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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Friday 28th June


The Corpus Christi music transition day takes place on Monday 1st July. Please drop your child off to Corpus Christi by 9:15 and collect them at 2:30.


1. Google Classroom - Yearbook


Please add a comment to the shared Google docs for the year book. Ensure your comment isn't longer than 2 sentences. Thank your friends, share memories, etc.


2. Mathshed


Practise any skills you are unsure of. 

Friday 14th June


1. Refugee Week - A Taste of Home 

We are going to be creating a  St Philip Evans 'A taste of Home' cookbook to put on the school website linking to Refugee Week 2024. Please can you choose recipes that reflect your culture (healthier recipes are encouraged). Please see the document below and posted on Google Classroom. 


Additional homework:

We have posted the Aladdin songs onto Google Classroom (videos and lyrics). Please can you ensure your know your parts for our full run through on Monday. 


2. Mathshed 

An assignment has been set linked to money. 


Friday 7th June


1. Famous Olympian


As Olympic week comes to an end, we would like you to complete research on a famous Olympian of your choice. Ensure they are a current member of Team GB. Present your research in an Adobe Sparks presentation or Google Slides. 


2. Mathshed


An assignment has been set linked to coordinates. 


3. Spelling 


Everyone has the same spellings (our RE key words for our new topic).


common good

Catholic Social Teaching

Fratelli Tutti






Friday 24th May


1. Aladdin lines


If you have a line in our summer play, you need to learn your lines over the half term break. If you are a main character you have been given a script. If you have another line, you can find it on Google Classroom. 


2. Memories


Over half term, gather some photo memories from your time in primary school and upload to our Google Classroom assignment. We are gathering these in preparation for our leavers celebrations.


3. Mathshed


Practise any skills you are unsure of. 


4. Spelling 


Everyone has the same spellings (our RE key words for the next topic).


common good

Catholic Social Teaching

Fratelli Tutti








Friday 10th May


Next Friday, we will hold the auditions for our Summer Play, 'Aladdin'. If you wish to audition for a speaking part you must learn the lines below for this date. 


Boys - Aladdin

Girls - Habiba (Aladdin's mum)


Aladdin: Hi mum.

She doesn’t answer him.

Aladdin:  Mum?

Habiba: I’m not talking with you.

Aladdin: Huh? Why not? Habiba You tell me.

Aladdin: I have absolutely no idea.

Habiba: Then I’ll tell you. No, I’ll ask you. What have you been up to today?

Aladdin: Not much. This and that.

Habiba: Precisely. Another day wasted. Where were you?

Aladdin: Nowhere in particular.

Habiba: Was Jamir with you?

Aladdin: Yes, well, some of the time. I think he went for a mud-bath.

Habiba: And why didn’t you go?

Aladdin: Oh, erm, don’t know. I guess I got distracted.

Habiba: Yes, I bet you did. Too distracted to pick up the groceries too, I imagine?

Aladdin: I’m afraid so, yes. They closed the market anyway.

Habiba: Well we’ve got nothing in, so if you want to eat tonight, you’d better go somewhere else and get some.

Aladdin: But I’ve just got in.

Habiba: Then you can just go back out again. You need to start earning your keep, young man.


2. Mathshed


Use maths shed to practise any skills you are less confident in, prior to our MALT test next week. 

Friday 26th April 


1. Reading test revision


In order to prepare for our upcoming reading tests, work your way through the BBC Bitesize link below. Read the information and complete the activities on the pages.


2. Maths


Mathshed assignments have been set linked to fractions. 


3. Spelling














Friday 19th April 2024


1. Assembly lines


Learn your lines for our assembly which is next Thursday 25th April at 3pm. The lines have been given out and it is also on our Google Classroom. 


2. Mathshed


2 assignments have been set linked to equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages


3. Spelling 














Friday 22nd March due in on Wednesday 10th April 


If you are coming to France, use Easter to prepare and pack your belongings! Label all belongings with your names. 


