcomes
Know and understand:
- About the love and care shown in the family - Explore
- About God's love and care for every family - Reveal
Acquire the skills of assimilation, celebration and application of the above - Respond
Some Key Questions
Who loves me?
Who are my family?
How do families show love and care?
Key Words
family, belong, different, love, care, God, psalm, family of God