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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Rights Respecting School

Rights Respecting Ambassadors 2022-2023

We are the Rights Respecting Ambassadors!

We ensure that all children in our school know about their rights! 


We know we have the right to know our rights!

Article 42 states: all children, young people and adults should know about the Convention. People should think about ways to make sure everyone knows about the Convention, regardless of their age.


We are on our journey to becoming a Rights Respecting Gold Award school! 

Meet our committee! 


Rights Respecting Ambassadors

Our Class Charters

The ABCDE of Rights!

We know that we have rights!

Our rights are:

Universal, indivisible, inherent, inalienable and and unconditional. 

The Right to Clean Air - Ella's Law 


We wrote letters to Rishi Sunak about the impact of climate change, linking our learning from our visit to the Houses of Parliament, to ask Rishi Sunak to pass 'Ella's Law' in the House of Commons. 


Dear Rishi Sunak,

In St Philip Evans we are currently looking at Ella’s law which is to have the right to clean air as a priority! However the process of the bill passage needs to speed up because the bill passage started in 2021 and it's now 2023 but the process has only gone through the house of lords and now it is in the 2nd reading in the house of commons! Many of our rights are a priority such as Article 28 and 29 the rights to an education, article 16 the right to privacy, article 12 the right to be heard and article 27 the right to have a good standard of living and article 19 the right to be safe but unfortunately one of the most important the right to clean air is not a priority and is not being fulfilled to every child and as we learn in the ABCDE of rights, rights are for ALL children, they are universal! The right to clean air is so important because it links to global goal 13 - climate action so if we have the right to clean air we can be one step closer to combating climate change. Another global goal that this links to is global goal 1 - no poverty because if we have clean air it will help reduce the amount of poverty we have in our world which can save the lives of many! I hope you take my words into consideration and I have said all of this to you because I have the right to be heard (Article 12!).


We created our own pupil voice questionnaire for the whole school community. 

Rights Respecting Opportunities  

Subway Mural - Child Friendly City

At the beginning of this academic year, St Philip Evans was approached by Robin, who we have worked with before on projects such as Story Trails and the RRSA A Story for Change. He asked us to take part in a special project based in Llanedeyrn. Robin is a Child Friendly Liaison Officer for Child Friendly Cardiff. He knows how committed we are to children’s rights and asked us to take part in a local project.

Fun Fact: Robin also paints community murals!

He asked the Year 6 children to take part in designing a local mural in Llanedeyrn. The children were asked to draw a picture of themselves, explain why their rights are important, which of the UNCRC articles are important to them and what the best thing about their school is.

This week, some of our children got to visit the mural under Llanedeyrn Drive and meet Robin!

Why don’t you take a stroll on the weekend and see the amazing mural inspired by the Year 6 children at St Philip Evans!

Y Senedd 2021/2022-

Our Rights! 

As part of our role as members of the Senedd, we ensure that all children in our school know about their rights! 


We know we have the right to know our rights!

Article 42 states: all children, young people and adults should know about the Convention. People should think about ways to make sure everyone knows about the Convention, regardless of their age.



Meet our 2021/2022 Senedd! 

Our Spring Learning! 

Our Autumn Learning! 

Our Class Charters 2021-2022

We are Rights Aware! 

St Philip Evans RC Primary School has been awarded the Rights Respecting School Silver Award!

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. The Rights Respecting Schools Award is granted to schools that show commitment to promoting and realising children’s rights and encouraging adults, children and young people to respect the rights of others in school. Silver is given to schools that make excellent progress towards embedding the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into its ethos and curriculum.  

We are now on the road to GOLD! 

Y Senedd 2020/2021-

Our Rights! 

As part of our role as members of the Senedd, we ensure that all children in our school know about their rights! 


Meet our 2020/2021 Senedd! 

You have the right to know your rights!


We know we have the right to know our rights!

Article 42 states: all children, young people and adults should know about the Convention. People should think about ways to make sure everyone knows about the Convention, regardless of their age.

The Senedd have written newsletter articles throughout the academic year to ensure everyone in the St Philip Evans community knows their rights. 


Senedd - RRSA assembly - You have the right to know your rights!

You have the right to know your rights!

Rights Respecting Prayers

The ABCDE's of Rights

Rights Respecting Week 2021 

At St Philip Evans, we have been thinking about Article 42 - You have the right to know your rights. We had a fantastic week of learning, linking the articles to our current topics and thinking about the importance of children's rights in school, our local area and globally.

Rights Respecting Week Video - Y Senedd

Rights Respecting School Week - Eco Committee

Eyes of the World and Our Rights!

Still image for this video

Rights Respecting Week 2021

Rights Respecting Week 2021 - Twitter

Rights Respecting Poems



Blended Learning - Rights Respecting and Global Goals 

During our time at home, we have completed lots of learning based around our rights and the Global Goals! Have a look at our wonderful learning! 

Blended Learning

Anti-Bullying Week - United Against Bullying!


Throughout the school, children have been thinking about they can be united against bullying and how they all have a part to play to make sure that all children are treated equally!

There 3 main articles that we focused on were: 

Article 2 - Non-discrimination 

Article 12 - Respect the children's views 

Article 19 - Protection from violence, abuse and neglect


Below there are some examples of the fabulous learning that took place during Anti-Bullying week! 

Anti-Bullying Week 2020

Global Goals Week 2020

The countries of the United Nations made a universal promise to leave no one behind in achieving a peaceful and prosperous world by 2030. It is an opportunity to speak out as one voice, share ideas and transformative solutions in the fight to recover better from global challenges. In St Philip Evans we have been learning about the 17 goals across the whole school and thinking about how we can help achieve the goals by 2030. 

Global Goals Week 2020

Our Class Charters 2020

A class charter is a set of rules, promises or guidelines that we, as year groups,  have all agreed on for our classrooms. Class charters are created to help us understand that we have rights, how important it is to have rights and to develop our own sense of responsibilities.



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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