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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Welcome to the St Philip Evans Primary School class page for Year 1.  Keep an eye out for the latest news and updates of what is going on in Year 1D and 1V.  


Remember to read your book at home and practise your spellings.  Be sure to use the following amazing online resources so you're never bored! - click the picture to go to the resource you want to use.



March 2015 - Getting ready for St David's day


In Year 1 we have been keeping really busy as we prepare to celebrate St David's day on the 1st of March.  We have been writing some amazing Welsh poems using Welsh dictionaries and the phrase 'Dw i'n gweld efo fy llygad bach...' (I spy with my little eye) as well as learning about two famous Welsh artists, Martyn Evans and Gayle Rogers.  




We loved the colours and shapes that both artists used, and by looking carefully at each painting we tried to recreate our very own version of this wonderful Welsh art.  Here are some examples of our finished pieces of work.



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