1. Holy Week


During Holy Week, watch the assemblies created by all year groups. Write a prayerful reflection after watching the assemblies. Share these assemblies with your families in your preparation for Easter. The links can be found on the document above. 


2. Mathshed


In preparation for your tests which will take place in May, use Mathshed as much as possible to practise vital maths skills. 


3. Spelling 


The spelling test will take place for children in school on Thursday 11th April. 


ballet, blizzard, bungalow, easel, gymkhana, hoist, origin,

pyjamas, restaurant, veranda

Friday 8th March 


There is no formal homework this weekend. If you are coming to Llangrannog please ensure you pack everything on the list and label your clothing! If you are not coming, use Mathshed and Edshed to practise key skills. See you Monday! 

Homework set on Friday 1st March due in on Wednesday 6th March 


1. Google Classroom task - Book review


Write a book review about your favourite book or a book that you enjoy. Include pictures, star rating, synopsis and key characters. We will share these in class to celebrate World Book Day. 


2. Maths shed


Adding and subtracting fractions


3. Spelling 


company, definitely, desperate, environment, explanatory, jewellery, poisonous, reference, secretary, temperature



Homework set on Friday 23rd February due in on Wednesday 28th February


1. Eisteddfod Practice 


Our song for our class performance in the Eisteddfod is Calon Lan. Practise your singing using this phonetic version of Calon Lan:


2. Mathshed




3. Spelling 


alphabet, elephant, dolphin, graph, pamphlet, pheasant, 

phone, photo, physical, sphere


Homework set on Friday 9th February due in on Wednesday 21st February


1. Eisteddfod competitions


See letter (hard copy) and below. 


2. Journey through Lent with Me books


Use your Journey through Lent books to mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Use the books throughout Lent. 


3. Maths


Use Maths Shed to access maths learning. This is the same login as EdShed. 


4. Spelling 


disappointed, dissatisfied, dissimilar, impatient, overreact, overrule, overseas, unnatural, unnecessary, unsure

Homework set on Friday 2nd February due in on Wednesday 7th February


1. Google Classroom assignment 

Next week is Children's Mental Health week. In preparation we would like you to complete the following: 


Write a list of 5 things you are grateful for/that make you happy

Write a list of 5 ways you can help yourself to feel better when you are feeling down

Take a picture of yourself doing something that makes you happy and share to our Google Classroom stream!



2. Spelling 


celebrate, cemetery, certificate, deceased, December, hindrance, 

necessary, nuisance, prejudice, sacrifice


Homework set on Friday 26th January due in on Wednesday 31st January 


1. Google Classroom


Write a prayer for Holocaust memorial day. Remember with your families. 


2. Mathletics

6D - Volume

6S - missing numbers 


3. Spelling


blown, known, mould, poultry, shallow, shoulder,
smoulder, soul, thrown, window

Homework set on Friday 19th January due in on Wednesday 24th January


Next week, we have our educational visit to Brecon Regimental War Museum for children to take part in a workshop about what life was like for evacuees during WWII. 6D's visit will take place on Monday and 6S on Thursday. Please ensure you have signed up on ParentPay. 


1. Science 


To carry on our learning about light and how it travels use the link below to read the information about light and complete the quizzes on the webpage. Create your own quiz using Google Forms and post to our Google Classroom stream to test your friends.


2. Mathletics 


Increasing and decreasing patterns


3. Spelling 

contest, freeze, impact, increase, object, permit,
produce, silence, subject, transport


Homework set on Friday 12th January due in on Wednesday 17th January


1. Google Classroom


Research Anderson Shelters and create either a Google Slides or Adobe Spark poster. 


What is an Anderson shelter?

Why were they used?

What did they look like?

Why were they important?

How did people feel and why?


2. Mathletics


Mathletics has been set linked to ratio. 


