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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Our Faith

Our Daily Examen


Our time of thankful reflection of where God is in our everyday life. This is a 5-step version of what St Ignatius taught.


Ask God for light

“I want to look at my day with God’s eyes, not
 just my own.”


First finger

Look back on your day and give thanks…



The day I have just had is a gift from God.

   I am happy and grateful for…

   Picture these things in you mind and give thanks to God…say “Diolch i ti O Dduw.”


Middle  finger



Review today

I carefully look back at the day guided by the Holy Spirit.

What did I do well?

What do I need to improve upon?


Third finger



Face your shortcomings

Tell God what has gone wrong and ask for God’s help for the future.


Little finger



Look forward to the day to come

Where will I need God in my new day?

Vocation and Commitment – Bl 6

In Bl6 this week we have been thinking about how followers of Jesus live out the Gospel message through their words and actions.  Here is Curtis’ work:

Matthew 5 45-48 Jesus tells us to ‘Love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.’ Martin Luther King lived this out because, even though people were being racist, he didn’t show any sign of aggression, he just taught them that their actions towards black people weren’t right.

When I read that Martin Luther King taught others to do right he reminds me of when Jesus taught Paul that what he did was wrong. Paul changed his ways and spread God’s message. If I do this I know I will become closer to God because I am teaching everyone about justice and how God wants us to live. I know I will be closer to God because in Matthew 5: 1-17 it says ‘If I share my love and time God will become closer to me.’

In Matthew it says you will be blessed when you have an open and generous heart. Martin Luther King lived this out because instead of letting black people suffer of racism he stood up for what he believed in.

Also Martin Luther King wasn’t scared to have a voice in front of 100’s of people who were against him. This inspires me by me not being scared speak out and encourage people to show mercy and justice. If I do this I know I will be living a life as a child of light because heaven will be shining upon me. This is because I am fulfilling my job to follow the 10 commandments and to be loving and compassionate.

Loving - Unconditional Love


As part of our learning in Come and See this week we have been learning about the importance of showing unconditional love to others. We thought about specific examples of unconditional love and how others inspire us to love unconditionally. We wrote acrostic poems to show our understanding.


Understand the importance of love when helping people who are miserable

Nice, loving and compassionate

Caring for others

Others’ feelings matter

Never ending love no matter what

Demonstration of never ending love

Important love

True feelings


On-going love and kindness

Never hurts people’s feelings

Always show people love and kindness

Love helps people be happy


By Tola 

PHSE - Fertile Heart


In our PHSE lessons this week we have been thinking about how we have been planned and created by God. We thought carefully about our purpose and how we should celebrate difference.



We used quotes from Scripture to help us think about our purpose in life.

Here is Scarlett’s work:

Genesis 1:7

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.’

God created me for a reason, therefore I should use my own gifts and talents in honour of being unique.

God created me for a reason, therefore I should respect others for their differences.

God created me for a reason, therefore I should I should be learned and wise within my educational journey.

God created me for a reason, therefore I should make peace with my enemy.

God created me for a reason, therefore I should be loving and compassionate towards others.

God created me for a reason, therefore I should work for peace in the world.

Class Mass

Last week in Year 6 we gathered with Father John to celebrate mass as a class. Our Mass focussed on 2020, the year of the word. Father John explained to us about the year of the word and how we are having a special focus on Mathew’s gospels.  We will especially need to focus on how we can follow them. Our first reading was from Samuel. Samuel’s people wanted a king to rule over them but Samuel tried to persuade them that God is the king.


When we heard the Gospel it made us full grateful and want to carry out God’s message. As a class we had planned and written the prayers of the faithful.


Bethan:  We pray for the Church. We pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, Archbishop George, Fr John ,Our  Priest, all priests and all who love and teach the Christian faith. May God give them the strength and courage to continue His work.

Francesco: We pray that the leaders of all countries will work to end terrorism, wars and conflict. We pray for peace in our world.

 Scarlett: We pray for all the people in our world who suffer injustice, hunger and poverty. We also say a particular prayer today for those suffering as a result of the Australian wild fires .May they find the hope, strength and courage to face each day and may God bless them, and show them His love and mercy.

Francis: We pray for our Parish and local community, our family and friends. We pray that people will continue to give us their kindness, support, respect and love as we continue on our educational journey.’


Gabriella U: We pray for those who have died and those who miss them; May the light of Christ and the promise of eternal life turn the darkness of sadness into the joy of hope and peace.


 We pray to the Lord. Lord hear our prayer …


We finished our mass by singing the hymn “Never too young”. This hymn reminds us that we are never too young to preach the Gospel and bring peace to our world. Our mass was very special to us because it was an opportunity to celebrate as our class community.


Scripture references

As part of our ‘Sources’ topic we have been learning how to look up scripture references in both the God’s Story 3 and the Good News Bible. It is important to understand that a scripture reference includes the book of the Bible, the chapter and the verses. In God’s Story 3 there are titles of each story to help children find the reference. The pictures in God’s Story also help children to understand the messages. Some children in Year 6 looked up references in God’s Story 3 and created a scripture reference matching game. We made sure to include the title, reference, Testament, book and page number. The matching card contained a summary of the scripture message.

Sacrament of ordination


This week in Year 6 as part of our topic ‘Commitment’ we have been learning about the sacrament of Ordination. This sacrament is when a man training to become a priest is ordained. We discussed the signs and symbols of ordination and their meanings. Ethan wanted to share his learning with you.

 After the beginning of Mass, the ordinand is called forward from the congregation. They have left their friends and family and put themselves forward in the way of God. He is willing to commit his life fully to God. The Bishop asks him if he is ready to truly and freely commit to be ordained as a priest. He answers, ‘with the help of God’. He is fulfilling his calling as Jesus said to his disciples, ‘peace be with you, my peace I give you, look not on our sins but on the faith of your church.’ This means that Jesus is saying to his disciples that the priest should ‘marry’ the church by dedicating this life to it.

Following this, the Bishop kneels and with the congregation prays the litany of the Saints. During this the ordinand lies prostrate on the floor in front of the Altar. This shows that he is humbly giving himself to the Lord, completely and freely. When they do this, it is similar to a Mass when the priest lies down on the floor and gets up after a brief moment as a sign of respect to God. The priest then gets up and kisses the Altar, like the Kiss Of Peace.

The Bishop lays his hands on the ordinands head. The Bishop prays the prayer of Consecration; ‘Almighty Father grant to this servant of yours the dignity of priesthood.’  The newly ordained priest then receives his stole and his chasuble. The stole symbolises the great dedication to the Lord. The chasuble represents the responsibility of the priest. The ordinand is blessed by the Holy Spirit just like the fire did to the disciples on Pentecost after the Ascension.

The Bishop anoints the priest hands with the oil of Chrism as a sign of consecration. This means that he has promised to spend his life in service of God and the church. The newly ordained priest then receives a paten with a host and a chalice with wine as a sign of Jesus’ command at the last supper: ‘Do this in memory of me.’

BL6 are compassionate and loving through their actions and choices.

We are ethically, informed citizens as we think about the less fortunate during Lent.

Gweddiwn services

BL6 have explored the importance of The Bible in our Sources topic.

BL6 have been writing bidding prayers in preparation for their class mass.

BL6 have been 'scripture seekers' by looking up scripture references in God's Story 3 and The Good News Bible.

BL6 are waiting with hopeful expectation for Jesus

BL6 are 'attentive and discerning' as they collect for the night shelter.

Visit to the Synagogue

Commitment and Vocation -6KD assembly


In Bl6 we are learning all about the special Jewish festival Rosh Hashanah. 

Chase reported, 'It is a time for Jewish people to reflect on wrongdoings.'

Gabriella reported, 'Apples and honey represent a sweet new year.'

Nevin shared his very special First Holy Communion photo book with the class-what a special memory!

In Bl 6 we have been thinking about how we can apply our virtues in our everyday lives using our prayer journal.

Bl 6 Class Assembly -Laudato Si -Care for Our Common Home

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