3. Spelling 


beautiful, boastful, doubtful, faithful, fanciful, fearful, merciful,
pitiful, plentiful, thankful

Homework set on Friday 22nd December due in on Wednesday 10th January 


1. Eco-friendly Christmas


See Google Classroom for further information. 


2. Mathletics


6D maths set - time intervals

6S maths set - addition and subtraction 


3. Spelling 


 overbalance, overcoat, overcook, overlooked, overpaid, overreact, overslept, overthrow, overtired, overturned

Homework set on Friday 8th December due in on Wednesday 13th December 


1. Immaculate Conception homework


See Google Classroom for further information. 


2. Mathletics


Linked to money. 


3. Spelling 


apply, hygiene, hyphen, identify, multiply, occupy, python, recycle, rhyme, supply

Homework set on Friday 1st December due in on Wednesday 6th December 


1. Flipgrid 


Log onto the class Flipgrid and record a video answering the question: 


Which women are important within salvation history and why?


2. Mathletics 


Times table assessment 


3. Spelling 


antonym, crystal, lyrics, mystery, oxygen, rhythm, symbol, 

symptom, system, typical


Homework set on Friday 24th November due in on Wednesday 29th November 


1. Google Classroom - Tidal power


See Google Classroom for more information. 


2. Mathletics - subtraction


3. Spelling 


attached, community, desperate, excellent, hindrance, mischievous, physical, restaurant, sufficient, yacht

Homework set on Friday 17th November due in on Wednesday 23rd November


1. All Souls Prayer - Google Classroom


2. Mathletics - negative numbers


3. Spelling 


appreciate, communicate, definite, exaggerate, harass, marvellous, persuade, relevant, stomach, vehicle

Homework set on Friday 10th November due in on Wednesday 15th November 


1. Stewardship Squad badge


Design a logo for our stewardship squad. Think about how we can encourage others to be a steward of the earth. You might wish to include sofia the sloth, virtues or messages from Laudato Si/Laudato Deum.


2. Mathletics 


Mathletics has been set linked to number lines and negative numbers. 


3. Spelling 


apparent, committee, curiosity, especially, guarantee, lightning, parliament, recommend, soldier, vegetable

Homework set on Thursday 26th October due in on Wednesday 8th November 


1. Safeguarding the Brecon Beacons 

Read the information provided for you on the Google Slides and create an adobe spark poster encouraging people to safeguard the future of the Brecon Beacons National Park.  
Use all of your knowledge from our inquiry to help you with your task and upload your poster to the assignment. 

Think about the following questions:
-What is safeguarding?
-What specific actions can be taken to safeguard the National Park?
-How can we safeguard the future of National Parks?


2. Mathletics


Reasoning tasks  


3. Spelling 














Homework set on Friday 20th October due in on Wednesday 25th October 


1. Mary Gweddiwn 


Use the Gweddiwn planner, that can be found on Google Classroom, to plan your own Gweddiwn service centred around Mary. You can use some of the suggestions provided or come up with ideas of your own but make sure that it is relevant for this prayer service. Make sure you write in full and detailed sentences in each box. 


2. Mathletics




3. Spelling (same as last week. Test will be on Wednesday 25th October)












Homework set on Friday 13th October due in on Wednesday 18th October 


1. Brecon Beacons Flipgrid 


See our class Flipgrid for more information. If you have not joined Fliprid, you can find instructions on our Google Classroom. 


2. Mathletics


Addition and subtraction. 


3. Spelling 













Homework set on Friday 6th October due in on Wednesday 11th October


Next week PE will take place on Monday. Please ensure you have your PE kit on this day. 


Next week we have our educational visit to the Brecon Beacons. 6D on Tuesday and 6F on Wednesday. Please ensure you wear your school uniform, appropriate footwear and bring a coat. 


1. Mary homework


See PDF below and upload to Google Classroom. 


2. Mathletics


Mathletics has been set linked to your times tables. 


3. Spelling 












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